Necromantic Myth

Chapter 562: Blood Sea Dry (30/109)

  Chapter 562 The sea of ​​blood is dry (30109)

  The event that detonated the first Blood Duke broke out almost instantaneously.

At the moment when the first Blood Duke exploded, the body of the bald man in the sea of ​​blood also exploded, and even the entire sea of ​​blood had a big explosion. The dirty blood in the sea of ​​blood quickly evaporated, and a large amount of blood mist rose in the sea of ​​blood. There seemed to be a writhing dragon phantom in the blood mist.

  The bald-headed man regrouped his body. At this time, his body seemed to be reconstituted with blood.

  After gathering his body, the bald man glanced at the dragon phantom in the blood mist, and then he was also angry.

   "Adam! It's you again, you have been dead for so many years, don't jump anymore."

As    said, the bald man hit the dragon phantom with one punch.

  The dragon phantom seemed to have seen the bald man, but he seemed to have forgotten most of the things. He just opened his eyes and glanced at the bald man, as if thinking about something there.

The action of   the shadow of the giant dragon aroused the anger in the heart of the bald man.

   "What do you mean, you forgot me, you ruined my life, I want you."

   The bald man roared, and in his voice, the blood in the sea of ​​blood surged again, and no matter the undead still in the sea of ​​blood, they all squeezed towards the dragon phantom.

  At this time, the bald man had forgotten his goal and the so-called big sacrifice. There was only one thing in his mind, that is, to kill Adam who turned into a dragon phantom, destroy Adam's last back hand, and destroy everything.

  As for his own affairs, the bald man has forgotten.

   Under the impact of waves of blood and water, the dragon phantom finally disappeared.

  The bald man who did this reacted. He saw the sea of ​​blood that had been exposed on the ground and looked at the blood mist surging around him. He knew that his three thousand years of layout had been wasted.

  This bald man is the son of the plane who fought Adam for three thousand years, but when he fought Adam, he broke the ground and was sent to the underworld.

   survived by the blood dripping from the earth veins in the sky.

  From that moment on, he had only one thought in his mind, which was to kill Adam, grab control of the world, and take back everything that should belong to him.

  And he did the same.

  When the Mother Earth invited the players to deal with Adam, he took action. Not only did he leave a passage leading to those players, but also two corpses of the players.

  One of them was used to suppress the passage, while the other was borrowed by him and became the first blood duke.

  For so many years, he has been working towards his goals.

  I didn't expect such a thing to happen in the end. Three thousand years of hard work was destroyed, and even the sea of ​​blood he used to hide was gone.

   Feeling the yin wind of the underworld blowing on him, the bald man has a feeling that he is about to be blown away.

  What Adam left in the blood of the dragonborn blew up the first blood duke, and also injured the origin of the bald man. At this time, he seemed to be a wandering soul who had just touched the blood of the earth vein.

  Don't talk about the undead troops on the side of the palace, even if it is a ray of sunshine, a stray wind will kill him.

   And all his three thousand years of time have been devoted to the ‘immediate’ success of the great sacrifice. He has not considered any future for himself at all, nor is he like Adam, who has all kinds of backhands one after another.

   Looking up at the crack in the sky that was slowly filled with green liquid and spores, the bald man finally had an idea of ​​leaving here.

   Turned his head and glanced at the direction of Hades, the bald man hesitated, and finally got off his throne and walked in the sea of ​​blood that had dried up.

  At this time, he looks quite weak, almost every step he takes, the **** skin on his body will dry and crack a little.

This is the biggest problem of this bald man. Since he entered the underworld, he has always assimilated himself with the blood of the earth veins, using his own dirty blood to transform the blood of the earth veins, and some have absorbed the blood of the earth veins to strengthen himself, in short, for three thousand years. The time has allowed him to merge with the blood of the earth veins.

  When the sea of ​​blood dries up, and the dripping from the sky turns into venom, he has already lost all the source of power. He can maintain his body without dispersing, and he is already considered to be strong.

  If he wants to regain his original level, he may need to find another way.

  And it takes at least three thousand years to start.

   But is it possible?

   Originally there was no owner in this world, he could wait.

  But what about now?

   Will Hades give him another three thousand years?

  It's impossible to think about it on your knees.

  The only thing that can save himself now is the passage that he left behind.

So the bald man walked towards that side step by step. As for the control of the world, forget it, whoever falls into the hands of it, he will come back one day, and he will only need it. More than control of this world, he wants more.

  At this time, some changes have taken place in the real world.

  When the first Blood Duke blew himself up, the ground of the real world shook unexpectedly, and a large number of blood-colored crystals sprang from the ground, exploded on the spot, and turned into a blood mist covering the entire real world.

  People in the real world were frightened by the blood fog at first. They thought of the blood fog caused by the Blood Duke before.

  They thought this was another conspiracy of the Blood Duke, and the forces that had already retreated to the Dragon Duke’s Castle once again gathered towards the Blood Duke’s realm.

  But as they headed towards the Blood Duke’s realm, they discovered a situation.

  This time, everyone including the elves and the Phyllo family were affected.

The elves are better. They just have some more red lines on their skins, and they seem to have been affected by some bloodlines. The people and wolves of the Fililu family have changed, and they have grown on their bodies. Scales.

  Shandru, who was rushing to Duke Long’s castle, knew what was going on. This was the bloodline ability of Duke Long Adam, half-dragonized.

  It’s just that this kind of blood fog isn’t Duke Blood’s skill? How could it have something to do with Duke Long.

  With such doubts, Sandro immediately thought of the Dragonborn bloodline stored in the Hades.

  At this time, he finally wanted to understand what Nasha wanted to do. He must have been eyeing the power of the Dragonborn bloodline.

It’s just that this kind of behavior can be regarded as a betrayal. Thinking of this, Sandro put a non-reusable mark on all the murlocs in his heart. After he went back, no matter who opposed it, he would directly treat it. If Nasha is killed, even if he has the potential, it will be useless. All the betrayers will die.

  (End of this chapter)

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