Necromantic Myth

Chapter 565: Liu Zhi wakes up

  Chapter 565 Liu Zhi wakes up

  After sending away the goblin guide, Sandro quickly arranged that several goblins were willing to take over the business of sending souls and corpses between reality and the underworld. As for the existence of guides, it still needs to be found slowly.

  Sandrew was not so anxious about this. He figured that it would be best to establish a few gathering points in the underworld, let these ordinary undead live first, and wait until the soul tower is built before considering other things.

  At this moment, the scout sent by Sandro to check the surrounding situation suddenly brought back a news that the sea of ​​blood in the southern part of the underworld suddenly disappeared.

  This is a big news.

You must know that Yuji is now grabbing control of this half-plane. Any change in the environment will cause some unnecessary changes. Sandro is very worried about whether Yuji's meditation will be affected by this change. influences.

  Thinking about it, Sandro finally decided to go there and take a look. After all, what he saw was equivalent to what Liu Zhi saw.

   After dragging the sun carriage, Sandro quickly moved towards the blood sea.

  Before he got close to the sea of ​​blood, he saw the mummy who was about to go into the sea of ​​blood.

The situation of these mummies made Sandro react, and then I remembered that this was the army assigned to Amanite, but there was news that Amanite had entered the sea of ​​blood, and they had no way to touch it. Water, so I have stayed outside of the blood.

  Now that the sea of ​​blood is gone, they will naturally find a way to find Amanite.

  Sandrew took a look, and found that these mummies seemed to be able to find their way on their own, constantly heading for somewhere in the blood sea.

  This situation made Sandro think that the mummies had found Amanite, and Sandro went along with the mummy.

  After all, there is one more helper, and he also has a relaxing day. The battles these days have made Sandru wish to divide himself into three people.

   But when he came to the iron pit, Sandro felt that things were not right.

  The blood water in other places has been dried up, but there is still some blood water in this iron pit, and at the same time, Sandru clearly felt a kind of distortion effect in this pit.

  Sandrew, as the avatar of Ryuzhi, of course he would know more than Amanette, and when he saw this distortion, Sandro cursed.

   "Damn it, this half-plane has been bought at a loss. Not only are there various problems, there are also backdoors left by other players."

Although he kept cursing here, Sandro still knew some priorities. He quickly called the mummies over and asked them to guard here, while checking the surroundings, preparing to build a city near here. Be guarded.

   Even other things, you have to wait for Liu Zhi to come out. Maybe in the later stage, this will be a springboard for Liu Zhi to attack other planes.

  After arranging the mummies, Sandro was planning to go to other places to see. At this moment, he suddenly saw a flash of light at the entrance of the mine.

  Shandru took a step forward, just in time to see a cracked diamond statue buried in the mud.

  Just as he picked up the diamond statue, Liu Zhi's voice came from his heart.

   "Shandru, you inform them that you will protect your safety tomorrow. Just stay in the Hades, hey, where did this come from."

   "My deity, your meditation is over? This should be a statue of the Son of Destiny, but this thing seems to be broken."

   "Yes, it's a pity, forget it, I'll take care of it right away."

  Liu Zhi said it very lightly. In fact, he woke up when the sea of ​​blood dried up, and he also saw the preparation made by the bald head, which was a waste of money.

  The bald man has actually reached the last step. His original plan was to carry out a high sacrifice in a sea of ​​blood. Once the Blood Duke had obtained something from Adam, his high sacrifice could be carried out.

  This time, they intend to contaminate the blood of the earth mother **** with blood and turn them into a new earth mother god, or other gods, in order to control the entire demiplane.

  As a result, when the first Blood Duke blew himself up, the bald man had only completed one part of the great sacrifice. The Mother God of Earth was gone, and he couldn't do the following actions. After all, the blood sea was gone.

  This time, Ryuzhi who is in a semi-meditation state is cheaper.

At this time, in the entire demiplane, there was only Yuji who had incorporated the feathered serpent god’s divine nature, so the consciousness of this demiplane naturally found him on the initiative, and changed from being indifferent to a relatively cooperative attitude. .

  Through this opportunity, Liu Zhi easily blended the divinity of the feathered snake **** into the demiplane, allowing the divinity to move freely in this demiplane.

   And he naturally walked out of the meditation state where he could not communicate with the outside world, and began to contact Sandreu to see what happened during this period.

  After seeing the real world war, Nessa’s betrayal, the reaction of the Blood Duke, and the disappearance of the sea of ​​blood, leaving a passage to other planes, Ryuzhi's thoughts are the same as Shandro.

  He feels that this demiplane has been bought at a loss. Why is this a demiplane? This is clearly a hornet's nest.

   But then I think about it, this may be an opportunity, winning this half plane is also good for future development.

  Liu Zhi has no objection to Shandro’s idea that living people return to reality and dead souls return to the underworld.

He only made two requests. The first is naturally the matter of living creatures, and the second is to let Sandro do a good job of guiding, because from tomorrow, Ryuzhi will borrow the power of world consciousness and begin to repair The space wall between the real world and the underworld.

  In other words, except for some specific places, the real world and the underworld will not be able to allow living people to enter and leave the palace freely as they do now.

  For this situation, Sandro also put forward his own opinions.

  "My deity, it’s not what I said about you. You should care about your Hades. Your Hades now doesn’t have a soul tower. This is very unreasonable. You are still not a Necromancer."

   "Now you are a necromancer, I don't have a career yet."

"This one……"

"But I know, I will look for the design drawings for the soul tower. By the way, there is one thing you have to do well. Before I start to transform tomorrow, you must move the three underworld ecosystems in the Hades to the real world. ."

   "I'm doing this." Sandro looked like I didn't need to say that I was doing it.

"But it's still not enough." Liu Zhi interrupted Sandro, "I saw that my knowledge of toxicity has risen to an extraordinary level. This shows that your level is improved, and I can also be improved. So in the future, the level of the necromancer, You have to come on.

You have to treat the real world of the demiplane as a big underworld ecosystem. We don’t need to change too much of the ecological environment. Just let the flow go. I believe that as long as we achieve this step, you and mine The Necromancer level can break through level 5. "

  (End of this chapter)

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