Necromantic Myth

Chapter 545: The army gathers (21/109)

  Chapter 545 Army Gathering (21109)

  On the seventh day after Liu Zhi gave the order, all races on the mainland have become accustomed to the life of rain during the day, the sun and the night.

However, they did not find that after rain, the growth rate of plants will increase, and the moment the sun sets is often the most deadly moment, and the boundary between the underworld and the real world may even change. thin.

  At this time, their attention was all attracted by the situation near Duke Long’s castle.

  After seven days of wooing and recruiting, quite a few leaders and corresponding troops have arrived at Duke Long’s castle.

  In the past seven days, Sandro has done a good job. Not only did he talk about half of the forces in the western part of the mainland, but he also wooed the Fililu family.

  At the time of gathering this time, Fililu transported all his troops out in order to support Sandro's cause.

Fililu sent a total of about 1,800 troops this time. Among them, the wolf shepherd, the most basic servant army, came 300 people, each with four big wolves, occupying 1,500 places. .

  Their wolf shepherd wears wolf fur, carrying battle axe and long whip in his hand, and fangs and whistle on his chest.

  The battle axe is used by them for fighting, the long whip is used to train the big wolves, and the fangs represent how many big wolves they have freed and also represent their status among the wolf shepherds.

  Whistle is used to greet big wolves. If the big wolves are released, they will run farther and farther without a whistle, and they need to be called back.

  What these wolf-shepherds use is still the old style of their Fililu family.

  But the big wolves they brought are different. These wolves are all wrapped in exoskeleton mechas made of mummies. At the same time, it can be seen from their eyes that some changes have taken place in their breath.

  These big wolves have already begun to transform into the ghost wolf, but I don’t know if they are taking the route of the rotting man-eating wolf.

  In addition to the 1,500 shepherds and the big wolves, among the remaining 300 soldiers, two hundred and fifty are wolf cavalry.

  Different from the werewolf, the wolf shepherd and their wolf are counted as one, and all of them are counted in the corresponding arms.

  Wolf cavalry is a body of man and wolf, wolf cavalry and their wolves are considered one.

Among the two hundred and fifty wolf cavalrymen, they were clearly divided into three units. The one with the smallest number was covered in silver scaly. The number was about 30. The weapons they used were machetes. Weapons, the seated wolf is obviously the same kind of war wolf.

One of the other two teams is 60 people. Their soldiers are full of leather armor and carry heavy weapons such as maces. The wolves they sit on will also be taller than normal wolves. You can see. They are the fortified troops of the wolf cavalry.

The last unit will be relatively messy. The 60-man main force looks the same as the 100-man reserve team. They are also wearing leather armor, carrying spears and scimitars in their hands, and they have cast lines on the back of the wolf. Weapons like fishing nets can be seen, they are the kind that do everything.

  The wolves of these wolf cavalry are not equipped with exoskeleton mecha like the big wolf, but it can be seen that their wolves have also begun to turn into darkness.

  The last fifty were the strongest werewolf guards in Fililu. At this time, they did not change back to human form, but all became werewolves.

  It can be seen that some dark purple lines have appeared on their bodies, which is the embodiment of the meditating effect.

  And this is exactly one of the transactions between Sandro and the Fililu family.

  This kind of troop is quite dazzling in front of Duke Long’s castle. Other forces that were drawn by Sandru, such as the mountain people, were immediately shocked when they saw such a troop.

  It can be said that Fililu immediately made his reputation, until the troops of the elves appeared in Duke Long’s castle.

  This time the elves were led by Ushas himself. In the past few days, the civilians of the elves have been better, but their guards have all been transformed into elves.

  Unlike the wolves and werewolves of the Fililu family, the transformation of Hades is completely transformed.

The elves before    all have white skin, and their faces are just painted with some lines in oil.

  But after transforming into Hades, their situation is different. Their skin has become grayish white, which looks like the color of a zombie.

  However, the flexibility of the elves has not been affected. At the same time, there are some dark purple lines on their faces. Those lines emit some light, which can be seen. There is some magical power in the lines.

  This time Ushas brought out all the elven troops. It was not like the last time, and half of the troops were left inside.

However, in the past few days, the situation of the elven troops has also undergone certain changes. Although the weapons in their hands have not changed much because of the urgency of time, it can be seen from their movements that their fighting methods have changed. Changed.

  As Ushas said before, the elves are a race that masters energy, not a race that can fight melee.

The sword dancers in the elves are enveloped with a faint magical power. This magical power is a mixture of underworld and vitality. Underworld can make their skin tougher, and vitality can make them more Flexibility.

But this is not important. The most important thing is that the sword dancer’s actions will bring some attributes of wind or thunder and lightning. There are some special sword dancers. When they walk around at random, there will be sunshine or light around them. It's a change like raindrops.

This is the real key. The sword dancers were originally the transformation of the elven dancers. Their fighting method was originally to sacrifice the dance to the gods. But because of Ushas three thousand years ago, they lost the gods of the elves. It's useless to sacrifice to dance.

  In order to survive, they had to take up double knives and turn themselves into sword dancers.

Now it’s different. Ushas is back again. Under her guidance, the sword dancers’ sacrificial dances can be directly connected to Liu Zhi. Sometimes they can get some magic feedback from Liu Zhi, sometimes Will get some power directly from the divinity of Quetzalcoatl.

  This kind of feedback made the elves more convinced, so when the elven archer and the elven druid were transformed, their resistance was not so strong.

As for the treants in the elves, don’t worry about them. They are the descendants of Yamala. By an order of Yamara, all the treants have been transformed, and they have changed from big green trees to A dead tree that loses its leaves and leaves only vines.

  (End of this chapter)

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