Necromantic Myth

Chapter 569: Demiplane Arrangement 3 (for subscription)

  Chapter 569 Arrangement of half planes 3 (seeking subscription)

  On the underworld, Liu Zhi couldn’t manage all by himself. His focus was definitely on the underworld. In addition, there were four cities that were placed in different locations and played different roles.

  One of them, like the Hades, does not limit the number of heroes and troops. That city is located in the original position of the blood sea, corresponding to the channel that has been opened but has not been closed.

  At the same time, some venom and spores will fall in the sky from time to time. The cracks there have not been repaired. Some people can also sneak into the underworld from here.

  Ryuzhi intends to build this into a barracks for the undead, and transfer some of the undead here for training.

  After all, after so many years of scouring, this sea of ​​blood can be regarded as the widest piece of land in the underworld.

  Here, you can find a suitable place for any building that Yanagi wants to put.

  And Ryuzhi believed that whether it was Amanite who entered the game or the bald man who escaped, they would attract a group of enemies from that passage.

  Fight with these sudden enemies. This is how Ryuuji trains the undead troops.

In Liu Zhi’s mind, the undead can never die. As long as they are allowed to fight non-stop, their strength can be continuously improved. And he has countless undeads. One group died, and a new group was replaced. Go up.

  In addition to this barracks city called the front line of the blood sea, the remaining three cities also have corresponding functions.

  In the east of the underworld, where the roots were hanging down before, there has been a huge ball city made up of roots since the return of Yuji.

  This ball city is made of Yamara roots. Unlike other cities, this city is fixed in mid-air.

So the whole city doesn’t look very big, but in fact the building area inside is not large, coupled with the characteristics of the ball city itself, as well as the storage of part of the semi-plane consciousness power before, so this is called Yamala The city in the ghost domain was used by Liu Zhi as a wisdom base.

  He put some legal systems and magic-related and science-related buildings here, like the goblin laboratory in black gloves, in a certain layer of the ghost domain of Yamara.

Some research work will be carried out in this city in the future. After all, for the undead, time is the thing they don’t care about the most. If they can’t study it in a year, they will spend hundreds of thousands of years to study. One day, in the ghost realm of Yamala The level of technology and magic can catch up with the level of those large forces.

  On the west side of the mainland, the remaining two cities are located here.

  After mastering the demiplane, Liu Zhi's arrangement of the Eye of Horus became regular.

  Every morning, the Eye of Horus will rise from the phantom of the giant tree in the city of Amara in the east of the real world, and travel from east to west in the real world.

   has been running to the westernmost part of the real world, which is the location corresponding to one of the two remaining underworld cities in Liuzhi.

  Here, the Eye of Horus will enter the underworld, and travel from west to east, and finally move to the direction of the ghost domain of Yamara, and turn into the real world.

  And this place where the Eye of Horus enters the underworld, that city will also be the place where everyone on the demiplane enters the underworld after death.

  All souls and corpses will be introduced into the underworld by special guides, and the initial classification and integration will be carried out here.

  Some people have stronger corpses, and they can be transformed into zombies. Some people have harder bones and can be transformed into skeletons. As for those with stronger mental power, they can naturally be transformed into ghosts.

  They will live in this city for a period of time, and after they adjust to their bodies, they will go from this city to another city.

  Not all the undead will remain. This city, called Guixu, will be a classification point for the undead.

Only the undead who can go to the next city, that is, the city called the training center, will be part of the undead under Liu Zhi. All the rest are the dead bones on the road of Huangquan, the provider of the yin in the underworld, the underworld. background.

  At the training center, the first thing for the undead is to leave their names on the Soul Recruitment Tower and Soul Resurrection Tower to confirm that they are willing to join Ryuzhi's Hades system.

  After that, they will carry out further classification and training in this training center. Those who cannot adapt to the battle will be converted into labor undead and be arranged to other small towns or villages.

   Those who are adapted to combat undead or have combat professions themselves will be sent directly to the front line of the blood sea for further training.

  Only the undead who have been trained and finally formed into the army, or the undead with potential and status, can enter the Hades. Other undead cannot go to the Hades.

  As for the Hades, Liu Zhi naturally regarded it as the main city of the entire half plane. He had no idea of ​​moving the teleportation array or the shuttle orb to a place.

  After all, in his mind, he is a necromancer.

  It is a very reasonable thing to bring the undead troops into battle.

  After arranging the entire demiplane, Ryuzhi planned to go out and finish the game.

  The reason why he was so anxious this time was entirely because he borrowed the feathered serpent's divine nature this time to absorb the power from the Yamara side and monopolize the consequences of this demiplane.

Since what he mobilized this time was mainly from the harvest power of the feathered serpent's divine nature, coupled with the power of nature from Yamala, although a part of it was finally returned, some of it went to Ushas, ​​but Yamala The power of nature accumulated by the giant tree for thousands of years cannot be swallowed by Liu Zhi at all.

  At this time, he felt that the natural force in his body had exceeded the level he could control.

  If it wasn't for Sandro's level 2 Necromancer power to fight against, plus the influence of the feathered serpent divinity remaining in his body, maybe now he stands there for a while, and flowers and grasses will grow on the ground.

  Liu Zhi understands that he must go to work. If he doesn’t manage his career and swallow this little natural force in his body, his future course may collapse.

  And to get a job, you can only go to the game world, and it is best to choose a world that suits him.

  In front of him, he has two choices. One is naturally to go in through the passage on the side of the sea of ​​blood, to find Amanite, and to find a job in that game world.

  The other is the small bronze antique that Liu Zhi got from Turner last time.

  The little antique is actually a guiding prop in the game, which can guide him into a game.

  As for what you can choose when you enter, it depends on Liu Zhi's own thoughts.

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  (End of this chapter)

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