Necromantic Myth

Chapter 555: Take down the castle (27/109)

  Chapter 555 Take down the castle (27109)

  No matter how Nasha claimed to be the king of thunder and lightning, he was still a murloc in nature, at best he was an ambitious murloc, and he was just one of the weaknesses that a murloc should have.

  The spear of the broken beard was stuck on the beard on the left face of Nasha, and the beard was cut off on the spot.

  A lot of blood spurted out along the place where his beard was cut, and the crystal on the center of his eyebrows radiated a vermilion light, which quickly melted into Nasha's body.

  This situation made Yanxu a little surprised. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing. For a while, he didn't know what to do.

  At this moment, the first Blood Duke rushed out from the location of the volcanic eruption. Behind him were his guards, a group of powerful men wrapped in blood-colored armor.

  When these soldiers are running, they are not affected by the heavy armor on them at all, and the speed is like red lightning.

After    rushed out, these soldiers didn't care about the situation here, they went straight to the ground, and grabbed two murlocs with one hand, regardless of whether these murlocs belonged to Nasha or Shawbeard.

   stood in front of Nasha, the first blood prince raised his hand, and he waved a ball of blood in his hand, blowing away the beard.

   "Nasa, we don't have time to wait for you to react, you come with me."

   Speaking of the first Blood Duke, he mentioned Nesha.

  At this time, Nasha's whole body was vermilion like magma, and he was trying hard to tear these things off his body.

  After the first blood duke brought him up, he glanced at him directly, “If you don’t want to die with blood all over your body, you’d better keep that layer of blood.”

  After talking about the first generation of Blood Duke, regardless of Nessa’s reaction, he quickly left the Blood Duke’s castle and headed towards the depths of the Blood Duke’s realm.

  Shoulder was beaten out, and he could only look at the direction they were leaving. As for where they went, Mr. must not know at all.

  At this time, the chaos caused by the big explosion in the castle of the blood duke gradually began to spread, and some surviving servants and guards of the castle of the blood duke also joined the chaos.

  Maybe it was to **** the treasure in the castle, but the murlocs who fell outside the castle because of the explosion were ignored.

  However, the severely injured Beard looked at the blood mist slowly rising around him with some worry. He suspected that there was a problem with this thing.

  Because he found that some nearby soldiers were seriously wounded and were about to die, but stood up in the blood fog, his eyes became red, as if they were not under their control.

  This situation is very similar to the process of murloc transformation, except that this process of change is a change from the blood, and it is the blood mist that causes this change.

All of the murlocs under Brokenbeard are murlocs who have been meditated in the Hades. They are not affected by this change, but it is precisely for this reason that they are soaked in the blood mist and their bodies are quite uncomfortable. .

  Beard broken and even felt that the side of his broken beard seemed to be stimulated, and something seemed to want to get into his head from his beard.

  "This is not good. My beard and beard are so famous that I am not affected by yours."

  Dangxu stood up while talking.

  But before he took two steps, he couldn't help but shook his body before he fell to the ground.

  When Broken Beard woke up again, there was already heavy rain in the sky. The atmosphere of the underworld in the rain dispelled the effect of the blood mist, making the fish people feel the restoration of vitality.

   At this time, the beard hesitated, and began to recruit the murlocs that remained.

  Among these murlocs, most of them are powerful dead lake murlocs brought by Nessa, and a few are cannon fodder brought by him.

   But no matter what, with only one hero, Shawbeard still controlled the situation well.

  Some of the murlocs in the powerful Dead Lake have been organized, so we must check the current situation. There are three more powerful organization units in front of us: the sojourner, the murloc wavebreaker, and the murloc sling.

  Although the number is running low, their battle flags have been retained.

  In addition, many other murlocs also have their own professions. Add up to a total of more than a hundred people.

"My murloc brothers, although I don’t know what Nasha’s traitor said and why he brought you here, think about it for the sake of the race. What we have done in this war, we can get What, in the Hades, more than one of us can enter the water.

  The corpse soul naga, the shark guard, and the newly-appearing lizardmen, all can fight amphibiously.

  If there is no merit, what will we rely on to survive in the future and how to get the best resources.

Now a good opportunity is placed in front of us. The castle of the Blood Duke is in front of us. Although there has been an explosion just now, everything in the castle is only half destroyed. As long as we take this place and wait for the palace to accept everything here , Our merits can't escape.

  For the underworld, for the murlocs of the dead lake, for the future of the race, no matter what Nasha said to you before, now take up the weapon and rush to me. "

  Beard lifted the spear he picked up again, and rushed to the castle not far away in the heavy rain that had not yet been blown up.

  At the beginning, the murlocs who followed the severed whiskers moved, and they grabbed their weapons in twos and threes.

  The murlocs who followed Nasha also reacted, and they slowly joined the ranks of Shakebeard, agreeing with Shakebeard's leadership to them.

  Under the leadership of Stubbs, more than a hundred murlocs organized and rushed into the castle.

  In the castle at this time, the chaotic crowd has slowly calmed down due to the rain.

  However, they had already been blushing before, and the number of guards and attendants who survived was not many.

When the murlocs rushed in, they didn't react at all.

  As soon as he saw such a situation, the beard immediately made a judgment.

   With a stroke of the spear in his hand, he stabbed one of the guards.

   "Go on, kill them all."

  The fish people screamed, holding their weapons, and pounced on the guards and attendants who didn't understand what happened.

  Under the attack of the fish people, all the humans who survived in the ruins of the castle died in battle.

  When the heavy rain slowly stopped, there were no living humans in the Blood Duke’s castle.

  Beards commanded the murloc to guard several key points of the Blood Duke’s castle, while looking at the direction where the original Blood Duke had left before.

  Now that he has done his great work, Sharon is thinking about whether to take people over there and see what Nesha is doing. Maybe this is another opportunity.

  (End of this chapter)

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