Necromantic Myth

Chapter 554: The Big Bang (26/109)

  Chapter 554 Big Bang (26109)

  Before the blood mist rose, the castle of the Blood Duke was already in chaos, because the sudden attack of the black gloves and the arrival of the murlocs made the preparations of the Blood Duke and the First Blood Duke all wasted.

  The first explosion of the black glove killed most of the murlocs under Nasha on the spot.

  The black glove itself was blown into the core area of ​​the Blood Duke’s castle in the explosion.

  Because of the mecha problem caused by the explosion, his mecha, which was like a pile of scrap iron, slumped again. In the main control compartment, the black gloves had to work hard to repair the mecha's operating system in the way of a goblin.

  Of course, the goblin’s way is very simple, just take a wrench and smash it there.

  But this time, for some reason, the good luck of the black gloves was not in place. No matter how he smashed them, there was no way to activate the mecha.

He also wanted to go out and repair it, but the problem was that the hatch had been welded to death. Even if he wanted to go out, it was impossible. He could only smash it with a wrench there. He wanted to use the force of the smash to make the engine armor. .

  At this time, the defensive force at the core of the Blood Duke also rushed over. They saw this pile of scrap iron and didn't know what it was.

These core defensive forces are not the same as the outside forces. They are heavily armored, with a red crystal shard inlaid on their chests. It can be seen from their running situation that their armor is somewhat similar. The exoskeleton mecha, the crystal fragments are the driving force for them to advance and fight.

When    ran to the side of the mecha, they just took a look and dealt with the pile of scrap iron in the normal way.

  For them, things at the core cannot be sent out even if they are destroyed.

  So when they saw this pile of things smashed in from outside, their first reaction was to smash them with all their strength.

  When they fell like this, they just met the black gloves' minds.

  The scrap-like mecha finally moved, and the mecha piled up with scrap metal turned around and beat the soldiers out.

  The black gloves saw that the mecha was activated, and he ignored the console that started to smoke, and quickly pushed his hands on the various operating levers.

  The scrap metal mecha grabbed a soldier in one fell swoop, and kept throwing it on the ground.

  The strength of the scrap metal mecha was quite large, and after a short while, it smashed the soldier to death.

  Then the black glove nodded somewhat satisfied, and was about to control the scrap iron mecha toward the inside. When he didn't want to lift the soldier's body, the blood on the soldier's body happened to flow into the crystal fragments on his chest.

  In the next instant, the red mist gushed out of the soldier, turned into a bloodshot thing, wrapped around the scrap iron mecha.

  Scrap mecha is a goblin style thing, the biggest feature of this thing is uncertainty.

  The bloodshot entangled on the scrap iron mecha, the first reaction of the black gloves was what the **** it was.

  He didn't even think about it. He launched it on the spot and has not yet fully completed the experimental technique.

   Under his activation, the scrap metal mecha glowed and slammed heavily on the ground.

  The initial idea of ​​the black gloves is very simple, just smash the bloodshots that have been atomized into blood.

  However, he did not expect that under his impact, it happened to be the moment when Lasso White Moonlight flew into the air and turned into a blood moon.

  This time, not only did the blood mist on the ground not be opened by him, but he heard a ding sound, as if the space had been smashed open, a large amount of blood poured out from the ground.

  In that blood water, there are some blood crystals like crystal fragments, and a vermilion liquid like magma.

  The black glove looked at the situation, "No way, I just smashed it casually, there is no need to make it like this."

  The black glove also knows himself. He is just a little lucky, and he is not the protagonist of this world. His luck can only guarantee that he will not die, but this world is destroyed, where can he go?

Seeing the situation in front of him, the black glove's heart moved, and it was not right. Maybe he could still escape. Anyway, it's already like this. It's better to smash it more and ruin the world. He has the protection of mecha. It should be possible. If you can escape, you will at most be dumped into an unknown space. Anyway, you won't die. What's wrong with a wave.

  Thinking of this, the black gloves pushed all the mecha levers forward, controlling the scrap metal mecha to hit, hit two, and hit three heavily.

  But this time, the scrap metal mecha seems to have no effect before, no matter how he smashes it, there is no change on the ground.

  The black gloves are a little confused. What is going on? Is it possible that there is a problem with your mecha?

  Impossible, it is absolutely impossible for mechas to have problems. The problem must be the castle of the Blood Duke.

  When the black gloves were about to take away the magical power of the mecha and leave, the mecha suddenly stopped.

   "Damn it, it must be those swindlers who sold me the **** again. Otherwise, with my ability, how could I always make mistakes."

  The black glove was talking, and he picked up the wrench and slammed it heavily on the console.

  At this moment, the mecha made the same action and slammed it heavily on the ground.

  At first, the black gloves thought it was all right, but unexpectedly, the ground exploded under the impact.

  The situation seemed to have detonated something. In the next instant, the ground began to vibrate, a strong impact force sprayed directly from the ground, and a large amount of red mist and dust sprayed out from the ground.

  The whole situation was like a volcanic eruption, and the city of the Blood Duke was destroyed by half on the spot.

  In front of the Blood Duke’s Castle, the Murloc has just reacted from the chaos.

  Beard stared at Nesha and said, "You betrayed the Hades."

"I didn't, I just made my own choice. I am not a running dog of Hades. I am the king of Dead Lake murlocs. All Dead Lake murlocs are my subordinates, including you, no, no You are the dead lake murlocs behind you, you who stand here, you betrayed me."

  Nasha raised his hands. At this time, a lot of pink lightning appeared on his hands.

  Beard noticed that some blood-colored crystals appeared on the center of Nasha's eyebrows.

  Although I don’t know what the crystal is, it can be seen that this is used to strengthen Nasha and magnify his ambition.

  Looking at Nesha like this, Mustache raised his weapon and was about to say something to attack.

  At this moment, there was an explosion like a volcanic eruption in the Castle of the Blood Duke.

  Taking this opportunity, Mustache rushed towards Nesha with his spear.

  Nasha didn't stand firm because of the volcanic eruption. He rolled on the ground, missed the best time to defend, and was pierced in the face with a lance.

  (End of this chapter)

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