Necromantic Myth

Chapter 537: Ryuzhi's arrangement (17/109)

  Chapter 537 The Arrangement of Liu Zhi (17109)

   "She is still alive."

After a long time, Liu Zhi said quietly. After hearing that Amanite was missing, Liu Zhi immediately checked his attribute column. The information from Amanite proved that Chenming was still alive, but he entered early. A certain game, temporarily unable to return.

  At the same time, because Amanite is only Yanagi's obedience, not an official player, she can't stay in the game for seventy-two days like Yanagi, and only one day has passed in the real world.

  Amanite may have to complete her own task before returning. As for what her task is, Liu Zhi is still unclear.

  But it’s okay, Armanet has embarked on his own way, which is a good thing.

  Although it happened too suddenly, Liu Zhi, who had no manpower, was a little stressed. What happened in the blood sea before let him know that there was a considerable trouble hidden in the blood sea.

  He originally thought that in the past ten days, Amanite would deal with this trouble, but he did not expect that Amanite had already run away, and now the blood sea was in an uncontrolled state.

"But she hasn't finished her business. You go, forget it, you go to the palace to see if there are any new heroes spawned, if there are new heroes, let them go to the blood sea, if there is no way to control the blood sea. It doesn't matter, my request is that there should be no problems on the blood side."

  Sandrew recalled the time. It seems that these few days have happened to be the days when the two taverns refreshed their heroes. Although it is a little troublesome to go back at this time, it is quite appropriate to have new heroes to join.


   "That's right, also help me send a message out, stop staring at those elves, it's useless, just stare at the south, as for those in the north who use wolves, wait until I come back to deal with them."

After    finished speaking, Liu Zhi interrupted the contact and entered a semi-meditation state again.

  After Ryuji interrupted the contact, Sandro thought there with the wine glass, what did Ryuuji's last words mean, no need to stare at those elves? This means they have a way to deal with those elves?

For the elves and dwarves, Sandrew is the least favorite. They have a low birth rate and a slow growth rate. They often have hundreds of new lives in a few hundred years, although they all have professional strength. But so what.

  If the flesh and blood are not suitable, the transformed undead are not skeleton soldiers.

  Not to mention their undead conversion rate is not too high.

  So when Liu Zhi talked about elves, he always felt that it was a waste of time to spend such great efforts to transform elves.

  But as a clone, Sandro will not raise any objections.

  After thinking about things in the real world, Sandro walked out holding his glass.

  At this time, Sandru has built a small city on the west side of the underworld. The city is slowly expanding in scale. Although there is no special architectural effect, the prototype of the city has appeared.

  Now the whole city looks like a huge construction site, full of busy undead.

  In the beginning, he joined the three power leaders under Shandro, and even moved all the undead under him here. It can be seen that they are quite optimistic about the forces on the side of the palace.

  And Sandro did not let them down either. In addition to mobilizing some troops from the Hades, he also built a road from Hades to here.

  The appearance of this path shortened the distance between the palace of the underworld and the west by half.

  Originally, Sandrew had walked for a whole day before arriving, but now it only takes less than a day to go back and forth.

  Furthermore, Hades is the most stringent of road safety issues. On each road, there will be corresponding torches or street lights, and there will be patrols from time to time.

  This is actually a habit that Liu Zhi cultivated when he was a corpse officer. When he was a corpse officer before, Liu Zhi needed to guide all souls and guide and protect them to enter his city safely.

  Although he is no longer the corpse-grabbing officer of the southern swamp plane now, his habit is still preserved.

The good habit of    also brought a lot of gains to Liu Zhi, such as the safety of his territory and the production rate of the undead, which have been significantly improved.

  Sandrew returned to the Palace of Hades along the road that had just been repaired.

  Has not yet approached the Hades, he saw the changes in Hades from afar.

  Compared with his city that resembles a construction site, the Hades is still under construction at this time, but it is not so busy.

  After all, what the Hades now needs most is to build the city wall and arrow tower. This part is Mander's work, and Ryuzhi only gave him a range.

  Of course, because the mass graves and bone-burial deserts in the Hades are now fully transforming those corpses, the number of undead labors is much less.

  And the wall that Hades needed was the kind that needed to wrap up the entire mountain. For this, Mander broke his leg during this period of time.

  Fortunately, the way of building the walls of the palace is rather unique. Some of the things are directly replaced with alchemy potions, and there are a lot of stones and other materials nearby, and their projects have not been interrupted.

  When Shandro returned to the Hades, a quarter of the outer wall had been built, and maybe given them a few more months, the largest wall was almost completed.

  However, the gate of the city wall has been built at this time. The gate is decorated with the giant snake head that Liu Zhi cut down from the Golden City. However, this gate has two more layers than before.

  There is the part of the original suspension bridge, there is also a gate that needs a dozen people to pull up, and finally there is a heavy wooden door.

  If the gate is lowered and the wooden door is closed, generally speaking, it is not easy to knock the gate open even if there is something like a city rushing cart.

  Not to mention that Mander dug a fifteen-meter-wide moat outside the city gate.

  Is this moat still an old habit, it is going to be arranged with spider webs and alchemy potions plus various poisons.

  But this time, the spiders kept inside are no longer just spiders. In order to meet some of the needs in the bone desert, Mander may raise some venomous snakes and other poisonous insects in it.

  In order to ensure the survival conditions of these poisonous insects, Mand dug the moat deeply so that the poisonous insects can easily hide underground.

At the same time, in order to prevent the use of vines to climb the wall from happening again, Mander also specially arranged flipping organs on the edge of the city wall. If there are vines or other means to build up the city wall, the vines can be cut off once the organs are turned , To push people down to the city.

  (End of this chapter)

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