Necromantic Myth

Chapter 563: The death of Nesha (31/109)

  Chapter 563 The death of Nasha (31109)

  Actually, Sandro didn't know that at this time, Nesha was already dead.

  When the first Blood Duke blew himself up, Nasha was also blown out.

  At this time, his body has undergone some changes. The scales on his body have all become something similar to dragon scales. At this time, Nasha feels full of power.

  This feeling made Nasha raise his hands.

   "I, Nasha, the king of thunder and lightning, the king of ten thousand dragons!"

   Before he finished roaring, the black gloves walked over to Nesha, "I said murloc, what are you doing."

   "Go away."

Just thinking that after he established the murloc empire, Nesha, the names of the princes, was quite upset when he heard the voice of the black gloves. He was obviously the first to come. Why this seemingly messy goblin could become a player , And he can only grow bigger.

  In a fit of anger, Nesha hit the goblin's face with a punch.

  As a result, he used the power of thunder and lightning with his punch, which happened to hit the goblin’s chest.

   Although the mecha that brought the goblin up exploded, there is only one idea as an engineering goblin, and there are still a lot of his temporary thoughts in their pockets.

  The electric current carried by Nasha’s punch happened to activate a machine.

  The machine looks like a magnifying glass. Of course, this is not something like a world reduction instrument, but a black glove idea.

The Black Glove thought that the underworld was too dark, and lighting the lights did not fit his identity as an engineering goblin, so he built a light relay system. Of course, this system has not yet been named. His principle is to arrange various mirrors in the void, The light from the Eye of Horus is refracted on this magnifying glass.

  Reuse the principle of focusing to light up the space in front of the black glove.

  This is a very good idea, but after Black Glove calculated all the expenses required for the arrangement, he directly persuaded him. He knew that even if he sold the Underworld, he would not be able to collect so much money.

  And he believes that if Liu Zhi knew about this, he might just take the Eye of Horus to the underworld and turn it around.

  So in the end this plan was shelved, but the finished magnifying glass was still held by black gloves, and it was calculated when it could be used.

  Unexpectedly, Nasha’s punch activated the magnifying glass.

   Then, in front of Black Glove and Nasha, a gate made up of stars appeared.

   "What's the matter, I don't have an algorithm to put space into it."

   Before the black gloves could react, he saw the sky of the real world behind the gate made up of stars, and the sun formed by the eye of Horus just flew past this gate.

  At this moment, Nasha suddenly felt that he was being targeted by someone.

  He yelled and turned around to run away.

  But it was too late, the eyes of Horus brightened, and a white light hit Nasha from the back.

  Next, Nasha ran forward two more steps, then lowered his head a little unwillingly, looked at the body that began to evaporate from the feet, and finally called out.

   "I am the King of Nasha Raiden, I can't die here..."

  Looking at Nesha who disappeared in front of him, the black gloves were also shocked.

   Then he glanced at the magnifying glass that fell out of his pocket, and patted his head heavily, "Laser weapons, how come I didn’t expect it, no, I’m going to do an experiment."

  The black glove was talking, looking at the common currency piled on the ground, seeing so much money, he couldn't help swallowing.

  At this moment, the decapitator walked in from outside, and the two decapitators dragged the black gloved hand from left to right.

And Mander’s voice also rang, "Take him down and ask the whereabouts of the betrayal. In addition, clean up all the living murlocs that can be seen in the Hades, including the murloc larvae. Apart from the murloc eggs, I The living murlocs don’t want to see either."

  This time Mander was really angry.

  Since he became the guardian hero of the Hades, even when facing the player's siege army, he has not allowed the enemy to step into the Hades.

  This time, the fact slapped him in the face abruptly.

  If he is just a hero who defends the city, he might make excuses for himself. He is in charge of the city wall, and he doesn't care about the situation in the city.

  But Mander is not that kind of person. This time the Murloc sneak incident made him discover his own problem.

  He can't keep guarding the city wall, the sea area of ​​the palace and the glacier are also the focus of defense.

  Moreover, he can't just stare at foreign enemies. The residents of the Hades may also have problems, and there may be various teleportation formations, flight points, and everything in his grasp.

   Thinking of this, Mander's eyes on the black gloves were different.

   "Drag this guy down. In addition to the whereabouts of the betrayer, let him explain clearly how he got in. If he doesn't say anything, kill him."

   "No, don't do this, you can't do this to me, I want to see Lord Lord, I have contributed to the territory, I am an engineering goblin, you can't treat a scientist like this..."

  Mand ignored the black gloves being dragged down. He glanced at the situation in the Scarab Secret Hall and found that there was a pool of blood from the explosion on the ground.

  Mander did not plan to help Ryuzhi clean up here, he just wanted to find the final whereabouts of the enemies who entered the Hades.

  He has personally counted all the corpses along the way, and he has seen every one of them.

  As an undead, Mander knows that there are various ways to resurrect or exchange bodies, so he does not intend to let go of all the problems.

  Looking at this pool of blood, Mander didn't really think much about it. He just wanted to record who was dead.

  When Mander walked over there, the long sword in his hand was raised a little to the ground.

  "This should not be able to bear some stimuli and explode. Judging from the situation on the ground, the number of persons who exploded is one person, and the other person should be a normal human size, eh..."

  Mander accidentally used force, the long sword pierced the floor, and then a dragon roar came from his ear.

  The pool of flesh and blood seemed to want to gather again, but in the end it was scattered again and turned into a pool of real dead flesh.

Mander glanced suspiciously. He felt that something had been swallowed by the Scarab Secret Hall, but he didn't know where the problem was. In the end, he could only draw a humanoid position on the ground with a long sword. , Recorded the time of the last death.

   "It's almost there now. Except for the disappeared Nasha, all the enemies who sneaked into the Hades have been killed, close the team!"

    is finally dead, hope that no murlocs will appear in the next scroll.



  (End of this chapter)

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