Necromantic Myth

Chapter 559: Toxicity level 4 (29/109)

  Chapter 559 Toxicity Level 4 (29109)

  Ushas came and went quite quickly, and rushed back from the elves that day, holding a blood-red wood in her hand, and the wood still exuded a faint fragrance.

When she rushed to the crater, she found Romeo was constantly cooking something there. The wizards under Romeo were adding various poisonous mushrooms, snakes and minerals into the cauldron. These are Romeo and Toxic material that Sandro found during this time.

  A lot of spider eggs and a lot of poisonous mushrooms just picked are stacked beside them.

Sandru and Romeo both have the ability to make drugs and use poison. As soon as the two cooperate with each other, the knowledge of toxicity on Sandru's side quickly rushes up. After a while, they broke through the 4th level boundary and reached Extraordinary level.

  【Level 4 Toxicity Knowledge: Master the extraordinary level of toxicity knowledge, have a sense of various toxicities, can make mixed poisons and special venoms, and even enhance the effect of toxicity. 】

[Toxic knowledge (extraordinary common sense): The general poison has no way to affect your survival. The possible poison is equivalent to a good seasoning for you. Only extraordinary toxicity can have a certain impact on you. , But you who have knowledge of toxicity will definitely not be poisoned, right. 】

  After having an extraordinary level of knowledge of toxicity, coupled with the help of Romeo and the Toxic Cup, the liquid in the cauldron in front of them quickly changed from dark green to a transparent liquid.

When Ushas drove over, Sandro turned his head and said, "Put things here. Then you can go back as far as your people can go. I don't know if this thing falls, it will What kind of effect is produced, but I can be sure that your elves can't stand it."

  Ushas didn't say much, now the number of elves in this demiplane is decreasing, and she can't let the elves die here in vain.

  After Usha retreated some distance with the elf, Sandro nodded affirmatively at Romeo.

  Romeo did it himself, and poured those cauldrons into the magma.

  While falling down, he also threw various toxic materials into it.

  Everything here was done by Romeo himself, while Sandro held the wood from the Usha ribbon in one hand, and stood by the side with the poisonous cup in the other.

  When the liquid in the cauldron was poured into the magma, the original vermilion magma color changed unexpectedly.

  Among the vermilion lava, Sandro saw a dark red liquid like blood.

  It can be seen that these magma have been affected by something like dirty blood, and they are being forcibly swallowed.

  Before, the magma and dirty blood were not stimulated, and they were not displayed. Now they are under highly poisonous, and which are dirty blood and which are magma can be clearly seen at a glance.

  Sandrew pushed hard and threw the poisonous cup and the blood-red wood into the dirty blood.

The moment the wood was thrown in, it turned into a vermilion liquid and began to swallow the dirty blood. When the poisonous cup was thrown down, Sandru also raised the death staff in his hand and began to borrow the willow. The power of governance.

  Yagiji is now using the feathered snake god's divinity to influence this demiplane.

The death rod in Sandro’s hand can activate the sun divinity, and he himself can activate the death divinity. With the stimulation of the two divine natures, Sandro spit out blood in one mouthful, and he finally succeeded The two divinities of the feathered serpent's divinity, heavy rain and abundant harvest, have been brought out.

  When it rained heavily in the sky, Romeo also thought of what Sandro had said at the beginning.

  He didn't even think about it, and threw those spider eggs and poisonous mushrooms into the magma on the spot.

  Under the heavy rain, the poisonous mushrooms thrown into the magma seemed to be stimulated and began to grow wildly.

  These poisonous mushrooms are the most common species. Under the stimulation of heavy rain, poisonous mushrooms spew out a large number of spores in an instant.

   Then new poisonous mushrooms grow up and erupt again.

  In just three or four seconds, the magma is already full of poisonous mushrooms full of vitality.

  At this time, the poisonous mushrooms have begun to release themselves. They are free to mess around. The poison is getting stronger and stronger in the poisonous cup thrown into the magma, but it also becomes more and more weird.

  In a short while, many huge poisonous mushrooms grew up, blocking the volcanic product tightly.

  Then those spider eggs also began to appear small spiders, they ran around on the poisonous mushrooms quickly, and began to spin silk to make webs.

Under the action of poisonous mushrooms and cobwebs, the vermilion lava that was still visible slowly disappeared, as if everything was blocked by these two things.

  In fact, both Sandreu and Romeo understand that this is only temporary, and it is impossible to seal up the huge wound just by relying on the present.

Even if the poisonous mushrooms and spider swarms are kept growing here, it will take more than a hundred years to plug the cracks on the bright surface. If you want to block everything like Yamala, there will be no thousands. Years can't do it at all.

  Now Sandru and the others can only think of another way to make people unable to use this place temporarily.

  And this method naturally uses poison.

When the poisonous mushrooms temporarily sealed this place, Sandro and Romeo acted together, and they would continue to introduce various poisons into it. Finally, the two of them turned this place into the poisonous mushrooms and the poisonous spiders that grow here. A forbidden area that other creatures can't set foot on.

  After doing all this, Sandro said to Romeo: "You are staring here, I want to go back to Hades, I am a little worried about the situation there."

  Romeo nodded affirmatively, "Don't worry, no one will come up from here."

  In fact, Romeo doesn’t need to say the same. At this time, the sea of ​​blood corresponding to this position in the underworld has changed.

  The bald head who was preparing for the big sacrifice looked at the poisonous spores falling in the sky and the sea of ​​blood slowly turning into poisonous water. The bald man's mood at this time was quite uncomfortable.

He did not expect that the sea of ​​blood he had spent thousands of years to raise turned out to be like this. If the venom and spores in the sky fell for a few more days, except for some special species, this sea of ​​blood could even The dead cannot survive.

  But his great sacrifice can't leave this sea of ​​blood, he can only choose to act here.

   looked up at the sky again, the bald man said in his heart.

   "Hurry up and get your things back, or all the decorations will be ruined."

  (End of this chapter)

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