Necromantic Myth

Chapter 560: Uphill

   Chapter 560

  At this time, in the sea area of ​​the Hades, Nasha has already led the fishmen to the mountains of Hades.

  Since Nasha himself was still a hero under Yanagiji, Mander did not prevent the entry of the fish people.

  When entering the sea area of ​​the Hades, all the murlocs seemed to be affected in some way, and all stopped, seemingly unwilling to move forward.

  This change is more so after entering the range of the Hades.

  The murlocs from behind the beards fell directly on the ground, unwilling to move.

   "What's going on." In Nasha's heart, the voice of the first Blood Duke resounded.

"It’s the Soul Rejuvenation Tower. There is a Soul Rejuvenation Tower in the Hades Palace. All the undead who join the Hades will be affected by the Soul Resurrection Tower. Although we are only ghost creatures, we were born here since we were young, so we will also be affected. The influence of the murlocs is too weak, there is no way to get to the top of the mountain."

   "This won't work, forget it, let's come out and kill it."

  Seeing that they had reached the mountain road, most of Mand’s troops were placed on the first wall, and the first blood duke quickly made a judgment.

  Under the order of the first blood duke, a large amount of vermilion liquid poured out of the murloc and became a scarlet armor guard again.

  And the murlocs who brought them in were unable to move.

   "They are."

   "It's okay, my people won't affect their lives. They are just affected by the soul-suppression tower. They can't stand up for the time being. Go quickly. They have found out."

When    was speaking, the First Blood Duke also got out of Nesha's body. He turned his head and glanced behind him, and found that Mander had noticed something wrong here.

  But they ran fast, and they were right on the mountain road. After throwing the murlocs who couldn't get up on the spot, the scarlet armor guards guarded the first blood duke to the top of the mountain.

   And Nasha himself is a hero, and his strength is still there. Coupled with his ambition to support him, he still has a little strength to resist the influence of the Soul Resurrection Tower and walks up step by step.

   And the guards around Nasha also followed. They grew up with Nasha. As Nasha's personal guards, their loyalty can overcome the influence of the Soul Calming Tower.

  After all, they are just meditation creatures, not even the undead here.

  So six murlocs and a large number of blood armor warriors quickly rushed towards the top of the mountain.

  The murlocs who have been abandoned are lying on the ground and cannot move.

  When Mander, who had given up on the city wall for the first time, passed by with his men, he didn't look at them more, just said a word.

   "Kill all."

  After speaking, Mander quickly chased him up.

  And the soldiers under Mander, when passing by the murlocs, then killed all the murlocs here with a single knife.

Mander had a group of flying troops. The first gargoyle troops who followed Yuji were in Mander's hands. Although the number of remaining gargoyles was not many after the war, how could Mander do it at this time? Will use it all.

  When Mander was chasing up, the gargoyle had already chased the blood armor warriors in advance.

   Seeing the gargoyles chasing from behind, the first blood prince was a little annoyed. He regretted not bringing some blood-seekers. If he brought blood-seekers, he might be able to ignore these gargoyles.

  But he didn’t want to think about it. If he brought a bloodseeker over, would he really have a chance to sneak into the Hades?

  After having to leave a few blood armor guards to hold the gargoyle, the first Blood Duke looked at Nesha with no good intentions.

  Nasha didn't care about this, he also left two of his own guards, and let them help block these gargoyles.

  Nasa knew that when he left his guards behind, he and Yanagi were already enemies.

  Now his only way to survive is to grab the opportunity to become a player, as long as he becomes a player and leaves the world, he will be free.

  With this thought, Nasha raised his head. Nasha, who was still a little hesitant, at this time, with one stroke of both hands, two lightning bolts shot out from his hands, hitting the nearby undead who wanted to stop them.

  Since Sandru took most of the undead out, even the ones that were originally patrolled in the Hades were taken away.

  There is no defensive force in the Hades at all. In front of Nasha and them, there are some potential labor-type undeads, and some undead servants living in the upper floors of Hades.

  Nassah made such a move, and the speed of their advancement of the first blood duke obviously increased a lot.

   Soon they rushed to the floor of the soul-suppression tower.

   Pointing to the tall tower in front of him, Nasha said, "This is the Soul Resurrection Tower. Should we destroy this thing."

  The First Blood Duke turned his head and glanced behind him. He found that Mander was leading his troops to catch up. The First Blood Duke shook his head.

   "Now is not the time to do this, we have more important things to do."

  Nasha glanced at the Soul Resurrection Tower, and blamed this thing. If there was no such thing, the murloc he brought would definitely be able to come up, so that he wouldn't be in such a hurry.

   After bypassing the undead transformation zone, Nasha and the others finally saw the Scarab Secret Temple hidden among the trees.

   "This is what you said?" The First Blood Duke looked at this place and asked.

   "Yes, I have entered the Great Council Hall inside. All kinds of treasures are placed inside. Because no one enters or exits here for the time being, some things are thrown directly on the ground, and no one is in charge."

   "That's good, we will live now..."

  Before he could finish the words of the first Blood Duke, he saw five burly men who resisted machetes and held their heads coming out of the Scarab Secret Hall.

These people are the beheaders who were left here by Sandro. They are relatively powerful in themselves, and their fighting style is unique. They are the kind of beheading the enemy's leader. This kind of army combat is very important for They were of no use, so Sandro simply left them here.

  Unexpectedly, at this time, it was their decapitators who stood up last.

   "Be careful, they are decapitators. As long as they are chopped off, they will definitely die."

   "murloc, rush in."

  The first blood duke said coldly.

   "What?" Nasha looked at the first Blood Duke in confusion.

   "I said, you, rush in."

After the words of the first Blood Duke were finished, Nasha felt that his body seemed to be hot all over, as if he was no longer under his control. There were layers of thunder and lightning on his body, stimulating his body and improving his The speed made him rush forward involuntarily.

  (End of this chapter)

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