Necromantic Myth

Chapter 546: Expedition (22/109)

  Chapter 546 Expedition (22109)

  This time the elves are bringing out all the troops, which naturally also includes these treants who have just been transformed.

When they came, Liu Zhi specifically notified Ushas to let them pick up the flower essences of Liu Zhi, and brought 300 flower essence priests, and let them follow in the troop of tree people. Replenish life for the tree.

The existence of the flower essence also attracted the attention of the elves, dispelling the last bit of resentment in the hearts of the elves, and Ushas also said to the elves on the way that there is a natural graveyard in Ryuzhi's palace. , There is the last place where the natural life belongs.

  As long as the elves work hard, they can go there to sleep after death.

  In this way, the elven forces that were originally mortal enemies with Liu Zhi have directly become the diehard loyalists of Liu Zhi's Underworld Palace.

After   appeared outside the Dragon Duke’s castle, these elves quickly lined up and stood in front of the Fililu family, showing a considerable fighting spirit.

The wolf cavalry of Fililu’s family looked at it and found that these elves seemed to have changed. They were not the kind of being beaten and unresponsive. They immediately had a werewolf guard walked out, seemingly wanting to be Let's compare.

  At this moment, the Eye of Horus in the sky just moved here, and the sun shone on the ground, seeming to prevent this from happening.

  Shandrew also discovered the situation here. When he came out to take a look, he saw Ushas at first sight.

Ushas looks like a translucent elf. In fact, she is dead. The soul has been preserved in the giant tree Yamaara for so many years, and the soul has also become a little frozen. She is no longer a ghost, but rather more. An advanced banshee.

Sandro had no opinion on the sudden appearance of Ushas. He figured that now that the two largest forces in the North and the East have joined the Hades, should he give the West to the Duke of Blood before taking action against the Duke of Blood? It's settled down.

  Just as Sandru was thinking about this plan, Ushas came to Sandru.

   "I received the god's metaphor, we will fully cooperate with you in the fight, no matter whether you plan to go west or south, the elves will fight for the palace of the underworld."

   Hearing this, Sandro nodded in satisfaction. At this time, he had an idea. He pointed to the Boar, Centaur, Lizardman and other troops who were coming here.

"The troops have already been gathered. We have more time. My plan is to fight the West first, to subdue the remaining forces in the West, and let them enter the territory of the Blood Duke as a pathfinder unit. As long as they can survive this battle, They can join the Hades. If they can’t survive, they’ll be embarrassed. Their territory will be divided among the mountain people who joined us in advance.”

  Shandrew's words, the elves have no opinion, the forces on the west have nothing to do with the elves, and the environment on the west of this continent is not very good. It is actually the most barren place in the entire continent.

  Most of the forces are squeezed out existences, and at this point, they are still fighting and killing each other there, without a moment of peace.

  Now Ryuji lets Sandro deal with it, and of course Sandro will not let them go just because they are poor.

  After Ushas had no objection, Sandro immediately relayed the order.

  For a time, including those forces from the west of the mainland, including the seven races that Liu Zhi stocked on the mainland, including the undead from the underworld, all turned to the west of the mainland.

  The moves like this are quite big, and Liu Zhi has concentrated almost all of his forces together. The combined strength of the sevens and eights is nearly four to five thousand people.

   is not the same as the soldiers under Liu Zhi. His undead troops are affected by the game and can be organized into troops to act together. A hero brings seven or eight troops, no matter how many people there are, they can’t leave.

   Not to mention the racial chaos of these forces in front of them, most of them are stragglers, and they will disperse the team as they walk.

  Fortunately, this time Ushas stood up and took out the methods of the elves.

  The elves are not players, nor are they affected by the game, so when they advance and fight, they are actually all skirmishers.

   But when they move, they have their own ideas. They will line up one by one and move forward.

  In this way, although the movement speed is slower, they will not disperse the team, and they will not have the opportunity to counterattack in danger.

  But there is also a trouble with this way of advancement, that is, their phalanx is relatively large, and when they encounter the woods, they have to open the way.

For the elves, this kind of thing is actually not too difficult. They are used to walking in the woods. There are also more druids in the team. There is also the help of tree people. Quite simple thing.

   But for other races, it is not easy to do this. They can only follow behind the elves and use this opportunity to move forward quickly when the trees are not growing again.

  As a result, Sandro and the others moved much slower.

  But the news has spread, and some of the last forces on the west side of the mainland also know that it is a major matter of life and death at the moment. Before Sandru and the others just sent a message, they can still drag it there.

  Now the other party has almost reached the door of the house, if you don’t make a decision, you will die.

  So on the first day Sandru and the others went west, two diehard forces put down their last dignity and surrendered Sandru with their troops.

  And of these two forces, one of them is the snake man who is the most difficult to communicate with.

These snake people are actually the same type as the snake people on the east side of the elves. However, the snake people on the east side of the elves play the sea route. They take the big route. The snake people here play the jungle assassination. It is the route of the viper.

  Because the other party is also playing poison, Sandro was very interested in seeing these snake people.

   "You actually have a chance to attack us, why not attack us?"

"Because of those elves, we originally wanted to sneak attack, but I saw something in those elves." The serpent patriarch replied seriously, "They are some of the weirdest elves we have ever seen. Are their gods alone? snake?"

  Sandrew thought for a while, and finally felt like this. Even if it is a feather snake, it is also a snake.

  "They have the ability to make snakes become huge, right? If so, I would like to join you. Tell the elves, I want to change this ability, even if it takes a long time to wait."

  (End of this chapter)

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