Necromantic Myth

Chapter 541: Nasha the Betrayer (19/109)

  Chapter 541 Nasha the Betrayer (19109)

  Smooth everything?

  In the castle of the Blood Duke, the Blood Duke and his men all heard this voice.

  However, the Blood Duke didn't have any expressions, he looked at the weird creature in front of him with some interest.

Murloc, this is what the murloc is in front of him. Although he is not sure how the opponent came out, the Blood Duke can see it from his appearance. The murloc, who claims to be the King of Nasha Thunder, should be quite Suitable for underwater combat.

  And the electric current flowing on his arms from time to time should be the source of his name.

  But when the king of thunder and lightning heard the sudden sound in his ear, his face seemed a little ugly.

  It seems that this is just a child, who has the strength but lack of temperament. It's a lie!

The Blood Duke who wanted to understand this smiled, just about to speak, Nasha suddenly said: "Blood Duke, I came to you because following you, I saw the opportunity to realize my dream, and now it is an opportunity. If you want to unify the mainland, I can help you, but after it's done."

"what do you want?"

The Duke of Blood glanced at Nasha, and said with some disdain, "The Duke of Blood has ruled the south of the mainland for so long, nowhere can I tell that Nasha is an ambitious but incapable guy, and he doesn't know what the previous owner of this guy was like." Raising him will make him hate this way, and even betray his original master as an enemy.

  At this time, Nessa took out the book he had obtained from the Pirate King.

   "The Harem of the Son of Destiny-The Secret History of Duke Long"

The Blood Duke looked at the book with some curiosity. He knew that this thing was from their family, and used some things from the original Dragon Duke, and then incorporated some things from the knight novel, which was clearly used to flatter the Dragon Duke. In fact, it was secretly destroying the reputation of Duke Long's family.

This edition seems to be the first edition. The Blood Duke did not have much experience at that time, so the books he made were not very good. The historical facts will account for more. After thousands of years, this can almost be used as official history. Up.

  It's just such a murloc in front of him, what to do with such a book.

Nasha ignored Duke Blood’s strange expression. He opened the book and pointed to a paragraph in it. “Once again, Duke Long has returned from death. Everyone already knows that Duke Long has the ability to stay away from death. , Every siege of him, every killing of him, is a growth for him..."

After reading this, Nasha raised his head, "I know where Duke Long comes from, and I also know where he went when he was besieged, so I need this power, I need to break through my existing identity, this is me conditions of."

   "It's easy for you to break through your current identity. As long as you are willing to help me unify the continent, I can divide the sea for you and let you build a murloc empire."

"No, that's not enough. You don't understand the world at all. I don't want to be someone else's running dog anymore. I am the King of Nassar Thunderbolt. I was born to master the Thunderbolt, the murloc, the sea, and the hell. The dead lake is not my goal, I am the king of thunder and lightning."

  Nassah said this, he was surprised to see the Blood Duke. At this time, he was also curious. He also wanted to know the origin of the first generation of Dragon Duke, and what is the origin of this so-called murloc.

   was thinking about whether or not to agree to the matter first, and wait for the king of thunder and lightning to get the thing before grabbing it.

  Anyway, the person in front of you does not seem to be grateful. If you get the benefits, if you don’t kill them, then you still have the New Year.

   Just as the Blood Duke was about to speak, a voice sounded behind him.

  "Do you know what is going on with Duke Long? Then you come and tell me where he has gone. As long as you can tell me one, two or three, I promise to give you that power."

  The Duke of Blood became angry when he heard that, who was messing around on his turf. Don’t you know who is the Duke of Blood?

  The Blood Duke, who turned angrily, was about to say something, but when he saw the one coming out behind him, he couldn't say anything.

As the current Blood Duke, when he took office, he went to the nearby volcanic secret place and met the first Blood Duke. At the same time, he also knew that without the first Blood Duke, their family would never be able to occupy the mainland. The South has survived for so many years.

  At this time, the first generation of Blood Duke took a step forward and directly sat in the original position of the Blood Duke.

  He looked up and down at Nesha, then he smiled.

  "An outsider, tell me everything you know. As long as you make things clear, I can give you what you want."

"What do you want to know." When facing the Blood Duke, Nasha can still talk about it, but facing the first Blood Duke, Nasha actually has a feeling of facing natural enemies. That feeling has only been encountered in Liu Zhi before. , I did not expect to encounter such a person here.

  This made Nessa feel whether his choice was wrong, but recalling the information from the Pirate King, Nessa bit his teeth again and stared back at the first Blood Duke.

   "All, you start with the demiplane. Someone wants to unify the demiplane within a month. I want to know what a demiplane is."

"The semi-plane is the world you are in, and we entered here from another world. The one I followed has the ability to freely appear in this world. He bought this place from others, and he has The ownership of this demiplane."

   "Nonsense, who sold our world, he asked us if we did not."

  "Who can sell your world, do you need to consider what you mean? It's like you are planning to sell a family in your territory. Do you need to ask them what they mean?"

   Listening to these words, the face of the first blood prince became ugly. They calculated for thousands of years and suffered so much in order to unify the entire continent and let destiny enter a normal trajectory.

  As a result, someone told him that their thousands of preparations were in vain, and their world had been sold long ago. What made them feel so embarrassed.

  At this time, the Blood Duke cried out there.

   "I don't care, this world is ours, I will send my troops now and kill them all."

   "Listen." The first blood prince grabbed his offspring and said calmly. It could be seen that at this time, he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

"So now only I can help you. I know where the Teleportation Array is, and I know where the things you are looking for. For you, the key is not to unify the entire world, but to destroy the Teleportation Array that enters and exits here. So now You are begging me."

  The first blood duke said: "Then what do you want?"

   "The power left by Duke Long." Nasha said solemnly.

  (End of this chapter)

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