Necromantic Myth

Chapter 567: Arrangement of Demiplane 1 (33/109)

  Chapter 567 Arrangement of Half Plane 1 (33109)

  When Liu Zhi left from meditation, the relocation of the demiplane was over, and now the entire demiplane has begun new infrastructure work.

  According to Sandreu’s plan, this semi-plane will use the current layout of seven, five, and five, and a total of twelve large cities will be built, plus various small cities.

  And he also handled and arranged according to this plan.

  Ryuji did not have much objection to Sandro's plan, but made some adjustments to the role of all cities.

  In Ryuzhi's idea, he needs two comprehensive large cities, as the capital and main city of the real world and the underworld, and the remaining cities can each have their own functions.

  So in the end, Liu Zhi’s Hades naturally became the first choice of the main city. It became the main city of the underworld and the main city of this demiplane. The passages to and from this demiplane were all outside the Hades.

  In other words, all the ways of contacting the outside world of this half plane are in the hands of Liu Zhi. If those people in the real world want to leave this half plane, they must die once.

  Only the undead who have joined the Hades can borrow the passages, teleportation formations and shuttle orbs outside the Hades.

  The counterpart of the Hades is naturally the Dragon Duke’s castle located in the center of the real world. At this time, this castle has been renamed Dragon Castle, acting as the main city on the real world side.

  There are a large number of channels connecting six other cities in the real world.

The other six large cities are the Wolf Fort of the Fililu family in the north, the sacred city of the elves, the city of Yamala, the new high mountain tribe in the west, and the swamp rebuilt from the ruins of the Blood Duke’s castle in the south. Chi, the newly built amphibious port of the port city where the Hades stationed originally and the rusty iron port of the route core on the pirate island.

Except for Longbao, which acts as the main city in the real world, the other six cities, Liuzhi, are handled according to standards. He did not directly control these six cities, but issued the management authority, except for the need to go up every year. In addition to the taxes and worship, these six cities also need to provide some support for troops and all the corpses.

  The other authority Liu Zhi ignored. After all, he is no longer the lord of only one city. Now he has a half-plane under his hand, and it is impossible for him to intervene in everything.

  For these six cities, he just delineated the standards, and left the rest to the local indigenous people to deal with.

  The standard at the beginning is actually the same in all six cities.

  In terms of combat power, Liu Zhi gave six cities the configuration of a full-fledged hero.

In other words, no matter how the managers of these six cities deal with it, they can raise a full-stroke hero in their own city, that is, one main hero with two sub-heroes, with thirteen branches. The organization of troops (the main seven, the two deputy three).

The troops and heroes in the establishment, whether they were arranged by Liu Zhi, or appeared in these cities due to some chance, the city managers can use the city’s taxes and sacrifices to support them. These heroes and troops train them and prepare various weapons and equipment for them.

However, the troops beyond this number are all counted as professionals and private soldiers, and they have to go to the managers of these cities. They can only use their own money to support these people, or let Find some jobs for these people and let them support themselves.

  In the words of Liu Zhi, this is the difference between the regular army and the miscellaneous army.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi will not design battle flags for each organization. He will only give three battle flags to each city, representing the three heroes and their troops that can appear in the city.

  As for the battle flags for the formation of troops, they can only use numbers to number to prove their identity.

All cities are arranged in this way, even Longbao is like this. Ryuzhi has already considered. There are only two cities that can destroy such a layout in the whole half plane. One is his palace, and the other will be him. A barracks city in the underworld.

  All other big cities are arranged like this in terms of heroes and troops.

  As for the small cities, towns, iron ore, resource points and other places under the big cities, there are also corresponding troops, but these troops do not even have a structure, but are called patrols or escorts.

   Even if it is some jobs for those professionals, they are a little weaker than the miscellaneous army. In a term, they are all militias.

  Before their city developed, they would not even have their own name.

  After arranging the military organization of the six cities, Ryuzhi and Sandro also intervened in the development direction of these six cities.

These six cities are different from Longbao. They actually have different characteristics. For example, the Rusty Port actually controls the sea routes and can communicate with the north and south ends of the mainland in the shortest time. At the same time, they It is also responsible for all the harvests at sea, which means that all the ore and fishery goods at sea are under the control of the pirate port.

  It can be said that this is very consistent with the setting of the goblins, as long as they have money, they can do anything.

  Different from Rusty Iron Port, the Amphibious Port, located where the Hades was originally located, is actually the settlement of the amphibious races of Ryuzhi. There are mackerel guards, lizardmen, and dead lake murlocs who have not been born from eggs.

  Unlike the goblins in Rusty Iron Port, these people do not have that big ambition. Their goal is to make themselves stronger, so this port is actually a port for guarding and breeding.

  Guardian Port refers to the port used to block the river and guard Longbao, the core city of the real world.

The breeding port refers to the amphibians here. They will turn this river and port into a breeding area, and even the tree-bound spiritual waterweed-murloc system at the core of Liuzhi has been sent here, and even expanded the entire underworld ecology. The scope of the circle, even Kaiwei and Lizardmen were included in this system.

  At the same time, this is also the entry and exit point of the goblin sun boat into and out of the underworld. The goblin sun boat can directly enter the sea area of ​​the underworld from here, which can be regarded as a convenient location.

  So the relationship between these two Hong Kong products will be relatively close.

Unlike the two ports, the other four cities do not have many road connections with each other. The distances between them and Longbao are almost the same, so they often prefer to contact Longbao directly and exchange back at Longbao. What you want.

  So the development direction of these four cities will be relatively single. Each city has its own special products and also has its own needs.

  (End of this chapter)

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