Necromantic Myth

Chapter 547: Before the war (23/109)

  Chapter 547 Before the war (23109)

The addition of the snake people made the whole situation more obvious. Early the next morning, all other races and forces in the mainland and the West also took refuge in it.

  In this way, except for the Blood Duke in the south of the continent, the entire continent, the water snake force on the east side of the elves, and a human kingdom that relies on sailing for a living did not join the Hades, and everything else was added to the Hades system.

  Of course, the addition of this is not a complete integration. Among so many forces, the only ones that can really trust Sandru are the Elves and the Fililu Family.

  One of them is that Ryuji has been attracted by his divinity, and the other is that Sandro personally went to talk about it.

  The two families have begun to spontaneously underworld, from this point, they are stronger than the other forces.

  The other forces don’t know the benefits of underworldization. They just took refuge in the underworld on the surface, and they still act spontaneously in action. It may take more than ten years or even a generation for them to integrate into the underworld system.

   But Sandru is not in a hurry. As an undead, time is the least worrying.

  After all the Western forces came over, Sandro reorganized these forces once.

   Just as he said before, the last few forces that took refuge in not only have to produce all their troops, but also need to act as vanguard and cannon fodder.

  Only if they survive this battle can they be qualified to survive on this continent.

  For this situation, the leaders of these forces have all endured it.

   However, it can be seen from their eyes that they are somewhat unconvinced in their hearts.

  But Sandre doesn't care about these things. If you don't accept it, just hold it back. If you don't hold back, then wait for Sandre and the others to finish the fight and turn them into undead.

  With such thoughts, Sandro did not care about those people, they just rested here for the whole night, and then went directly to the south the next day.

  At this moment, the elves suddenly discovered a strange situation. The sun, which was originally centered on a certain point on the mainland, seemed to change its direction of travel.

  The sun at this time actually rose from the side of their territory, flying from east to west.

  This situation made the elves feel a little weird. Some elves couldn’t help but think of what Ushas had said before and became the elves of Hades, and their territory would become the holy land of this world.

  At first they didn’t know what it meant, but now it seems that it’s hard to say this.

  Looking at the movements of the elves, Sandro looked up at the sky and found the change in the trajectory of the sun.

  He didn't need to ask, he could feel that there were Liu Zhi's hands and feet in this change. After all, the Eye of Horus as the sun was completely controlled by Liu Zhi.

  The original lighting range of this thing is not large, it can only illuminate a quarter of the continent at a time, so it will draw a circle in the sky with the Hades as the center at that time.

  This situation is obviously wrong at the moment. The lighting effect of the Eye of Horus has been significantly strengthened. Hanging directly in the middle of the mainland can definitely illuminate most of the territory.

  Now this trajectory rising from the east and going west, this is clearly the way most of the planet's sun rotates.

  From this point, it can be seen that it is not only the power of Haruji that controls the Eye of Horus, but also the sun divinity of the feathered snake god.

  It is precisely because of the influence of the divine nature of the sun, coupled with some reasons from Liu Zhi's side, that the position of the sun rises to some changes.

Such a discovery does not have much impact on ordinary soldiers. They have become accustomed to the sun changing time and time again. Some people have not even noticed that the sun has changed. For them, they will get up when the day breaks. It's normal to go to sleep when it's dark.

  So after the sun rose, they swiftly moved to the other road, and the next day they came to the territory of the Blood Duke.

  This time their way forward was somewhat unexpected to the Blood Duke.

  In fact, before Sandru ordered his troops, the Blood Duke knew that Sandru’s goal was him, and he also guessed where they would enter their territory.

After all, those things Romeo did on the border silk were no trivial things. Every day, he poured a lot of poison into his territory. It was only a few days before the Blood Duke’s territory was close to the border, and there was no life at this time. Whether it is a human or a beast, as long as you enter there, you will quickly be poisoned to death.

  The only remaining passage is also quite concealed. If Romeo hadn't personally guided the way, no one would have discovered this passage at all.

The Blood Duke has already seen that, Romeo is occupying his side and all of them are dead. They don’t care whether they are poisonous or not. On the other hand, their situation is quite bad. There is no underground world in this half plane, if the road is blocked. , They have only one way to go on the sea.

  So no matter how there are thousands of calculations, the Blood Duke can only Chen Bing on the border, ready to meet the attack from Sandru.

  This can be regarded as a dignified and upright plan, and the Blood Duke did not hide anything. He dragged all his troops out.

Except for the guards who belonged directly to the Blood Duke, the blood-seekers, and the old man of the first Blood Duke, relying on those seven or eighty-eight pieces of troops, the Blood Duke actually made up a force of about 2,000 people. Come.

This is all the power that the Blood Duke can use on the bright side. After all, this semi-plane is not very large, and the population has always been low. An army of about two thousand people can actually fight a war that affects this continent. Up.

   Even so, the Blood Duke did not have much chance of winning on the front battlefield. After all, with all the Western forces in the mainland relying on it, the number of troops on Sandru's side had exceeded 6,000, and it was approaching 7,000.

  Even if they are all level 1 cannon fodder, one of the three piles can kill the Blood Duke’s troops.

  For this reason, the Blood Duke called Nasha over after arranging these troops on the border to guard against the enemy.

   "Tell me about your leader."

   "Do you want to behead?" Nessa is smart or smart. Hearing the words of the Blood Duke, he knew the meaning of it, "But can you kill it?"

   "How to assassinate that is our business, you only need to talk about the situation of your leader over there."

   "There are three leaders over there, two necromancers named Sandru, and one woman named Amanat."


  "Yes, there are two in total. One of them looks stronger and likes to put a flash burst and then rush up with a sword to fight hard, but he is really a necromancer, and he is the big boss, and the Hades belongs to him."

   "Oh, where is he?"

   "I don't know, I haven't seen him since I came out."

   "It's okay. If you didn't see it, you didn't see it. It's okay to have such a person. You are like this..."

  (End of this chapter)

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