Necromantic Myth

Chapter 556: The battle three thousand years ago

  Chapter 556 The battle three thousand years ago

  Holding the murloc, the first blood duke kept changing directions, and finally entered a dormant volcanic crater.

After    mentioned Nasha here, the first blood duke threw Nasha on the ground, "What happened just now?"

  It can be seen that the first blood prince himself was still confused. He did not expect that he hadn't started it yet, why the last resort under his castle had been detonated in advance.

  It’s definitely not his fault. The only murlocs in the castle were the murlocs at the time. Ask them if you have anything to do.

   "I don't know, but another hero from the Dead Lake Murloc came over. I clashed with him. He had something weird that seemed to explode in the crowd of fish."

  Listening to Nasha’s explanation, the first blood prince frowned, “Explosion? It’s another explosion, don’t they have any other ideas?”

  Although his words are headless and tailless, it can be heard from the tone of others that the first blood duke seems to have experienced some explosions.

  However, the original Blood Duke had no idea to explain. He turned to look at Nessa, "Forget it, there is no time to explain now, we have to go to a place."

   Speaking of the first blood duke waved his hand, a group of bloodseekers flew out of the volcanic magma, they detained some murlocs in twos and threes, and rushed into the magma without looking back.

  Nassah saw this situation, he couldn't help but cried out, "My lord, they..."

"Don't worry, it looks like magma on the surface, but it is actually the blood of the earth veins. The son of the plane chosen by the earth mother **** fought with Adam here, exploding this land and opening up the passage to the underworld. The earth shed blood, forming a sea of ​​blood in the underworld.

   And this thing that looks like magma is actually the blood of the veins, and it is also the source of power in my territory. "

  Speaking of this, the first blood duke stretched his hand into the magma, and his body turned into a blood-colored crystal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  It's just different from the situation where it won't move when it becomes a crystal. After the first blood duke becomes a crystal, the movement speed has increased significantly.

The same is true for the blood armor units under his. After the first blood duke turned into crystals, they took the initiative to jump into the magma. After a while, their armors were also made of blood crystals, and they were refined. Some lines of roses.

   Raising his hand, the first blood duke said: "With this blood, even if your head is cut off, you can survive. This is the opportunity I give you, an opportunity for your race to evolve."

  Listening to what the first Blood Duke said, Nasha hesitated, "I don’t want this."

"I know, you want to be the kind of existence called a player. You may not know one thing. When the son of the plane chosen by the earth goddess died in battle, the earth goddess used this wound to flow out of the earth veins. The blood opened the channel to other worlds and attracted players.

  A total of five players came over at the time. After two were killed in the battle and one was seriously injured, they killed Adam.

  So the blood of this earth vein can fulfill your wish. "

   Hearing this, Nasha said, "What do you want me to do?"

   "Got what Adam left behind. I think that thing should have been sent to the so-called Hades by the Sandro you mentioned."

   "Why don't you do it yourself? Oh, I don't mean to ask why you didn't attack the Hades, but I want to ask, the thing has been in the Dragon Duke's castle for three thousand years, why did you take it down?"

Regarding Nesha’s question, the first blood duke smiled, "Three thousand years ago, when Adam died, I thought about doing it, but Adam is dead, but his dragon is still alive. He left some arrangements. I There is no way to grab his things.

Don’t look at me as the Duke of Blood. In fact, you have seen the situation on this continent. Only by occupying the entire continent can I be awarded the title of Duke. I only have a southern power. I want to be an enemy of the entire continent. Less than.

  At that time, the Mother Earth was very nervous about all this, and all those who wanted to touch the things left by Adam would be regarded as enemies.

  It took me three thousand years to continuously draw the blood of the earth veins before the earth mother **** fell into a deep sleep. Do you think it is possible for me to grab what I want before that?

  And I also felt that there was a problem with some of my previous layouts, and I don’t know why, my original bloodline influence on the entire continent was activated in advance.

  Now there are some problems with the strength in my hands, and confronting the entire continent has become unrealistic. I need you to take my hands and sneak into the palace to steal Adam’s things. "

   "Sneak into the Hades, is it possible?" Listening to the words of the first Blood Duke, Adam also understood the other party's thoughts, but he was still a little worried.

"No problem, as long as you can freely enter the Hades, you can rest assured, I only need the things left by Adam. After I get the things, I will fulfill your wish. Your goal is to become a player, right, this My goal does not conflict with me. My goal is to replace the Mother Earth and get back what she owes me."

  The goal in his heart was said by the first blood duke, and Nasha was also a little excited, "What you said is true?"

"Of course, I just want to be the **** of this world. What is the use of grabbing players with you? I can even give you a chance. When the player who was seriously injured left, he left a channel. I heard that it was a way to His world."

   "Okay, I agree." Nasha interrupted the first Blood Duke, "What should I do."

  The first blood duke jumped into the magma without saying a word.

After jumping down, Nasha only felt as if he was wrapped in a liquid full of vitality. Before he could understand what was going on, he found himself appearing high in the sky, the liquid that was wrapped around his body. It is constantly rubbing and burning in the air, and finally disappears in the air little by little.

   Before he could react, he heard a thump, and he and the first blood duke fell into a **** water.

Nasha felt that this piece of blood water was completely different from the previous kind of magma. This blood water had a kind of pollution and corrosive power. Only after soaking in the water, he felt that part of his body seemed to be rotten. This kind of weird power seems to want to inject into his mind, want to control everything about him.

  Fortunately, the First Blood Duke immediately picked him up, and after helping him shake the blood from his body, the First Blood Duke said.

  "Don't get this **** water anymore, if you get **** water again, even I can't save you."


   "This blood water is used to target the blood of the earth veins. You just came from the blood of the earth veins. If you touch it, you will die. Okay, let's go to the Hades, our time is running out."

  (End of this chapter)

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