Necromantic Myth

Chapter 570: exchange

  Chapter 570 Exchange

  Outside Fireblade City, Liu Zhi, who got off the sun carriage, saw Mark who came to greet him, and Liu Zhi smiled and greeted him.

  Mark came here to greet Liu Zhi, all because Liu Zhi three days ago, Liu Zhi sent a message to people he knew, asking them if they had specified the way to harvest in the game.

  During the exchange, Mark learned that Liu Zhi had a prop to start the game, and he also understood his thoughts.

  He knew that Liu Zhi’s little antique was an opportunity to start the game alone, so he proposed an idea to Liu Zhi.

  Mark came forward to help Yanagi lock the key words to enter the game, and send him into the game, in exchange for the small antique in his hands.

  In principle, Ryuzhi agreed with this idea, but the general situation must still be interviewed, so there is today’s face-to-face exchange.

  After seeing Liu Zhi, Mark greeted him immediately, took Liu Zhi’s hand and whispered: "Let’s not talk more here, I will take you to a place."

  Mark said as he pulled Liu Zhi into Burning Blade City. After three turns and two turns, they came to a blacksmith's shop.

At this time, there were two blacksmiths in the blacksmith's shop. After pulling in Ryuuji, Mark was relieved, "This is my house. Don't worry, there will be no people here. We will say nothing. Hear it."

  Liu Zhi glanced at the surrounding environment, and he came to understand. Don’t talk about eavesdropping here. Even if you talk face to face, you must speak louder. Otherwise, you may not be able to hear what the other person is saying.

  But at this time, Liu Zhi became serious. If Mark pulled him over like this, the problem here would definitely not be that simple.

  Looking at Erzhi's serious face, Mark also became serious.

"Shandru, I invited you here for the game opportunity you have in your hand. Of course, you don’t have to worry about what I will steal from you. Let me explain it to you. The chief of our guild will bring it with you. The main tank left, and they wanted to establish a new guild.

For this reason, the guild team now needs a main tank. I am one of the candidates. However, all my game experiences are all going forward with the guild. What abilities do I have, the other tanks also know that I need Some of their own secrets and successors.

  Your little antique gave me such a chance. I only need to sneak out for half a day to complete this game. No one will notice my little actions.

   Even if the selection is made, I will have a certain amount of confidence. "

  Yiu Zhi understood what was going on when he heard it.

  But he understands it, but it is impossible for him to give up part of the benefits.

  "I know what you think, but my request is very simple. Exchange can be done, as long as the value is equal."

   Regarding Ryuzhi's request, Mark is not surprised. There are quite a few game guide items in Burning Blade City, and some of them have been collected by the senior guilds and will not be put on the market.

  After all, relying on the game direction of Fireblade City is very easy to analyze. Who can get what power from it, a capable person can guess it at a glance.

  If you want to keep a little bottom, it is best to use this kind of game to guide the props.

  Now Mark needs this prop now to lay a foundation for his future. Not to mention that Liu Zhi made an equivalent request. Even if he makes a more excessive request, he will agree to it.

  "Yes, but I can’t evaluate your props. If you say your antique is bronze, then I will settle it for you based on the level three game props."

  "Level 3 game props?" Liu Zhi asked curiously.

  "It is a silver or silver guide item, generally pointing to the game world around level 5."

  Mark explained that, Liu Zhi also knew that Mark had not cheated himself at least. The antique in his hand obviously should be one level lower than the third-level game props.

  Since there is no way to get it outside for evaluation, it can only be classified by color. Mark's price for a three-level game item is actually overestimated.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi would not be too picky. He thought for a while and said, "Then what should I do."

  "You give me Xiao Antique, I'll give you a note, you can find a teleportation array to start the game journey."

  "A level 5 game world? Is it that simple?"

"Yes, in fact, this note is the key. This is a public independent game entry ticket. Each guild does not receive much each year. I only have a few of them. This item is anonymous. No matter who it is, just take it. Can use.

  The most important thing is that this is a single-player game ticket, but it can be pieced together. If you want to form a team, you can find a few people with the ticket together, which is quite flexible. "

  "What about the lock keywords I want?"

"It's very simple, you can use it directly before entering the game. Each keyword will lower the entered game by one level. The one I gave you points to the level 5 game world. If you only add one keyword, then enter It’s a level 4 game world."

   "Then what if I use five keywords?" At this time, Yanagi became a pole master.

"The level 1 game world is also the most terrifying game world, because this game world can be entered by individuals. It has been pierced into a sieve. You don’t even want to know what that world has become. Of course you also You may encounter a whole new level 1 world. The question is will you have such good luck?"

  When Mark said this, Liu Zhi could only smile, and he asked about other things, such as if there is no game voucher, can the teleportation array activated by the game be used.

Regarding this question, Mark hesitated, and finally said: "It can be used, but the teleportation array is likely to point to the void, and it will not return in the end. Except for some existences that really can’t get mixed up and have to work hard to explore, others will not do it. Such a thing.

Of course, the income of this kind of desperate adventure is very high. As long as they find a new world, they can immediately make a fortune, and that wealth can at least support them to upgrade to level 10, so there are still people who want to gamble on their lives. . "

  Yiu Zhi didn't even have the idea to gamble, he still honestly locked the key words and went to the most suitable world for him.

  This kind of thing that depends on luck, he still shouldn't do it.

  After taking out the small antique and placing it on the table, Mark also immediately took out a silver-edged note on which it said ‘the level 5 game is designated to be opened once. ’

   picked up this note, Liu Zhi asked again.

  (End of this chapter)

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