Necromantic Myth

Chapter 535: Sandro's efforts

  Chapter 535 Sandrew's Efforts

   When Amanite left the half plane along the black hole, and the bald man repaired the sea of ​​blood, Sandru was in a state of advancing vigorously.

  Compared with Ryuzhi and Amanite, the west side of the underworld is a relatively normal place.

  If Liu Zhi comes over, you will find that this place is like the real underworld.

  The size of this land is obviously much larger than the real world.

  The land type is also not suitable for the real world.

The reason for this change is actually very simple. In the real world, there are too many forces in this land, and each force will cause some changes in the underworld. No matter whether that force in the real world is destroyed or not, it will definitely be in the underworld. They have a place.

  One or two forces are okay. After a long time, the various forces fought back and forth in the real world, which turned the underworld into what it is now.

  Sandrew arrived here in the underworld, and did not rush to take action on the territory of these forces.

  As a necromancer, he is not the kind of existence that carries the undead forward.

  Instead, all kinds of plans and conspiracies are Sandre’s ability.

After   Sandrew arrived here, he immediately regarded himself as a new force into this underworld.

  Treat yourself as a power in the real world. This is actually a very simple thing. After all, their source is quite reasonable. After losing the leader, Duke Long had to move to the Southern Territory.

  With such an excuse and identity, as long as Sandro finds some powers that have been annihilated and stays there, everything he says will not be discovered.

  After all, in this demiplane, the clan is truly annihilated. Except for some remaining forces in the underworld, those forces have no eyeliner in the real world.

  With their strength, they could only inquire about the destruction of Duke Long. As for what happened in the Western Continent, they couldn't find out at all.

  Through this opportunity, Sandro easily integrated into these forces and became a part of these forces.

   Then he swallowed three not-so-large undead forces by means of suppression and wooing.

These three undead forces are considered relatively small forces in this position in the West. There is a leader of level 3 or so. They are generally the pioneers of this force. There are about 80-150 undead forces with professional and hierarchical levels. It is the rule of undead transformation. After all, it is impossible for all lives to successfully retain their strength after death.

In addition, there are 5,000 to 10,000 undead civilians without rank, which is also part of the rules of the undead. There are too many undead because they stayed in the underworld for too long, were blown away by the yin wind, or died in the underworld. , Became part of the background of the underworld.

  The corpses and bones on the ground of the underworld are probably transformed by the undead who don’t want to wake up again.

   In addition to winning the three powers, Sandro successfully hides himself. He hides behind these three powers, and slowly influences other western powers through the leaders of these three powers.

  Sandrew still clearly remembers what his goals are.

  He also has a degree of wooing other forces, and using the method of wooing and annexing to target these forces does not mean that he will be unlimited.

  After winning the three forces, Sandro began to divide these undead forces in the West into three levels, vassals, vassals, and alliances.

  Except for these three levels, all are enemies.

  The arrangements of these three levels are still different. The vassal forces are the undead forces that have completely submitted to the underworld. From the leader to the ordinary undead below, they all join the underworld system and become part of the underworld system.

  Their status in the Hades system is the same as the Dead Lake Murloc brought by Nasha. In Hades, there will be a territory belonging to them and their own development direction.

  And Ryuzhi needs their work, and when they need to fight, they will also become Ryuzhi's combat power.

The vassal is the second-level system. They are just forces subdued by Sandru, just like the administrators and village chiefs in the Duke of Long’s domain. They pay a certain amount of tax to the palace every year, and then provide some more. Good things, Hades will not care about their existence.

  Of course, if Hades needs to fight, or give them orders, they still need to complete.

  As for the alliance, it is a force that sits on an equal footing with the Hades. Sandru just delineated this level. In Sandru’s mind, this level does not exist.

  Of course, in order to show his good intentions, Sandro did not explain this. He only found the leaders of the three forces, said all three levels, and then told them his decision.

"You are the first group to join our Nether Palace. You would have become a vassal force in the Nether Palace, but I relaxed the conditions. You can become a vassal force. In the future, you will still live in your own territory, but you will go every year. Pay a certain amount of taxes and materials to us.

  In addition, when we send troops to fight, you need to send troops to support. "

While talking about this situation, Sandro played with the cup in his hand. This cup was the snake venom cup that was given to Sandro last time. It has been in his hands for a long time. At this time, a drop has been collected in the cup. Very toxic.

  Sandrew felt that the poison was quite interesting, so he took it out and studied it when he was fine. This allowed his knowledge of toxicity to improve rapidly, and he was about to break through the 4th level.

It is precisely for this reason that whenever Sandru is holding this cup, the person sitting opposite him will always feel that Sandru is like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadow, and there is always an uncomfortable feeling. .

  Although the three are dead, their feelings are still there. Seeing Sandro's movements, they thought Sandro was warning himself.

  After Sandru had finished speaking, one of them stood up directly.

This is a zombie with animal skins on his body. Their power has disappeared from this half plane for about five thousand years. They did not participate in the battle of Duke Dragon three thousand years ago. Sandru found them. It's entirely because their entire forces are all apes-like existences, and they have strong combat power but no brains.

This is also the case this time. When Sandro looked at him, he said directly: "Master Sandro, don’t say that. We haven’t been dead for so many years. It’s rare to be on the battlefield again. Treat us as vassal forces."

   "Yes, be a vassal, if you want to be a vassal, we have no opinion."

   "That is, as long as you speak, we will fight wherever you want."

  In such an atmosphere, Sandro found embarrassingly that his calculations seemed to have failed.

  (End of this chapter)

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