Necromantic Myth

Chapter 551: The Means of the Blood Duke (25/109)

  Chapter 551 The Blood Duke’s Means (25109)

  Faced with such a situation, the Blood Duke was also full of pressure, but he kept telling himself.

   "I haven't lost yet, I still have a chance."

  While speaking, the Blood Duke was observing the situation on the battlefield with the help of the mage.

  No one noticed that there were a few doll-like figures hanging around the blood prince’s waist.

  Different from the situation where the Blood Duke thought he still had a chance, these wizards all retreated. If the Blood Duke were not here, they might have already run away.

   Even so, these wizards said from time to time: "Master Duke, you can't stay here any longer. The situation here is not right."

   "Shut up, I said it’s okay if it’s okay, you put the water mirror technique on me, I need to find the other’s commander."

Under the roar of the Blood Duke, all the wizards could not say anything. They were just the most common wizards, and their strength was about level 3. They were just as think tanks to follow, and they went to battle. There is no such strength.

  At this moment, the Blood Duke seemed to see the existence of Sandro.

   "It's him, pull up the water mirror for me, I want to see his position."

  Under the order of the Blood Duke, several wizards tremblingly pulled the sight of the water mirror up.

  Blood Duke looked at the surrounding situation very seriously, and finally determined a goal, "Lasso Baiyueguang, it's you."

  Blood Duke said, his right hand quickly pulled to his waist, and a doll that looked like an elf appeared in his hand.

   Then he squeezed out a blood-red crystal fragment and pressed it firmly into the doll.

   "Lasso Baiyueguang, remember how you promised us back then, now is when you come forward, kill the necromancer, after killing him, the elves are yours."

  Suddenly heard this voice in the ear of Lasso Bai Yueguang, who was following in the army.

At the same time, his eyes turned into a weird red color, which reminded him of the fact that when Ushas died in battle with Yamara three thousand years ago, the elves had no king. It was this voice that told him that even if the elves did not have a royal family You can also survive and tell him how to control the entire elves through the council.

   And he did it according to that method. In three thousand years, he has stepped into the position of the first person of the Elf race.

  If it weren't for his misjudgment by sending troops to Duke Long's castle, if it wasn't for the sudden return of Ushas, ​​maybe he could do better.

  He can become the first elf to go from ordinary civilians to the road of kings, and can even carry forward the sword dancer.

  But Ushas came back, everything was different, even if Ushas had died and turned into a ghost, she was still the princess of the elves.

  Yamara still obeyed her orders, and Lasso Baiyueguang became the most ordinary general again, perhaps even inferior to the general.

   Thinking of this, Lasuo Bai Yueguang's expression changed a little.

  He did not kill Death Wizard Sandro like the voice in his ears, but turned his eyes to Ushas who was following Sandro.

  At this time, Ushas had already handed over all the command. She followed Sandru and looked at the elves.

  When she felt her eyes fall on her, Ushas couldn't help but turned her head.

  In the next instant, she saw double red eyes, and then Lasso Baiyueguang rushed towards her with double knives.

  Ushas reacted very quickly. She just flashed away and disappeared in front of Rasso Baiyueguang.

  In the next instant, Ushas’s body began to materialize, and the color changed from white to black, just like a scorched corpse that had just walked out of the fire.

   "Lasso, you are looking for death."

   After roaring Ushas, ​​she rushed towards Lasso White Moonlight, and a strange scream came out. All the nearby creatures were all affected, and she felt her ears were blown apart.

  Sandrew happened to be nearby. As soon as he saw this, he knew that it was not right.

  Although he did not participate in the pirate battle, he knew that someone had used the power of blood to control the pirate king.

  When the Pirate King died in battle, he blew himself up.

  Although the Lasso in front of him hasn't blew himself up yet, is he in the same situation as the pirate king, who is also affected by some people?

  This thought flashed through Sandro's mind. He suddenly remembered several powers on the western side of the mainland. It seemed that several powers clearly opposed him, but finally joined his power.

  At first, Sandro thought it was his performance that convinced them, but now I think about it, maybe they have any ideas about joining them.

   Thinking of this, Sandru's mind quickly turned, and soon several doubts were picked out by Sandru.

  At this time, Sandreu didn't know about it, but asked the elves to help Ushas, ​​and then he retreated to the side with the death staff.

  Sandrew retired in this way, and just retreated to a leader.

  This leader resisted at first, but the next day seemed to want to understand that.

  Recalling the previous situation, Sandro believed that the enemy must be staring at him at this time, in order to find a chance to assassinate him.

  The reason why Russo Baiyueguang would take action against Ushas at this time was also because he was closest to Sandru.

  If this is the case, then Sandro will give them a chance.

  Standing calmly to the dangerous place, Sandro pretended that he did not find the problem.

  At this time, the Blood Duke's eyes moved. Although he has not found Sandro in charge, the one in front of him can be killed as well.

  As for Russo Baiyueguang, although he was chaotic, it also gave the Blood Duke a chance.

   Glancing at the scene, the Blood Duke took out other blood-colored spars and put them into the dolls beside him one by one.

  The next moment, the leaders of some forces turned their eyes to Sandru.

The situation of these forces is also different. One force is from the same family, so their blood is connected. When their leader has a problem, the soldiers also change their eyes, their eyes are red, and they just rush like this. Toward Sandro.

  And with such a move, they formed a small attack team and rushed towards Sandru.

  Bone Dort, who had been guarding the Duke of Blood, discovered this situation for the first time, and he commanded the defense forces to save Sandru.

  But Sandru smiled and prevented the action of Bone Dort. He raised the death rod and pointed to the ground.

   "Quicksand Trap!"

  (End of this chapter)

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