Necromantic Myth

Chapter 564: Player: Black Gloves

  Chapter 564 Player: Black Gloves

  When Sandru hurried back to Hades, everything had returned to normal. All kinds of corpses, evidence, intelligence, and the black gloves of the goblin who had been screaming were all sent to Sandru.

  Looking at the black gloves who were still struggling, Sandro casually said, "Just kill it."

   After all, compared to this kind of bad luck goblin who can't die no matter how bad, Sandro still has a lot to do.

  But the accident happened quickly. Sandro watched the black glove's neck twisted in a circle, but as long as he let go, his neck would automatically change back to its original condition.

   Raised the black glove handily, Sandro looked up and down the struggling little guy.

   "Undead, what happened to you?"

   "Nothing happened to that, I just ate a little bit, and it turned out to be what I am now."

   "Tell me, show the attribute bar." Sandro didn't care about the black gloves, he made his own request.

  The black gloves don’t know what this is. As soon as Sandro said, he immediately said: "Show the attribute bar."

  【Name: Black Glove·Rust】

  【Occupation: Undead】

  【Level: Level 1 (Upper Level 4)】

  【Magic Power: 10/10】

  【Title: None】

  [Deputy post: Engineer Level 1, Goblin Engineer Level 1]

  [Attributes: Strength 3.1, Agility 2.0, Constitution 5.6, Spirit 1.3]

  [Active Skills: Rocket Level 1, Quick Repair Level 2, Self-Protected Defense Level 4,]

  【Meditation: None】

  [Professional Skills: Resurrecting from the dead at level 1, recovering from severe injuries at level 2]

   [Passive skills: engineering level 4, goblin engineering level 3, goblin explosion proficiency level 2, chemistry proficiency level 2, black technology research level 2, mecha manufacturing level 1...]

  【Advanced Skills: Mecha Design and Production Level 1】

  【Experience: 200】

  Looking at the attributes of the black gloves, Sandro knew that this guy must have swallowed the contaminated Wrangler’s experience in the Scarab Secret Hall.

  This may be a good thing. For the average player, the upper limit is limited. It is still this kind of meat shield type of profession, and most people are not willing to choose.

  On the contrary, black gloves are innately compatible with this situation. He always puts himself in danger. This immortal ability is of certain use to him.

   "Well, I get it, sign this and you can go."

  Sandrew moved his hand, and a contract-like thing appeared in front of the black glove.

  Faced with the contract, the black gloves became nervous, "What is this?"

  As an existence with the blood of a commercial goblin, the black glove knows that there are many problems in various contracts. If you don’t ask clearly, no goblin will care about him if he is pitted.

   "From the contract of God, it is the same as what Amanite has in his hands, without changing any content."

  The black gloves knew the position of Amanite in the Hades, and he was excited when he heard it.

   "Is it because I signed this, so I can study what I want to study in the Hades."

"I will set a special place for you outside the Hades. In addition, I will draw a bead coin to your side every year. The rest of the expenditure will be up to you to figure out the solution, but I think there is the existence of the black water goblin, you It should be easier to make money."

   "Of course, the things I make are good things, they like them."

  "That’s good. I just have some ideas to talk to you. Don’t you know how to make mechas? Exoskeleton mechas are also mechas. I have some needs here. You can try them out."

  Wait, it’s almost time to talk with Black Gloves, and one day has passed.

  Black gloves joined his side and became the No. 2 Clan God under Liu Zhi, so his words would be somewhat credible.

  Sandrew is also willing to believe that Nesha, who betrayed the Hades, is dead.

  At the same time, Sandro also launched his own plan. In his thoughts, reality belongs to reality, and the underworld belongs to the underworld.

   Hades has become stronger now, occupying the entire half plane is something that can be done by sight, and now it is no longer possible to mix everything together.

  Only the undead can appear in the underworld, and all the living creatures are sent to the real world.

  Even if they are meditated, it is useless, meditating is just to make their bodies more suitable for the breath of the underworld. It will be more convenient for them to transform the undead after they die. It is not that they can live and fight in the underworld in the future.

  Before letting them live in the palace, it was just because there were no people in the palace.

  Now it’s different. The entire demiplane will soon become Liu Zhi’s. Then, all the dead in this demiplane will belong to Liu Zhi from now on, and the palace will not be full immediately.

  Shandrew also understood at this time, why the Southern Swamp Plane would have such a profession as a Corpse Officer, occupying a plane to collect the corpse, for a Necromancer, that is a bargain.

  Now what they have to do is to send all the meditation creatures to the real world, so that they can live in the real world.

  As for how to take them back after death, there is actually a ready-made method here, the routine of grabbing the corpse officer, Shandru knows exactly from Liu Zhi.

  In the absence of a tower of souls, this is actually a relatively good routine.

  Started to arrange the meditated creatures, including those murlocs who left the Hades, Sandro found goblins to guide the way.

   "The number of goblin souls you have attracted recently seems to be less."

   "Yes, I can feel it too, but goblin souls that drift outside of this demiplane are always so rare, and your requirements are relatively high, so I'm also having a headache."

  "I have a new business recently. I don't know if you want to do it."

   "Of course, there has never been a business that a goblin would not want to do." The goblin led the passer-by and became excited when he heard it.

   "I'm thinking, among the black water goblins, there are several sun boats, can you teach them, let them guide the dead souls on the boat, and transport all the dead in the real world to the underworld."

The goblin was stunned as soon as he heard it. He thought about it very seriously. He understood that if he was only transporting souls or corpses, he did not actually need to deal with it. Sandru wanted undead, which could be in the underworld. The undead of life.

  And this is the ability of goblins to lead the way. Even if those black water goblins can drive the sun boat between reality and the underworld, they can't do it.

  And Sandrew also knows this, otherwise the southern swamp plane would not allow players to act as corpses to help deal with corpses.

The goblin guide finally hesitated, "Yes, but I have two conditions. The guide can't be a goblin, because this business is mine. The other point is to guide the corpse in this demiplane, not to grab this demiplane. Outside business."


   "If you grab outside business, you will be killed."

  (End of this chapter)

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