Necromantic Myth

Chapter 549: Go to war

   Chapter 549

The explosion that took place in the blood duke’s territory was not known to the blood duke himself. After the return of the first blood duke, the blood duke was no longer the ruler of the territory. Now he is just a general and is used to attract mountains. Drew's cannon fodder general with the attention of the army.

  With more than two thousand troops, the Blood Duke came to the edge of his territory.

  At this time, he also saw the wall of poison that the scout said.

  It was a green mist that had condensed into shape, and it was shrouded in the realm of the Blood Duke and the Dragon Duke.

  The fog is not very thick, you can see it faintly. From time to time, people on the opposite side will throw something into the fog.

  Those things seemed to be pieces of meat soaked in water, but the effect of the mist was too strong, and the Blood Duke was a little unclear.

  For this reason, the Blood Duke missed the final message. He didn't know that under Romeo's command, those people threw some poisonous mushroom spores into the mist.

  Those are all good things that Romeo found. When he set up this Toxic Wall, he had already begun to prepare, and only today did he prepare such a few.

  After watching these spores thrown into the poisonous wall, Romeo licked his mouth and came to Sandru's side.

  "Are you ready? If you do it, you can start. All the legal forces are concentrated there, and you will be under your command."

  In order to better direct the battle in front of him, Sandro has called out all the heroes that can be taken out of the Hades.

  On the battlefield, Sandru has divided these troops.

  Since the number of soldiers here is beyond their control, Sandro’s plan is to have the main force led by heroes, and the skirmish troops will follow the main force.

  This time, the person transferred here is Jian Bone Duote. He is responsible for the frontal battle and defense of the battlefield. Here is the Golden Skeleton Army with the strongest defense in Ryuzhi, as well as other races and undead who are better at defense and frontal combat.

  Behind the Bone Dot team, followed by Gerdong, these few heroes who have no sense of existence are the strongest shooter heroes under Ryuzhi.

Now all the archer troops, including the elf archers, are following him. Of course, he mainly controls the archer forces under Yuji. As long as they are organized under his command, all the archers can get hits and ranges. And the blessing of might.

  As for the troops that have not yet been organized, they are embarrassed. They can follow along, but the blessings are gone.

  Behind Gerton, Romeo was, just as Sandrew said, he gathered all the legal system troops together for Romeo to use.

  It's not that Romeo has any talent in controlling legal forces, but he has a characteristic that can guide legal forces to use magic together.

  The magic power used in this way will be much greater. If there are more ice arrows, it will be like a blizzard, and if there are more fireballs, it will be like a meteor storm.

  Now Sandru has arranged all the skeleton mages during this time here, and there are also druids on the side of the elves and priests in the flower essence.

  In short, all the legal systems are all put together, it depends on how Romeo wants to combine.

On both sides are units that can charge in an instant. The wolf cavalry and wolf shepherd of the Fililu family are all placed on the left side of the large unit, and two corpse dogs and cannibal wolves are put in together. Main battle force.

  At this time, the leader of the Fililu family looked at these two canine creatures, and his saliva was about to drain.

Standing on the right side of the team are four of the seven races arranged by Ryuzhi. Except for the labor races such as cavemen and kobolds, there are not many flower essences here, and the rest are all. They are all standing here, the centaur and the swan are standing in the forefront, ready to charge at any time.

  Looking at the periphery, it is the cannon fodder sent by the major Western forces. There are living and dead people in these cannon fodder, and some are looking for their ancestors there.

   Looking up at the Eye of Horus in the sky, Sandro raised his hand.

  Following his movements, the trees who had been standing at the back of the line stood up.

  The elves brought out all their troops this time.

  The same is true for their most precious treants, this time a total of ten treants came over.

  At this time, they stood up together, and there were some huge stone **** in their hands. This was something prepared for the catapult in the Dragon Duke’s castle.

  Those catapults and ballistas could not be transported, but these stone **** were not related, they were all sent here by Sandru.

  The tree people grabbed these stone **** and threw them towards the Duke of Blood.

   Then Romeo also commanded the French troops, pushing against the poisonous wall.

  His efforts over the past few days finally began to take effect.

  Under the impetus of Romeo and their spiritual power, a large amount of green energy went to the inside of the Blood Duke's realm.

  At this moment, the weather seemed to have been affected. The Eye of Horus, which had turned into the sun, was still there, but it was raining in the sky.

  As the green toxic wall pushed forward, all the trees fell down where the toxic wall passed, the green leaves turned yellow, and even the moss in the swamp was dead.

  Only the poisonous mushroom spores that were just thrown into the wall of poison seemed to be stimulated, growing, erupting, growing again, and erupting again.

  In the end, a land full of poisonous mushrooms was formed.

  Looking at the colorful land in front of him, Romeo nodded in satisfaction.

"Because the preparations are not sufficient, you can only advance for about one kilometer. The poisonous mushrooms are okay. As long as there are poisonous mushrooms, the environment here will slowly change and become a kind of wetland belonging to poisonous mushrooms. ecosystem."

  Romeo's voice is not loud, but he said it to Sandro, who was standing next to him.

  After listening to these, Sandro nodded in satisfaction.

"that's enough."

At this time, the trekkers at the back of the team lifted something from the ground again. That thing was a large number of spiders and spider eggs entangled in spider webs. The top was wet. It was obvious that someone had poured water on it just now. .

  Don’t look at the webs that are tangled up relatively large, but they are actually about the same weight as the stone thrown just now. The treeman throws it easily, and it just throws it near the stone ball thrown earlier.

  As soon as these spider tennis **** hit, a large number of spiders came out. They seemed to coexist very well with poisonous mushrooms. They just rolled on the ground and headed towards the Blood Duke’s team.

  Only at this time, Sandro raised the death rod.

   "It's now, strike out!"

  (End of this chapter)

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