Necromantic Myth

Chapter 571: Keyword selection (35/109)

  Chapter 571 Keyword Selection (35109)

  Leaving the smithy of Mark’s house, Liu Zhi still recalled Mark’s last answer.

   Regarding whether other players will appear in the game world at the same time, in fact, Mark is also very helpless.

Despite the fact that Fireblade City is so big, there are not many game worlds that you are exposed to. There are so many people coming in and out of the game every day. It is impossible to completely block other players unless someone is willing to lock the list with keywords. People game world.

  But does Ryuuji have a chance to do such a thing?

  He only has five opportunities to choose keywords, and he only intends to use two. For Yanagi, the level 3 game world is the most suitable for him.

   And when he came, he had already figured out what he wanted. It's affirmative to get a job, and it's best to be a druid.

  I don’t know if there should be one keyword or two keywords. If only one keyword is needed, Ryuzhi is still planning to find the design drawing of the tower.

  With such thoughts, Liu Zhi quickly came to the teleportation point of Logan's Plane, which was the valley where he appeared when he first came here.

  At this time in the valley, there are still many people coming and going, and many people are queuing under a big tree.

  Liu Zhi put away the sun carriage, tidyed up his equipment, and took Vidnina forward.

   Seeing Vidnina behind Liu Zhi, the guards in the valley were also a little surprised, but they did not prevent Liu Zhi from leading people in, but let the road open and let Liu Zhi go under the big tree to line up.

  Ryuzhi glanced at the team in front of him, and found that this seemed to be something registered there.

  Liu Zhi now came to understand why Mark clearly had game coupons and had to find a way to guide the game by himself. If he registers here every time he enters and exits the game, there is really no way to hide his strength.

However, the situation on the guild side is better and there is no need to register one by one, but the games on the guild side are mostly teamed together, and the strength is more transparent. Mark wants to grab the position of the main tank, really only rely on the one in his own hand. Well-known game guide props.

  While Ryuzhi was thinking about this, the line was just in front of him.

Sitting under a big tree recorded an old man with green skin. He has white hair and various things in his hair. From the smell of medicine on his body, he can see that he should be a witch doctor or Professionals such as priests.

After looking up at Liu Zhi, "Necromancer? No, you just borrowed the power of the Necromancer. Which family are you from? If you want to work in your family, I will send you a servant, but this But it's not good, you are not a necromancer, it takes a keyword to bring in the necromancer."

  Listening to the old man, Liu Zhi couldn't help but say something.

  Before Liu Zhi asked in detail, the old man took out something that looked like a book and turned it around in front of Liu Zhi.

"Look at this. This is the choice of keywords. If you want to find a job, you must choose these. Inauguration: Necromancer, this is a keyword. Of course, if you directly choose the keyword job, you can, but not. It must be random to the occupation you want.

  In addition, if you plan to bring your undead servants in, then you have to add a keyword, bring your own troops.

  Although I know you have such a subordinate, it is better not to do this. With this keyword, you might as well change to other keywords and choose more favorable keywords. "

  While speaking, the old man wanted to write it down on a blank piece of paper.

  Ryuzhi quickly stopped him, "Okay, I see, can I look at the choice of keywords here."

   "Okay, this is how you newcomers are." The old man said helplessly.

  However, he stopped his movements and looked at Liu Zhi's choice.

At this time, Liu Zhi took the account book in the old man’s hand and flipped it quickly. He found that at the top of the account book, it was naturally a choice for employment, starting from various occupations to various environments. Both.

  In addition to the designated employment keywords such as employment: Necromancer, there are also keywords such as employment: nature department, and employment: strength enhancement.

  It can be seen that these people have found out all the keywords they can think of.

  The more you turn back, the more it proves that this is the case. After taking the job, it is a strengthening department, which indicates what attributes or direction to strengthen.

  The next content is to master a certain ability. Yanagi saw here that there are still people who want to learn cooking specifically, and don’t know what they think. Do you really think there is a world that can rely on cooking to conquer the world?

  I really think too much.

With this thought, Liu Zhi turned over again. The first half of this ledger was all addition, allowing them to choose to add something to it, and then subtraction. They never met the player, and there were all kinds of things they didn't encounter. thing.

  It's like not encountering undead, not encountering murlocs, and not encountering the sea.

  Liuzhi looked drooling when he did not meet the murloc. He really wanted this choice. He never wanted to meet the murloc again. When he met the murloc, he would really become a fish killer.

  But he understands that even if he has a lot of keyword choices, he can’t choose this one. Choosing this one is obviously a waste of opportunity.

He could only look at this murloc, and finally turned this page over, and the following content was nothing to look at. Liu Zhi turned over the book in two and three times. It's over.

  At this time, he already knew what he wanted.

  At this time, the old man took the account back and prepared to write it down with the paper.

  At this time, Ryuzhi said: "I have chosen, please help me choose two keywords. The first is'Inauguration: Druid', and the second is'Finding Objects: Conspiracy Tower'."

  Hearing this, the old man's hand paused, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

  After a long time, he raised his head, "I said, this young master, how are you doing this? Are you really not a Necromancer?"

   "No, I have made my choice, you can handle it for me." Then, Ryuzhi put the note that Mark got on the table.

  The old man nodded in the end. It was not his chance anyway. No matter what Liu Zhi chose, it was his business.

  He wrote Liu Zhi's request on the parchment, and then made two strokes on the strip Liu Zhi put on the table.

   "Okay, you take this, and just find an empty teleportation array to go in."

  Liu Zhi took the things, thanked the old man, and left quickly.

  Soon he disappeared into the teleportation array and started his new game journey.

  (End of this chapter)

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