Necromantic Myth

Chapter 544: Hades

   Chapter 544

  In the semi-plane elves' site, several elven leaders once again gathered in their meeting room.

  Although all the elven leaders are there, they no longer have the same aura as before. The leader sitting in his place, his face is quite haggard.

  The last battle against the Duke of Dragon’s territory was initiated by him. As a result, more than a thousand elves were taken out, but only less than four hundred elves returned.

This is a big blow to the elves. After all, six to seven hundred elves can be considered half the population of the elves, and they are the most important young adults. For the elves who are already a little weak, it is a Serious blow.

  These days, the life of several elven leaders is not so easy.

  In the elven villages and towns, there are already some voices against them.

  However, they gathered here at this time, not because of this incident, but because of the changes in the weather in the past few days.

Originally, this demiplane had the sun. Since the demiplane was sold to Yuji, the sun's rays here were provided by Yuji. Now the elves have become accustomed to the way the sun moves. As for other weather, Said that there have not been too many changes.

  But a few days ago, for some reason, the weather became abnormal.

  Whenever the sun moves to a position where it cannot be illuminated, the sky will start to rain, as if it will rain whenever it gets dark.

This situation is quite uncomfortable for the elves, and even more uncomfortable is that as long as it rains, the plants in their territory will grow like crazy, and sometimes a tree will grow quickly if one is not paying attention. high.

This abnormal situation naturally attracted the attention of the elves. They are all masters of the Nature Department, especially the few druid masters who survived, and the elves connected with the treants, they can all feel it. , There is the power of life in this rain.

  If this were the case, the elves would not say that the rain was abnormal. While they felt the power of life in the rain, they also felt the power of death.

  The fusion of these two completely different forces is the headache.

  The power of life makes various plants that have been soaked in the rain grow wild, and the power of death makes the attributes of these plants alienate.

  The elves have discovered that many things in the woods cannot be eaten.

  Whether it is fruit, nectar, or a rabbit that has eaten grass, all are affected by the power of death, and changes are slowly taking place.

  If the elves eat these foods, their bodies will change. Although this change is relatively slow, the elves are more sensitive to their bodies and external abilities.

  They found that if this continues, their bodies will be transformed into meditations, and they will become a half-life and half-dead existence.

  This is quite bad news for the elven leaders. They can still live for thousands of years, but they don’t want to become immortal in advance.

  So even if the elf leader is under great pressure now, they still gather together to discuss how to deal with the matter in front of them.

  However, the elf leader who had been sitting at the head at this time obviously did not have the ability to control the field before. Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by several elf leaders.

  This face of anger, if it weren’t for his men’s losses in this war, who would dare to talk to him like this?

  Just as he was about to pat the table to draw everyone's attention back, a voice rang behind him.

   "Lasso White Moonlight, is this what you call the Holy White Council? Don’t you like to meet in the moonlight, why do you start gatherings when it is obviously daytime."

  Hearing this sound, all the faces of the elven leaders changed, and they looked in the direction of the sound.

At this time, a group of white light appeared behind Rasso Baiyueguang. Among the white light, a white transparent elf woman walked out, but compared with these elf leaders, this elf woman was obviously shorter. Many, and where she walked, it seemed that a strange-looking red flower appeared on the ground.

  The elf woman walked up to Rasso Baiyueguang's side, and smiled softly: "Let me give up my position."


   "Why, in the city of Amara, my Ushas' words don't work anymore?" The elf woman's face was smashed, and the ground shook, as if something had sprang from the ground.

  This feeling shocked all the elves. They were all the leaders of the elves three thousand years ago. Naturally, they knew what was going on.

  Lasso Baiyueguang couldn’t help but said, “How is this possible? Hasn’t the Yamaara tree been destroyed?”

   "Even if you die, there will be the day when you return from the underworld." The elf woman Ushas waved her hand, and a vine fell from the sky, entangled Raso White Moonlight, and dragged him aside.

  Then the position of Lasso White Moonlight changed rapidly and became a huge throne.

  Ushas just sat there, "You can feel the sun and rain outside."

  At this time, the elven leaders did not go to see the situation of Lasso White Moonlight, but all bowed their heads. Ushas was the last princess of the original elven royal family, and the world tree that originally sheltered them was named Amara.

  All the elves migrated here after the Yamara tree fell.

  Except for some newly-born elves who don’t know this, most elves still remember the status and majesty of the elven royal family.

  Looking at these elves chiefs stopped, Ushas snorted. She didn't like these elves chiefs. She still remembered the fact that the Amara tree fell and she was burned to death.

  If it hadn’t been for Ryuzhi to wake her up with the roots of the Amara tree in the underworld, she would not even have the idea of ​​waking up.

  At this time, she was still thinking about what Liu Zhi said to her last.

"This is your opportunity to rebuild the power cycle in this world. There is no way for your Yamaara tree to be reborn, but I will build my cycle centered on the Yamara tree, where your elves will be at that time. It will be the holy land of this world, the beginning of the entire world cycle..."

   Thinking of this, Ushas slowly raised her head.

"Have you seen the rain outside? This is an opportunity for our elves. After losing the shelter of the Yamala tree, look at what you have done. Sword dancers, elves hunters, it's so funny. We used to Have you made this choice, have you given up the pursuit of power?

  So follow me, I will take you out of the other way, then we will have a place in this land, all races on the earth will know our name, Hades. "

  (End of this chapter)

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