Necromantic Myth

Chapter 568: Arrangement of Demiplane 2 (34/109)

  Chapter 568 Arrangement of Half Plane 2 (34109)

  For the four cities outside Longbao, the most affected by Liu Zhi is actually the mountainous land in the west and the swamp pond under the original blood duke.

  These two places are newly built and rebuilt, and the previous order has been completely disrupted.

  Now these two cities are entirely based on the opinions of Ryuuji and Sandro. For him to arrange some of the original Western forces with the new races brought by Ryuuji, it can be said that Sandro has spent considerable effort.

A total of seven western races on the mainland have survived before. They were the mountain people who first took refuge in Sandru, the snake people who suddenly joined Sandru, the stone giant living on the mountain, a red-skinned human who claimed to be the Naaru, and three An aristocratic power exiled to the West because of the defeat of the war.

According to their respective characteristics, Sandru and the others made certain arrangements. Among the seven races originally bought by Ryuzhi, the flower spirits lived with the elves, the lizardmen lived on the Amphibious Port, and the cavemen lived on the dragons. Fort farming, and finally the wild boar, centaur, kobold and swan people migrated here.

  In order to make room for these our clan, the snake people, the Naaru people and the three noble forces all went to the territory of the Southern Blood Duke.

  As for the mountain people, they occupy the part of the mountain where the forces died because of the war, and they are regarded as the biggest winner in the mainland and the west.

  Kobolds live with the stone giants and mine various ores for the Gaoshan tribe. This is regarded as the biggest advantage of the Western Continent, and it is also the source of their living supplies.

  Wild boars, centaur and swan people are scattered throughout the mountains and forests, wild boars planting, centaur hunting and swan people sewing to supplement other income of the Gaoshan tribe’s land in exchange for necessary supplies from other places.

  Similar to the situation in the Gaoshan tribe, the southern original blood duke also has corresponding advantages in resources, herbs and poisons.

After the battle with the Duke of Blood, the southern continent was almost washed out by poison, especially where the original volcanic crater has become a poisonous forest of poisonous mushrooms. From time to time, a large number of poisonous spores fly from the crater. In addition, there are swamps everywhere in the southern continent, so although the weather here is good, it is not very good for growing food.

Instead, it is most suitable to grow herbs and poisons. In addition, there are some relatively special mines here. Those blood crystal iron ore that was transformed by the blood duke in three thousand years can also be used by the southern mainland. People live easily.

  Even because of the strong toxicity here, their bodies have undergone some changes, and the snake people who came to the southern continent have obviously become more venomous.

  While the fairy city of Yamaara and the Fililu’s Wolf Fortress have not changed so much, their development direction is relatively more traditional.

  The elves received more than 6,000 flower essences, plus the original treants and druids, which made the elves the most important food source for the entire demiplane.

  As for the Fililu family, it is the largest producer of meat and fur on the entire continent, and this has not changed much.

  However, Liu Zhi and the others did not fail to give them some guidance. Liu Zhi defeated this demiplane, not for the purpose of allowing some forces in the mainland to develop themselves.

  Ryuzhi got the souls of all the Fililu family and the elves.

  In other words, no matter how strong they were in their lives, they will all be under Liu Zhi after their deaths.

Of course they also negotiated with Liu Zhi. The elves made a request that their souls can be transformed into ghosts and banshees after death, but their bodies hope to be buried in a natural cemetery. Don’t move. Their bodies.

  Because he has a dream forest that can be used as a natural cemetery, Liu Zhi understands the idea of ​​the elves, and finally he agrees to this matter, but Liu Zhi also proposed that only elves with strength above level 3 apply this condition.

Because the spirits of elves above level 3 are already very strong, they can easily transform into ghosts after their death. If they are those elves above level 3, their souls can’t be transformed, so they can only use their corpses. .

  For this, the elves have also agreed. In fact, in the eyes of the elves, this is an indirect agreement, because the life of the elves is so long, as long as they are trained carefully, it is impossible to get less than level 3 in thousands of years.

  If they really have to train hard, three thousand years is enough to get them to level 5.

  So this question is not a problem.

  And the Fililu family also made their own request, they don't care about the use of the corpse after death, but they have a request to transform their corpse, even their big wolf and the wolf are transformed together.

  For this request, Liu Zhi didn't have much thoughts. In fact, the request of the Fililu family was not too excessive.

  It’s just that the people of the Philistine family, especially the werewolves of them, will have a relatively large number of wolves under them. After a batch of them die, the horses will raise a new batch of them.

  When they die of old age, the number of wolves under the name of this shepherd will reach dozens or even hundreds, which can form a legion.

Not to mention the wolf cavalry and guard werewolves. In the case of the wolf cavalry, after the death of the knight, his wolves have died at least three to four waves, and they have enough wolves to help them when they are converted to heavy cavalry. Armored.

  Of course, these two forces dared to put forward the conditions, and they also had the confidence to put forward the conditions. After this great battle, coupled with the changes in the semi-planes in the past seven days, they completely surrendered to the management of Liu Zhi.

  Otherwise, if you want to take down the elves and the Phyllo family, you may have to fight a few more battles like before.

  Yagiji now doesn't have much time and energy to fight slowly.

  You must know that the corpse in the Hades has not been transformed yet. If you really wait until the corpse is completely transformed, and then go back to Ferry Road's house, it will not be taken down in less than a year.

   Therefore, Liu Zhi finally agreed to the plan of the Fililu family and the elves, which was considered to agree with their existence.

  Of course, as the Fililu family and the elves completely took refuge in Ryuuji, his control over the real world of the demiplane has reached its zenith. If Ryuuji is willing, he can even be king in the real world.

   But Ryuzhi did not have this idea. Does it make sense to be king?

  Now the entire demiplane consciousness is controlled by Liu Zhi here. If he had transformed the demiplane consciousness seven days ago, he thought that he could even turn the entire demiplane into a ghost domain.

  There is no need to call Wang Zhen here, because no matter what they were doing when they were alive, after their death, his ministry will be under the control of Liu Zhi.

  On the underworld, Liu Zhi prepared five cities for them, which is the key, and there is Liu Zhi’s main battlefield.

  (End of this chapter)

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