Necromantic Myth

Chapter 540: Order and negotiation

  Chapter 540 Order and negotiation

As the figure of the feather snake slowly disappeared behind Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi's appearance changed back to its original appearance, and his eyes were no longer with snake eyes, but his clothes had changed a little, which originally looked like a high-end T-shirt. , Turned out to be a local stall.

  The huge feather snake is painted on the gray T-shirt.

Liu Zhi stretched out his hand and shook it lightly. He felt that in his spiritual world, he had merged with the divinity of the feathered snake god. Now he has the feeling of a feathered snake in the golden city. He is a god, as long as he wants, he can ignite the fire at any time.

But fortunately, Liu Zhi is not the kind of impulsive person. He knows that his current level is still very low. If he really regards the power of the feather snake **** as his own, as long as he leaves the roots of the giant tree, he will immediately Being assimilated and swallowed by this divinity.

  There is no way to change this. Even if Liu Zhi obtains this divinity in advance, it is of no use. Before reaching level 15, every time he uses the power of divinity, he will be affected by the divinity.

  Even before 10th level, he couldn't bring the divinity to himself. This time, it was completely through the opportunity of the right time, the place, and the people, to let him feel the power of the god-level existence in advance.

  If you don’t take this opportunity to arrange everything properly, it’s really such an opportunity for nothing.

   Slowly stretched out a clenched fist, and Liu Zhi calmly said: “Shandru, I need you to lay down the entire half-plane in a month, including the real world and the underworld. I will smooth everything for you.”

  Yagiji spoke in a very small voice, but everyone in this half plane heard this voice, and it felt like someone was speaking softly in his ear.

Sandro, who was still in the palace at this time, stood up as soon as he heard it. He didn't quite understand why Liu Zhi suddenly asked for this opportunity, but he did not refuse, but seriously calculated whether they could do it right now. Achieve two-line or even three-line combat.

  In the south of the real world, in a place that looks similar to the depths of a volcano, a man is standing in front of magma, watching the vermillion magma gushing out of the ground.

This man looks like a bald head in a sea of ​​blood, except that he has long white hair that grows to the ground, and he is wearing a very old dress. When standing, he is motionless, as if he was on the edge of a piece of magma. statue.

When   Yagiji's words rang in his ears, he raised his head involuntarily.

   "What's the matter, what's the situation on the half plane?"

  Beside this man, several blood seekers fell. These blood seekers didn't seem to like sunlight. They fell into the shadows near the volcanic rock, facing the man, seeming to be waiting for something.

At this time, the man turned his head and said: "Go back and ask, I know about the underworld, but what is the situation in the demiplane? This is different from our previous agreement. Let that person tell me what I am going to face. ."

  Several blood-seekers were oppressed by the atmosphere of the man, and they couldn't help but step back.

  At this moment, the vermilion lava gushing from the ground suddenly moved, and a huge bald face appeared in front of the man.

   "Let me tell you what we have to face."

  Looking at the bald head made of magma, the man's face became a little ugly, "Aren't you a person who can't come out of the sea of ​​blood?"

   "If I don't come out, I will miss the opportunity, half of my body." With a bald face, said with a smile: "For these three thousand years, I have suffered in a sea of ​​blood. You enjoy it in the world. You have forgotten our plan."

"I haven't forgotten." The man said loudly, and at the same time he pulled his clothes to reveal the muscles under his body, but the skin on his body seemed a bit weird, and his skin was a little vermilion crystallized, it looked like it was used Piece by piece of crystal is inlaid on it.

   "If I forget our plan, I won't stay in the south of the mainland, guarding the wounds of the earth, waiting for an impossible opportunity."

   "No, you were wrong. Now the opportunity is here. All the attention of Mother Earth is attracted by that guy. Now is the time for us to retaliate. Do you remember our vow?"

  "Remember, we are no longer the cannon fodder used to attract Duke Long. We want to get back what belongs to us. I want to prove that I am the king of this world. I want to get destiny back on track and unify this world."

The bald man said affirmatively, "Yes, this is our goal. Now I will talk about the current situation. I am not sure who the one named Sandro is, but the one speaking should be from the real world. When he ran to the underworld, he had sent his men to the sea of ​​blood before, and he also found a passage I left behind.

Now that channel is temporarily blocked by me, but this kind of seal cannot last too long. Soon Mother Earth will discover our actions, so we don’t have much time. Maybe this time is less than a month, you The real world must be knocked down within a month.

  Only in this way, we can take advantage of the general trend to let you ascend the throne, let your destiny go back to the original trajectory, and let you turn from the first blood duke back to the first blood emperor. "

Speaking of this moment, the bald man paused, "Next is the most critical place. When you unify the mainland, you must maintain a certain degree of weakness, and you must draw the enemy out. Only in this way, Mother Earth’s Attention will be drawn to that guy, just like when he met the Duke of Dragon for three thousand years.

Only three thousand years ago, we were cannon fodder. It was the opportunity for Mother Earth to open the passage to release visitors from the outside world. This time Mother Earth and the visitors from the outside world she released will be cannon fodder. When they fight with that guy, we will start the big festival. .

  At that time, I will replace Mother Earth and control the destiny of this world, and you will gain the power of visitors from outside, just like the original Duke Long. "

  Speaking of this, the bald man and the first blood duke all raised their hands, "The earth is about to die, and the world of blood will follow."

  After discussing the final goal, the bald man melted back into the magma.

Just when he was about to disappear, he seemed to have thought of something, "By the way, you must remember that the scars on the ground must not be a problem, otherwise we will lose all the source of strength. Also, tell your children and grandchildren, Don't mess around, this is the last chance. If this opportunity is missed, the Blood Duke will be wiped out on this continent."

  The first Blood Duke gently nodded, "I will handle this personally, but you are in the underworld, do you need to..."

   "No, the underworld is already under my control."

  (End of this chapter)

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