Necromantic Myth

Chapter 536: Liu Zhi wakes up

  Chapter 536 Liu Zhi wakes up

  In the following days, Sandru has been hiding behind the three forces, dealing with the affairs of the western continent.

  Because of Ryuzhi's half-meditation, Amanite got no news after entering the sea of ​​blood, and sometimes Sandru had to deal with matters from the palace of Hades.

  For Sandro, busy is a bit busy, but it doesn't have much impact. Sandro prefers to do this kind of work.

  Watching the commands passed from his hands every day, Sandro felt as if he had mastered the fate of the entire world.

  However, the more so, the more calm Sandro's heart is. At this time, Sandro understands the role of the crystal skull in the Necromancer's three-piece suit one step earlier than Ryuuji.

  This thing is for him to let go of the boring feelings of human beings, and everything starts from the data and from his own interests.

It is for this reason that he found that Liu Zhi was still a bit idealized when he was managing the Hades. There are some things that need to be adjusted. At least he needs to help Liu Zhi clean up some unstable factors, such as Those murlocs who die.

  After nearly half a month, Nasha and Daxu, who were missing after running out, finally returned news.

  The news from Brokenbeard was brought back by the blackwater goblins. Brokenbeard took part of the murlocs and successfully found the island of the pirate king and took down the relatively large port.

  Because at that time, the Pirate King had already taken most of the pirates away, so there was almost no one to manage it.

  Fish people made their moves quite quickly, and it took a few days to take all of the island.

  Once the island was occupied, everything had nothing to do with the murlocs. The blackwater goblins who invested money occupied the island. After that, they divided it up like the place where the Liuzhi Palace was before.

  At the same time, the routes that extend from this island are also divided up together.

  It can be said that the Pirate King’s luck is quite good. They occupy the key point of the sea line of communication. Here you can easily communicate between the north and south ends of the mainland. For trade in several important ports on the mainland, this can be said to be a gold trade line.

This kind of place fell into the eyes of commercial goblins. It was the real treasure. They didn't go looking for the pirate treasure. Several goblin groups divided these routes, formed some caravans, and went to business on their own. Up.

  And the defense of this port is handed over to the pirates and the pirates who were caught by them.

  For the Blackwater Goblin’s handling method, I don’t know what to do. In the end, he asked the goblin to send the seal to Hades, and sent a team of murlocs back to deliver the letter.

But no matter what, I know that his first mission is half of the failure. With this island, the attraction of the first location of the Hades to goblins has dropped rapidly. Now there are no goblins willing to be here. Build a new city.

  As for letting murlocs come to build a city, it's a good idea, but it's not something that can be dealt with.

  This information reached Hades, and then passed to Shandru.

  Sandrew thought for a while, and thought that the location of the Hades was a good place, and it could not be wasted like this, so he transferred the centaur and part of the wild boar to the place and let them build a city there.

  As for the location of the port, it is now all left to the management of the guards. After all, the guards are also considered to be ghost creatures, not completely undead, and it is not suitable to stay in the underworld all the time.

  In this way, the murlocs on the side of Broken must have missed a good port city perfectly, and can only live near the commercial port of the goblin in the future.

However, compared with Nesha's matter, the beard-cutting matter is already considered good. He just wants to avenge the pirate king, and he and the goblin can also be regarded as occupying a good harbor for Liu Zhi, which is for the unity of Liu Zhi. Demiplane continents have great benefits.

  But the situation on Nasha's side is not right.

In half a month, Nasha appeared once, and he did not come back by himself, nor did he return any news. It was just that the goblin once saw Nesha’s ship on the sea and found that Nasha was carrying a murloc. After snatching the flagship of the Pirate King and several battleships, the news came back.

  However, the news from the goblin was not comprehensive, and Sandro didn’t know what was going on with Nessa at this time, but one thing can be judged. In addition to the murlocs, he also had other pirates.

  These pirates didn’t know where they came from, and they had no idea of ​​looting the route. They seemed to be looking for a route to the south, as if they were looking for something.

  This message was sent to Sandru in the first place.

  Unlike Ryuzhi, Sandro is not optimistic about the situation on the Murloc side.

   "What kind of murlocs? Just keep dogs and spiders directly. They don't have a brain, grow fast, and raise some murlocs. They are useless except for death."

   Looking at the information in his hand, Sandro snorted.

  He is not Liu Zhi, and he doesn't feel much about the first tree-bound spirit system made by the murloc.

  In his thoughts, the loyalty of the living is not better than that of the dead.

  A good murloc should be a dead murloc, not a dead murloc.

"if it was me……"

   "If it were you, how would you be."

  At this time, in Sandro's heart, Yanagi's voice came.

  "Are you awake?" Sandro was a little surprised. The message from Liu Zhi was that he would meditate for a month or so. It was only less than 20 days, so why did he wake up.

   "It's not complete yet, it's still in half meditation, but the mental power has been strengthened to a certain extent in the process of half meditation, and part of the mind can be separated out. How is the situation now?"

"Fortunately, things on my side are almost handled. In the real world, I don’t have time to pay attention. Only when they send information, I will care about it, but all of your murlocs ran away, they It’s not like the puppies you raise, they don’t know how to raise them."

  While speaking, Sandro spread the message from the Murloc side.

  Ryuzhi responded for a long time before returning a message.

"Fortunately, in the future, all the murlocs will be sent to the real world. Only the undead will be released in the Hades. Look at the arrangements. The ordinary undead will be placed outside the Hades. Put it in the Hades. I have about seven or eight days to get out of here. Then we will come to discuss other things. By the way, how is the situation with Amanite these days?

   "Um, Amanite seems to be gone."

  (End of this chapter)

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