Necromantic Myth

Chapter 539: Ryuji's opportunity

  Chapter 539 Liu Zhi's Opportunity

  When Sandru hired Romeo, Romeo was flicking the beads on the table with his slender fingers, as if he was thinking about something there, and finally he pushed the beads forward.

  "How much do I need to spend to buy your cup."

Sandro poured the wine on the table and drew a map of the real world. "This is the place of the Blood Duke. If you can win the Blood Duke, I will give you this poisonous cup. Of course, if You can’t do it, and I won’t blame you. Outside of this world, we still have a site, and that gathering spot is famous for being highly poisonous, and we can finally arrange for you to go there."

  Romeo glanced at Sandreu, "I like a superior like you. The arrangement is arranged, and the rewards and penalties for success and failure are put in the clear, so that I know what I am going to do. You can wait here."

  Speaking, Romeo swayed to his feet and walked out of the Bordeaux Goblin Tavern.

   Looking out the door of the tavern, Sandro found that when Romeo went out, there were ten more existences that looked like wizards behind him.

They were dressed in wizard robes, and their black hoods covered their heads, making it hard to see their faces, but from the green liquid on the sides of their sleeves, it could be seen that they were the kind of research on toxicity. Mage.

  Looking at this situation, Sandro was surprised that this guy named Romeo is not a simple existence.

  The heroes that Liu Zhi hired in the two taverns before also brought their own troops, but they were all with a team of 60 people, which was not like Romeo, with a team of 10 people.

  It is obvious that the strength of these ten wizards is beyond the two of Broken Beard and Strong Bone.

   Just when Sandro was thinking about the impact of this incident on the situation in Hades, Romeo turned back.

   "Excuse me, ask, how should I get to the real world, because I don't quite understand how I appeared here."

   "Go to the gate of the city, there is a teleportation array, you can go out by using the teleportation array."

  Romeo then asked again, "Then what is the positioning of this city? Is it a transit point?"

  Sandrew was taken aback, then laughed, "No, this is the main city."

  After Romeo left, Sandro was also recalling the conversation just now. He knew that Romeo also saw something wrong with Hades.

  If Ryuzhi had only one city like Hades, it would be the right choice to pile up everything here.

  But Ryuzhi already has a half-plane in front of him. Except for the Hades, there are many cities and gathering spots. At least there may be more and more. It is not so suitable to pile everything in the Hades.

Don’t say that Liu Zhi’s level of Necromancer requires the underworld ecosphere. Let’s not say that Liu Zhi is no longer a necromancer. Even if he is still a necromancer, the size of the underworld ecosystem built in a city is half of the size. Is the underworld ecological circle built up in the face?

  Shandrew didn't think so much at first, but Romeo pointed out the problem.

  It can be seen that Romeo is not only the enhancement of spells, but his mind is also clear.

  "If he can really win the Blood Duke, then assign that place to him to deal with it."

  At this time, Liu Zhi is slowly entering the final meditation.

After this period of half-meditation, Liu Zhi’s spirit has been injected into the giant tree. In addition to constantly absorbing and decomposing the energy inside the giant tree, Liu Zhi has also processed the “memory” of the giant tree. Up.

  There is a lot of information about you, which complements some of Liu Zhi’s guesses.

  In these ‘memories’, this giant tree is the treasure of the elves, representing the fundamental world tree of the elves.

  Of course, it is possible that he blows it himself. The big tree may not have reached that level, but one thing is certain, this half-plane elven race lived on this giant tree three thousand years ago.

  Three thousand years ago, because of the battle between Duke Long and the sons of the plane, the elves also participated in the war.

  In that battle, in order to kill the plane, Lord Long cracked the ground, opening up the passage from the real world to the underworld, and a large number of undead ran out of this rift.

  The rift started from the elven clan’s territory and ruptured all the way to the south of the continent, almost splitting the continent into two parts.

At that time, the giant tree had also been captured by Duke Long. The fire ignited the giant tree that had not known how many years it had survived. It was also burned to death by the royal family of the Elves in this half plane, and the last Elf princess.

  In order to protect the soul of the fairy princess and to protect the continent, the tree sewed the cracks with its roots.

  After that, the roots of the big tree stayed in the underworld forever, and all the roots hanging down from the east side of the underworld appeared in this way.

   Therefore, the roots of this giant tree are the channels that truly connect the real world of the demiplane and the underworld.

  It's just that after so many years, the elves have lived on the remains of giant trees, and no one wants to enter the underworld from here.

   But the current Liu Zhi is different. This discovery is equivalent to let Liu Zhi find a better opportunity to rule this demiplane.

  This time he is no longer doing the ordinary semi-meditation, but is preparing to enter the final meditation, and this time meditation, Liu Zhi not only enters by himself, he also plans to use the divinity of the feathered snake.

  He intends to take this opportunity to deal with this half-plane and the divine nature of the feathered snake in one fell swoop.

After taking a deep breath, Liu Zhi closed his eyes and pressed his left hand on the altar of Hades, and at the same time a mysterious power was transferred to Liu Zhi's body.

  At this time, Yanagi's body is being affected by the natural forces in the roots, and the natural forces in the roots are protecting his body.

  After the divinity of the feather snake **** was injected, he did not break his body, but let the spirit and soul of Liu Zhi seize the opportunity to merge with the divinity of the feather snake god.

At this time, in the spiritual world of Ryuzhi, his spiritual body has been condensed. This time, the appearance of Ryuzhi is not the tall and thin shape of Sandru, nor the body he uses now, the kind of ancient Greek strong man. Look like.

   is the real body of Yanagiji, an ordinary-looking seablue star youth.

  He is wearing an ordinary dress, there is no Hades Altar hanging around his waist, and the skull is not a crystal skull.

It's just that his eyes are like snake pupils, without any temperature. Behind him, he is enveloped by a red feathered snake decorated with a lot of gold ornaments. When the feathered snake twisted, the momentum on Liu Zhi's body Slowly changes are taking place, giving people a feeling.

  He is the feather serpent, a feather serpent that has mastered the divine nature.

  (End of this chapter)

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