Necromantic Myth

Chapter 548: Murlocs in the Realm of the Blood Duke

  Chapter 548 Murlocs in the Domain of the Blood Duke

  In the realm of the Blood Duke, a group of murlocs and goblins mingled together, sneaking secretly.

  But these murlocs felt a little weird, why the guards in this territory sometimes accidentally saw murlocs, but didn't treat them as monsters.

  This situation is fine once or twice, even the murlocs find that the situation is not right after the number of times.

  They did not go forward at this time, but found a place to hide, and a murloc found the goblin who was following them.

   "Black gloves, what's the matter, you see they all found us, why did they ignore us?"

   "I don't know." The black gloves are now wrapped in a machine that looks like scrap metal. The machine will hardly move, relying on a few murlocs to drag forward.

  "If you ask you, you don’t ask, but are you sure you can really use this thing?"

"Of course, my super invincible mech is the result of my hard work these days. If it weren't for the door to be sealed, if it wasn't for my energy to activate only once, would I let you drag this thing onto the battlefield? Don't worry, as long as you send me to the castle of the Blood Duke."

  Black Glove said confidently.

   "Okay, but don't you really feel strange? The patrol here clearly found us."

"Don't worry about this, it's reasonable to exist. You should send my machine to the castle of the Blood Duke first. By the way, don't go under the water like the last time. This machine is not waterproof. Last time I Are almost drowned."

   "No, you were not drowned. It was a few of my murlocs who drowned. I really saw the undead. The murlocs will also be drowned. This is the first time I have heard of it."

  In such a fight, they soon approached the castle of the Blood Duke.

  Unlike Dragon Duke’s castle on the mountain, the Blood Duke’s castle is built on the swamp.

  It is clear that there are many islands in the swamp, and there are even some big trees. Supported by these things, a large castle is hidden in the jungle.

  At this time, Murloc Mustache finally understood why they encountered the patrol on the way and no one cared about them anymore.

  In the castle of the Blood Duke, there are some murlocs.

  These murlocs are very similar to the murlocs next to Skullbeard, and they are all affected Dead Lake murlocs.

  In the eyes of outsiders, murlocs actually look the same. They can't recognize which murlocs have been seen before, and which have not been seen before.

  So when I saw them, I thought they were the murlocs I had encountered before, so I let them go.

  Looking at such a situation, Must be a little worried and said: "These are the subordinates taken away by Nasha, why are they here?"

"It seems that they have the same idea as you. They all want to kill the Blood Duke by assassination. This is a friendly army." The black glove immediately reacted, "No, you can't let him do this. The credit is ours. I spent all my money to make this super invincible mech so short that I can't just waste it like this."

  While talking, the black gloves poured the mecha energy into it, and the thing that seemed indistinguishable from **** finally moved.

  The murlocs all know the condition of the black gloves. When the mecha moved, all the murlocs ran to the side, not daring to stand in front of the black gloves.

  Only the beard felt something was not right. Judging from the status of the Murloc in the Realm of the Blood Duke, this should not be explained by running to the assassination. It is difficult for Nasha to choose to join the Duke of Blood.

  Isn’t this the same choice as the ‘49-year voter’s party?

  So Daxu didn't think that Nasha would make such a choice. In his eyes, Nasha might have his own ideas.

  But it doesn’t matter what he thinks, I have already come here, and the great work of assassinating the Blood Duke is mine.

  Beard must think affirmatively.

   Then he generously led the murloc towards the realm of the Duke of Blood.

  Just like the situation encountered on the same road, after the murloc appeared in front of the Blood Duke’s castle, they were not prevented in any way. Instead, some soldiers who were leading the group made way for them.

  But when the murloc enters the Blood Duke’s Castle with the murloc, the situation becomes different.

  Because they met Nesha’s murlocs here.

Different from the cannon fodder under Brokenbeard, all of Nasha's murlocs are professional murloc professionals. Although they have lost a lot in the huge waves, their level is higher than that by Brokenbeard. .

  The two of them stood together, which is obviously the difference between the regular army and the militia.

  At this time, these murlocs seem to be ready to go out of the city, and Nessa is distributing weapons for these murlocs.

   Looking up and seeing the beard, Nasha's face changed a bit. He never expected that the beard would appear at this time.

  Just as Nesha was about to speak, there was a hum from the sky.

  A huge pile of scrap iron fell from the sky and hit the ground.

  The murlocs brought by the beard were already familiar with the situation of this kind of thing. When they heard a squeak, they quickly fled to the surrounding without any thoughts of managing the beard.

  Broken beard is quite big head, he almost vomited on the way, he shouted, "Why come again, don't come to me this time, I'm just a hero."

   Then the beard was severed and a bang was heard near him.

   Suspiciously, he looked towards the direction of the explosion, and found that this time the scrap pile did not seem to hit him, but hit Nasha, who was among the crowd of fish.

  Broken beard is finally relieved, it seems that the trouble with black gloves is also a challenge.

  The bad luck that had been chasing him along the way finally left him, and now he is not the hapless one stared at by the black gloves.

  The beard was not completely relaxed here, and something was smashed out in the explosion, and it happened to be smashed out.

  The beard rolled on the ground before he got up from the ground. He found that what had thrown himself into the air was a piece of scrap iron larger than his head, and he didn't know which part of that scrap pile.

  But the beard saw a pile of mecha-like scrap iron staggering up from the pit exploded by the explosion, and heading towards the center of the Blood Duke’s castle.

   "His life is so big, he can survive such an explosion."

  After he finished speaking, he heard Nesha's scream.

   "Beard, do you know what you have done?"

  Beard looked up and found that Nessa was waving a weapon and shouting at him.

  Beside Nasha, many murloc corpses were killed.

  (End of this chapter)

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