Necromantic Myth

Chapter 558: Sandro's choice (28/109)

  Chapter 558 Sandro's Choice (28109)

  "This is the location of the final battle of the Son of Destiny selected by Adam and the Mother Earth. The battle at that time spread to half of the continent, and the earth gushed out blood. This is the blood of the Earth Mother God."

  Led by the swan people, Sandru and the others rushed to the volcanic product. The elf princess Ushas recognized the situation at a glance, and she said with a touch of blood from the earth with her hand.

   "It seems that for thousands of years, the Blood Duke has been trying to extract and contaminate the blood of the earth veins. They want to use their own power to replace the existence of the earth mother god."

When Sandro heard this, he understood that the Duke of Blood wanted to do the same thing as Liu Zhi, but with his divine nature and spiritual power, Liu Zhi prepared to replace the goddess of the earth in the eyes of the elves from a spiritual perspective. The master of this demiplane.

  The idea of ​​the Blood Duke is to do this through blood pollution.

  These three thousand years of hard work have brought them close to success. If it weren't for the arrival of Ryuzhi and the others, maybe wait for a few thousand years, this half plane would be the territory of the Blood Duke.

  "Is there any way to destroy the layout here?"

  Sandrew knew the priority of the matter, he turned his head and asked Ushas.

"At the beginning, the earth was almost divided into two pieces. It was Yamara who used his body to reconnect the earth together. At that time, the mother **** of the earth gave Yamara a part of the blood, and now this part of the blood can be used. , But there is also a problem here. It is impossible for Yamaara to move over. We must find something to replace Yamara’s place and block this place."

Hearing what Ushas said, a few thoughts flashed through Sandro's mind, and finally he said: "Ushas, ​​you can take the blood as fast as possible to block the things here, I will To find ways to."

Ushas hesitated and said, "Yes, but after the blood is taken out, it must be used, otherwise the power of the blood will disappear after seven days, and then we will no longer be able to find other blood. Up."

  After talking about Ushas, ​​he took a part of the elves and prepared to go to the elves' clan to get the elves.

  Sandrew at this time said: "Go with the wolf cavalry, they move faster than you."

  Ushas knew that time was tight now, so she didn't say much, took the wolf cavalry from the Fililu family, and left quickly.

  At this time, Sandro was thinking about the props in his heart.

  All the props in his hands are used for combat. It is really not so easy to do if you want to suppress everything.

  However, he couldn't get him to go to Hades to get other props. Originally, Liu Zhi thought that the best thing to suppress here must be the seeds of hibiscus, or the seeds of Namda.

   Now that there is no hurry to get that kind of thing, Sandru can use only one thing, his poisonous cup.

  Take out the poisonous cup, Romeo, who has been with Sandro, also understands his thoughts.

   "My lord, you don't want to use this poisonous cup to suppress everything here, do you?"

"Yes, there is no other thing that can be used right now. This thing is the best choice. I want to turn this place into a poisonous swamp. This matter is left to you. You have to strengthen this place before Ushas rushes back. toxicity."

  Romeo was a little unwilling to Sandrew's order, "This is a good thing. If you lose it, you will lose it."

   "If it's gone, it's gone. It's just a prop. As long as you work hard, you will have as much as you want in the future. The current situation is whether we can control this transformation."

  Romeo thought for a moment, "Let me try it, I can do it."

   "Okay, I will also participate together and seal this place together."

  At this time, somewhere in the underworld, a bang came out again, and a pile of scrap iron that was about to fall apart hit the ground from the sky.

  In a series of explosions, a goblin crawled out.

  He is the black glove that detonated the Castle of the Blood Duke before.

  When the Blood Duke’s castle was blown up, the black gloves and his scrap iron mecha were also swept in by a volcano-like explosion.

  The big explosion exploded the boundary between the real world and the underworld, throwing him to the position between the reality and the underworld.

  Fortunately, as a goblin, Black Glove has participated in activities such as a day trip to the sun boat jump. After a fierce operation, he was thrown into the underworld.

  However, his scrap metal mecha, after several explosions and flights, was already badly broken. This time it hit the land of the underworld, and the scrap metal mecha was directly blown to pieces.

  The black gloves were successfully thrown to the ground and landed safely without breaking the oily skin.

   got up from the ground, the black gloves glanced around, and then glanced at his scrap metal mecha.

"My God, how come my short mech becomes like this, my short mech, I owe a lot of money to my brother for you. No, I can't let my brother know that I am so short. The mech is ruined, let me see, isn’t this near the Hades?

   By the way, I said I was attacking the territory of the Blood Duke, but the murlocs were not strong enough. They broke my plan. That’s right. Hey, aren’t murlocs? Why did they come here? "

  The black gloves watched curiously as Nasha led some murlocs toward the sea area of ​​the Hades.

  He thought very seriously, thinking of the murloc that he saw just now, it seemed that there was a scrap metal mecha in order to drag him, and he almost drowned in the river.

   can’t be wrong, they are friendly forces.

   Thinking of this, the black glove turned his head and glanced at the scrap metal mecha.

   "No, my brother gave the money. Even if it is destroyed, he will have to let him see the corpse. Even if it is a part, it will be heard."

  Thinking about it, the black gloves collected the parts that could be collected and started to piece it together quickly.

Since the previous scrap iron mecha has been almost blown up, the black gloves only pieced together something similar to the exoskeleton mecha. It looked like an enlarged goblin head, and the ears were still in place. There are two ascending propellers.

  After finishing this thing, the black gloves put themselves in. After controlling the direction, the black gloves nodded in satisfaction.

"It's okay, first go to the elder brother to talk about the situation in the palace, and see if he can support me with a little more beads. One point, make something better, wait, why this button is broken, stop, don’t fly up."

  (End of this chapter)

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