Necromantic Myth

Chapter 543: Before the war

  Chapter 543 Before the war

  Blood Duke’s territory is a semi-swamp and semi-forest type. In this territory, there are only a few open spaces that can be used to build a city. The rest is either a forest or a swamp, and even settlements cannot be accommodated.

  In the settlement closest to the periphery of the Blood Duke, the wind of war has reached this side.

  Blood Duke’s team has already retreated to their own territory, and this is not considered to be Duke Long’s territory, it is regarded as a place where they don’t care.

  At this time in the settlement, a man with various colors of paint was looking at Romeo in front of him helplessly.

  In front of Romeo, there were three poisoned daggers.

   "I saw it, I took the poison, and I opened the wound. Your poison is effective, but it doesn't affect me much, so I won the bet."

  "Well, what do you want, it is impossible for me to join Duke Long. I swear that I will not step into the realm of Duke Long again."

  "Now it is no longer the domain of Duke Long. Now it belongs to the Hades. Does Hades know?"

  "Similarly, the place is full of the stench of Duke Long. It is the original administrator or the original village chief who manages the territory. It is us who end up with the hardship, so does it make sense to change the name?"

   "Well, those administrators are unpleasant, so what about the territory of the Blood Duke, why don't you go in?"

   "Can't get in, enter the territory of the Blood Duke, as long as they live, the corpse is theirs, I don't want to end up dead and become food for monsters."

   "The corpse becomes food, where did you hear about it."

   "This is something everyone knows. In the Realm of the Blood Duke, people can live a life, but the price is not to hand in their own bodies."

   "Then there is nothing to talk about. Originally, I was very optimistic about your ability to produce drugs, but you really don't need to be like this."

   Romeo shook his head helplessly.

  At this time, the man seemed to understand something. He quickly stood up, but it was already late, and a feeling of suffocation came to his mind.

   "You promised me..."

  "You also promised me that as long as I win, you will join us. As a result, this will not work, that will not work, then I will leave you to do what you do."

  When Romeo finished speaking, the man had already closed his eyes unwillingly.

  Romeo stood up and walked out of the tent. At this time, the whole settlement had become quiet. Some people fell green all over, and some people shrank into a ball tremblingly and squatted in the corner.

Romeo glanced at the people who were still alive, and said casually: "I've broken up with your leader, but it's okay. There will always be some of you willing to talk to me. My request is very simple. Join us and make a vote. , Participate in the battle against the Duke of Blood. You are a member of our Hades. Life is our people, and death is our ghost.

  It’s okay if you don’t want to join, you will soon see the consequences of being our enemy, let’s get started. "

  The mage under Romeo took action at this time.

  They dragged out the green corpses and poured some liquid on the corpses.

  The liquid quickly melted into a corpse, turning the corpse into a pile of bones and rotten venom.

   Romeo directed the wizards to introduce the venom into the nearby swamp.

   Before he could move, a green mist rose in the swamp.

   "Have you seen it, if you don't join us, then it will become our tool, okay, did you choose?"

  Romeo glanced at those people again, as if thinking about what poison to turn them into.

  Under the threat of death, these people are honest.

  One of the existences that looked like a hunter stepped forward and stood in front of Romeo, "I am willing to join you, but my wife and son will participate in the battle or not."

  "A soldier brings three family members, you can choose by yourself"

  Romeo said nonchalantly, he didn't actually want any soldiers. He came here just to put some pressure on the Blood Duke and let the Blood Duke reveal his own flaws.

  With Romeo's words, those squatting people finally stood up in twos and threes and joined Romeo's team.

Romeo ignores the strength of these people. In his opinion, these people are nothing more than cannon fodder. Only after the first round can they formally join the Hades. At that time, they will be divided according to their strength. Coming in a hurry.

  At this time, Sandru also appeared in the teleportation formation of the Dragon Duke’s Castle.

  Behind him were the leaders of the undead forces who followed. As soon as they left the underworld, they raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

  "It’s been a long time since I saw the sun. No, why is this sun different from the one in my memory?"

  One of the undead leaders couldn't help talking.

  "The sun was put on by us. The sun in the original world did not follow, so we put a new sun on here."

  Sandrew didn't seem to want to explain the problem, he arranged it quickly.

"Original mountain people, you are the ancestor totem of the greatest power in the West. This time you go west and persuade the mountain people to join us. You from the Ghost Mountain Department will accompany them. Baron Calgary, as the original Western Continent Actual controller, please go to the north with me once. I heard that you have a certain connection with the Fililu family of Beiyuan Glacier. Please go to Beiyuan Glacier with me once. I want to have a good talk with them. "

The Baron Calgary who was named by Sandro was an undead who looked like a fat man. His skin was dark. It was obvious that he had been dead for many years. Under his men, there were some guards loyal to him. However, compared to the other undead, his guards were all wounded and looked more broken.

   "I don't think there is anything to talk about between the Fililu family and a loser like me."

   "No, I think that the Fililu family should have a good talk with you. For example, if their glacier melts, will it have any bad effects on their wolves?"

  Baron Calgary froze for a moment, then looked up at the sun in the sky.

   "That thing is under your control?"

"Yes, and it is still the main attack weapon. What we want is peace. Whether in the real world or in the underworld, we all behave like this. You see, we have given three choices in order to let other forces join us. Instead of bringing war and destruction to the entire world like other undead.

  So you must have a way to persuade them, am I right, Baron Calgary Filipe. "

  (End of this chapter)

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