Necromantic Myth

Chapter 542: Individual preparation (20/109)

  Chapter 542 Each preparation (20109)

   After receiving the request from Ryuji, Sandro moved quickly. Now it is inconvenient for Ryuji to come out, and Amanit is not there. Sandro has become the only commander in the battle.

  As a necromancer, he and Liu Zhi have different ideas. In his opinion, his subordinates are all dead, and they can be sent out directly when fighting, without considering their safety.

  The most important thing for the undead is the Skeleton Sea.

  With only one undead to shoot, it is still called a necromancer.

  Under the order of Ryuzhi, Sandro began to mobilize the undead from the west of the underworld who had joined the forces of the underworld.

  These undead were not happy or dissatisfied when they heard that they were going out to find a battle. They just changed the direction of their movement directly and came towards the Hades.

  And the leaders of these forces came to the side of the palace one step in advance.

  In this period of time, Sandru must have more than three forces annexing and cooperating. In fact, Sandru has contacted more than half of the forces in the Western Underworld.

  The ones that are easy to draw are already the vassal forces of the Hades, and those that are not easy to draw have fallen on Sandru's blacklist, and none of them came over this time.

For this reason, when these power leaders appeared in the Hades, they all felt the height of the Hades. Although the Hades had not been built at this time, it can be known from the size that can be seen now. At least all their populations are installed here. Not a problem.

  For a while, the leaders of these forces had an idea in their hearts, that this battle must be shown well, and all the undead under them should be brought to the Hades to live.

  You must know that living in the underworld is not as good as in the real world. Without a better city shelter, it may become dead bones on the ground when it is time. After a long time, the entire race may disappear in the long river of history.

  A city belonging to the undead, for the undead, it is very important.

  Looking at a city like Hades, all the undead are moved by it.

Sandro stood in front of these undead leaders, "See this city, this is our main city, Hades. In addition to Hades, we will also plan to build four cities of the same size in the underworld. This battle The three alliance races that contribute the most will have the opportunity to live in the Hades. Other alliance races willing to send troops to help us will move in after the new city is established.

  And our goal this time is very simple. Go out along this channel and return to the real world. We have to take all the territory of the real world within one month. "

  Listening to Sandrew's words, all the undead raised their weapons. Although they didn't know why they wanted to do this, they felt that raising their weapons at this time seemed very appropriate.

  Compared with Sandro's side, the murlocs on the island have different ideas from the goblins.

  They made a decision in the first place and played out.

  But wherever they go, it becomes a contradiction between them.

The idea of ​​severing the beard is that they don’t have enough strength in their hands. It is best to attack some ports on the coast together. As long as the ports are destroyed, it will be fine. In this battle, they are considered to have performed meritorious service. For them later Will suffice.

  But for goblins, all this is not enough.

   is different from the beard, which has been trapped on the island and there is no way to go back.

  But the goblins, who are businessmen, will return to the Hades or Dragon Duke’s castle from time to time, and they will know more information.

  So in their eyes, there is only one target, the Blood Duke in the south of the mainland.

  The idea of ​​the goblins is that they will take a port, and then use the special wooing ability of the goblins to find a way to draw in a group of southern forces suppressed by the blood duke, and go upstream to attack the blood duke’s castle.

The goblin has already inquired about the fact that the Blood Duke is the only one in the south of the mainland, but there are still some humble forces in his territory. These forces also have some good things in their hands, such as animal skins. Ore and so on.

  Listening to the goblin’s words, Sharon felt that it was unreliable.

   Just listen to them, are they going to fight or do business?

  The goblins can see where the focus of this battle is, but when they pass this way, they clearly want to seize various minerals, not at all to take the initiative to attack the Duke of Blood.

  And the beard is not a idiot, the strength of the blood duke is there, and he thinks that he can't take the blood duke's territory.

  So he disagrees with this idea.

  For the decision to cut the beard, the goblins are very helpless. They are not incapable of fighting, but it depends on whether the cost is paid or not.

  It is impossible for the goblins to go to the Castle of the Blood Duke. They must draw other people to join them.

  Now Murloc is the best choice.

  If he refuses to go, the goblin’s plan is useless even if it is thorough.

  The strength of their hands is insufficient.

  At this moment, a goblin stepped out. This goblin was the goblin black glove that Liu Zhi rescued from Burning Blade City last time.

  As a rare engineering goblin among the goblins under Liuzhi, after the black gloves were taken on the island, he was brought to the island by the blackwater goblins as soon as possible.

  The Black Gloves have been like a fish on this pirate island these days. All the goblins are commercial goblins. Only an engineering goblin like him is not what he wants to do.

  The black gloves have made some weird things these days, and those things are just in line with the ideas of the goblins.

  So his position on the pirate island has risen straight up, and he has also become a dominant figure among the goblins.

  Looking at the contradiction between the commercial goblin and the beard, the black glove felt that he must stand up.

So he walked in front of the beard, "Murloc, I know your thoughts, but your thoughts are too conservative. Think about it, we have just this little manpower and laid down several other ports. Did we keep it? And my goblin brothers, they finally got in touch with those ports, and reached a certain degree of commercial contact. Wouldn't it be a failure if you hit it like this?

  I don’t think so. You follow my goblin brothers to beat the Duke of Blood, and for those ports, we send some goblin brothers over to see if we can convince them. "

   "How are you going to be convinced?" Sharon glanced at the black glove and said.

  "Goblins have their own methods of persuasion. For example, I have a machine that is specially used to persuade. I named him Persuasion No. 1, which can ensure the safety of the persuaded, and the mortality rate does not exceed 30%."

  As for the black gloves, Mustache doesn’t care about it at all. He is not a goblin, and he doesn’t think that the black glove brain that has caused an explosion since going to the island will be normal.

  Just as the beard was about to refuse, a goblin ran over.

  "The latest news. Someone saw murlocs entering the city of the Blood Duke."

  In the next instant, all the goblins turned their eyes to the beard.

  (End of this chapter)

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