Necromantic Myth

Chapter 550: Attack (24/109)

  Chapter 550 Attack (24109)

  At this time, the blood prince’s troops were in chaos, and the poisonous wall that suddenly pressed forward made the blood prince think that the opponent wanted to poison all his troops to death.

  So when the wall of poison came over, he led his troops back and left.

  As a result, the originally prepared battle formation became chaotic, and the heavy armored defensive fighters standing at the forefront of the team did not even have the strength to run.

  The same is true for the cavalry prepared by the Blood Duke. They are all covered in heavy armor. Originally, the Blood Duke intended to let the cavalry initiate a charge when the opponent rushed out.

  For this, he even mounted the cavalry on the horse.

  It turned out to be back now, and back again quickly.

  This is a very difficult thing for heavy cavalry. Their horses are not easy to turn, and it takes a lot of effort to turn around.

  But now, no one is willing to help them. When the Blood Duke gave the order to retreat, the infantrymen ran quickly.

  For a time, those heavily armored troops fell out of luck.

  They couldn't run at all, and they were still at the forefront of the team, and they could only watch the wall of poison rushing past them.

  Then these people felt like their whole bodies were burned by fire, and finally fell to the ground, their faces turned purple and died.

  When these people died, brightly colored mushrooms grew on their bodies. Those mushrooms grew fast and withered fast. After a while, they grew several stubbles.

  Every time there are some subtle changes in the mushrooms, sometimes in the color, sometimes in the pattern.

  When Sandro’s troops rushed over, the place had become a mushroom pile, and the previous corpses had been completely gone.

  Although the poison wall is used, the bow and arrow are preferred when Sandru attacks.

  Under the command of Gerton, all the archers fired at the same time, and the arrows fell on the retreating Blood Duke's troops like raindrops.

  Since most of the heavily armored defense forces did not withdraw, they did not even have a good shield in their hands. Under this arrow rain, another group of soldiers fell to the ground.

  At this time, the Blood Duke felt that he had almost retreated, and he immediately turned around, "Stop, set up the battle formation, and prepare to meet the enemy."

  But the chaos at this time is no longer under their control. After issuing the retreat order, it will take a lot more effort to bring people back.

  Even if the Blood Duke spent a lot of effort, only a part of the soldiers stopped. Among these soldiers, some were infantrymen who ran over the head, and some were shooters who ran too far. It would be difficult to mix together and want the whole team to be neat.

  Blood Duke can only keep his own guards in the forefront, to deal with the assault troops rushing out of the mist.

  These troops are the Fililu Family Wolves Army rushing out from the left and the Centaur troops rushing out from the right.

   These two units rushed directly to the forefront, running faster than the cannon fodder units that set off earlier.

  When they launched the charge, they couldn't stop at all. The Blood Duke hadn't organized the team yet, and the two troops had already rushed out.

  The Centaur reacted the fastest and slammed into the Blood Duke’s team.

  Behind the centaur was the wild boars, and the lizardmen themselves followed, but their running speed was too slow, and they were overtaken by the cannon fodder after a while.

  However, the centaur knows their abilities and numbers, and they also know what they want to do.

  As soon as they crashed into the blood duke's team, they immediately raised the halberd in their hands and began to drive away from the crowd.

Among the soldiers of   Blood Duke, there were some halberds who wanted to resist, but they only raised their weapons and were dispersed by the centaur.

  Without the battle formation, without the team, the halberd soldiers are nothing. They are not as good as the sword and shield soldiers. At least the sword and shield soldiers can play three well.

   Dispersed the team that had just gathered, and the wolves of Fililu's family also rushed.

  All these big wolves have used the exoskeleton mechas in Liuzhi Palace. It can be said that the quality and combat power of the big wolves have been qualitatively improved.

  The speed of their charge surpassed the wolf and werewolf. When they rushed into the blood duke team, they aimed at an enemy and rushed directly.

  Then the wolf cavalry of the Fililu family rushed from behind. Three different wolf cavalry mixed together and rushed towards the Duke of Blood.

  If it was the previous battle, the Blood Duke still had a way to deal with it, and his guards were by his side, and he would have the power to fight against the wolf cavalry.

   But not now, his guards were sent out by him to control the situation in the chaotic team in front, and the impact of the wolf cavalry, he no longer had any line of defense in front of him.

  The Blood Duke wearing a battle robe at this time had to draw out the long sword he used to command and decorate, preparing to face the wolf cavalry.

  At this moment, there was a roar from behind the Blood Duke, and the blood-seeker flew up.

  They opened their mouths with fangs and rushed towards the wolf cavalry.

  The attack of these blood-seekers from the sky resolved the crisis of the Blood Duke.

  The Duke of Blood stepped back quietly, and stood beside the mages he had raised.

  At this time, the Blood Duke could not bear to accuse these wizards of not discovering the characteristics of the poisonous wall before. If they found out earlier, he would definitely not arrange the team near the poisonous wall, which finally caused such a big trouble.

  The Duke of Blood stood beside the wizard, "Is there any way to stop them from moving forward."

The Blood Duke's words were not finished yet, the blood seekers who fought with the wolf cavalry screamed again, and the guard werewolves rushing from behind jumped out. These werewolves are stronger than the wolf cavalry and have their presence. , The bloodseeker has no way to pester the wolf cavalry.

  At this time, the wolf cavalry was holding cast wires and nets inside, entangled the blood-seekers.

  There were a lot of bloodseekers here this time. After they were entangled, they did not run away immediately, but screamed and wanted to pounce on the wolf cavalry and kill those wolf cavalry.

  At this moment, the team of swan people appeared in the air. They pounced straight down from the sky and grabbed the head of the blood-seeker with their feet.

  The attack of the swan-man was quite sudden, and the blood-seeker did not expect that there would also be a flight crew on Liu Zhi's side. For a while, the blood-seeker also had chaos here.

  At this time, Sandru’s main force also approached here step by step. Because they were not advancing fast, they still formed a complete formation, encircling the blood duke’s team from three directions.

  (End of this chapter)

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