Necromantic Myth

Chapter 572: Enter the game (36/.109)

  Chapter 572 Entering the game (36.109)

  After a white light, Liu Zhi finally recovered from the teleportation dizziness. He stepped **** the soil under his feet, felt the feeling of stepping on the entity, and finally said with some joy.

   "It feels good to be at sea without a start."

  But in the next instant, Liu Zhi's face changed. He smelled a salty smell in the wind, which was the breath of the sea.

  There was a situation that made Liu Zhi quite uncomfortable. He looked around and ran towards the nearby mountain.

  With Ryuzhi's current agility, the distance of more than 100 meters is two or three seconds, and he climbed to the top of a nearby mountain almost in a blink of an eye.

  At the top of the mountain, he saw a blue sea, and at the same time he understood that he was on a desert island.

   "It's the sea again, I hope there will be no murlocs."

  Liu Zhi said unwillingly, and silently opened his own property bar.

  [Name: Liu Zhi (interplanetary game Galactic Cantilever Plane V4 player, No. 9 of the Fourth Scourge Returning Group)/Shandru Crusoe (game character, down-and-out businessman)]

  【Occupation: None/Businessman】

  【Level: (+3) Level】

  【Magic: 572/572】

  【Title: Ide I】

  [Deputy post: Extraordinary Sailor Level 3, Apprentice Poisoner 3rd, Extraordinary Shipbuilder Level 1]

  [Attributes: Strength 9.7, Agility 9.3, Constitution 10.6, Spirit 21.8]

[Active Skills: Sailor Basic Swordsmanship Level 4, Sail Control Skills Level 4, Dark Night Swordsmanship Level 1, Z-shaped Secret Sword Level 1, Eternal Night Sword Curtain Level 1, Indigo Wind Chasing Swordsmanship Level 2 Tool making level 4, star falling level 4, star beacon level 1, shipbuilding level 4, alien mount riding level 1, sky eye level 1, sun trail level 1]

  [Meditation Thought: Eye of Rasha Meditation Thought Level 2, Breath of Nature Meditation Thought Level 4]

[Professional Skills: Level 2 Spiritualization, Level 1 of Vampire Touch, Level 1 of Gathering Thaumatology, Level 1 of Life and Death Trade, Level 1 of Quicksand Trap, Level 1 of Reverse Storm, Level 1 of Bone Spear, Level 1 of Dark Sky , Soul Extraction Level 1]

[Passive skills: magic knowledge level 3, undead knowledge level 4, basic science level 3, basic language level 3, fish knowledge level 3, jungle survival knowledge level 4, toxicity knowledge level 4, cooking knowledge level 2, and botany 3 Level 2, Herbalism Knowledge Level 2, Architecture Knowledge Level 1, Mysticism Knowledge Level 4, Gems Knowledge Level 9, Divine Metaphor Knowledge Level 4, Desert Survival Knowledge Level 1, Mount Management Knowledge Level 1, Water Source Search Level 1, Starry Sky Positioning level 1, first-generation mecha operation level 1...]

  【Advanced Skills: Urban Planning Level 1】

[Special skills: Lord of Hades Level 1, Underworld Ecosystem Level 3 (Treebound Spirit Waterweed-Level 2 Murloc System, Earthbound Spirit Snow Mountain-Level 2 Wolf System, Treebound Spirit Spores-Spider Web System Level 1, Symbiosis Spirit Tree Man-Flower Essence System Level 1, Village Bound Spirit Life Tree-Elf System Level 2, Underworld Demiplane Ecosystem Level 1), Underworld Shuttle Level 1】

  [Training knowledge: rothide cannibal wolf level 1, storm murloc level 1, eagle warrior level 1, silk assassin level 1]

  【Experience: 57261】

After scanning the attribute bar and confirming that there were no banned skills, Liu Zhi focused his attention on the level. He remembered that when he came out of the semiplane, his level was still 0. What is the +3 here? A situation?

  Why is there still such level data here? Did he make a mistake when he came?

   Before he could react, a lot of information flooded into his mind.

Fortunately, Liu Zhi’s mental level is already relatively high. In addition, during this period of time, he meditated in the roots of Yamala, and he can even withstand the information of the demiplane. Here are some memories, It didn't do much for him.

  In a short while, Liu Zhi had already grasped some information about this body. This body was called Sandre Crusoe. He was an ordinary businessman without any extraordinary abilities.

  However, he is somewhat capable. He bought a plantation in North America and raised a group of black slaves from Africa.

As a result, I don’t know what kind of nerves suddenly appeared here, and I have to liberate the black slaves. Although this body is good for the black slaves, and sometimes they learn some herbalism from their witch doctors, but news from the north came. After that, all the black slaves all fled.

  This body felt uneasy. He thought about it, and finally sold the plantation, bought a lot of precious metals and a boat, and prepared to go back to the UK to buy a manor to get married and have a baby.

  As a result, when he reached the middle of the ocean, his ship had a problem. In a storm, another ship sank to the bottom of the sea, and he was lucky enough to be on a small island.

  Ryuzhi didn't have much thoughts about the process.

  He is more concerned about what route the world takes and whether there is any extraordinary power.

In the memory of this person, Liu Zhi knows that this person has longed for extraordinary power since he was a child, but he has never had any talents or opportunities. He just grew up listening to some stories and has such a fantasy since he was a child. , In fact, don't say that he has become a transcendent, he has never seen the existence of those who come and go.

  Maybe this is what this body missed at the end of life.

After absorbing all the memories, Liu Zhi sighed and ignored the game this time. He once again came to the surface of the sea. At this time, he was thinking about what kind of task he had to face.

[Reminder: Player's basic mission-Sandru’s obsession. Before he died, Sandru Crusoe had his own obsession. Because the obsession was not gone, he has never been able to feel at ease. Please in the seventieth Complete one of Sandru's three obsessions within two days, and calculate the reward based on the completed effect and data. 】

  【Explanation: Obsessive 1, leave this damned island, obsessive 2, buy a manor, it is better to get married, obsessive 3, become an extraordinary person. 】

[Reminder: VIP mission-black and white, as a civilian, you may not be able to see the story behind the Civil War, but one thing is certain, there are extraordinary people in their team, please in 72 days Within, kill at least one extraordinary person (Note: Please choose your own support force)]

  【Warning, it is found that the inaugural task level has changed, and the difficulty of the inaugural task has been increased by 6 levels. 】

[Hint: Inaugural task-King of the Wilderness, within 72 days, through the corresponding props, means or other methods, discover and become a Druid, master a Druid skill, and become the Wilderness at the same time king. 】

[Note: A large amount of natural forces are gathered in the player's body. When fully integrated, the druid level will be directly raised to level 3. According to the supplementary regulation A-1977, the natural forces will be automatically sealed and unlocked according to the player's task progress, respectively. Yi level 1 to 3 rewards. 】

  【Hint: The difficulty of the inaugural task is increased by 6 levels, and 1 competitor at level 3, 2 competitors at level 2 and 3 competitors at level 1 will be automatically generated. Please be sure to kill. 】

  (End of this chapter)

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