Necromantic Myth

Chapter 575: Edmund the Ghost Rider (37/109)

  Chapter 575 Ghost Rider Edmond (37109)

  Such words, Liu Zhi was shocked directly.

  What's the situation, Christ Island, he never thought that this body has lived for more than a month, and the island with almost nothing will have such an atmospheric name.

  Besides, there are secrets of the cross and cardinal archbishops.

  Is this telling a story?

At this time, the man found a place to sit down and said in a very calm voice: "My name is Edmund Dantes, a ghost knight, that is, the legendary vengeful knight. Thirteen years ago, being framed was related to Emperor Na, and was imprisoned in the isolated island death row.

  It took me nineteen years to escape from the inside. From the day I went to jail, I swear that I must have revenge. All those who stand in the way of my revenge are my enemies.

  Fortunately, I met a priest in the death cell in the isolated island. He guided me to become a vengeful ghost rider. He also told me where the treasure was. In order to get revenge, I must get one of the things in the treasure.

and so……"

  Speaking of this, Edmond's eyes on Yuji are different, and it can be seen that if Yuji wants that thing, he will definitely leave Yuji's body on this island next.

"Don't look at me that way, I won't want your things, but I hope you can help me when I need it, within two months, I may encounter some enemies, and I hope you at that time Can help."

Edmond did not refuse Liu Zhi’s request. In his opinion, this was a very reasonable request, and Liu Zhi’s strength was also recognized by him. After he helped Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi could also To help him, as long as he has the help and understanding in this way, he will definitely need help from others when he finally takes revenge.

   So Edmond threw something that looked like a bone whistle.

   "I will come when you blow this, but if you are on land again during the day, I may be slower when I rush over. Only at night can I appear at any time."

  Yiu Zhi remembered the situation of Edmond before the sun appeared, and he understood the reason why he said so. It is only at night when Edmond is the strongest.

   Seeing that Liu Zhi had accepted his own things, Edmond was relieved a lot. In his thoughts, he had to revenge if he had grudges, and he had to take revenge if he had gratitude. Other than those who prevented him from revenge, everyone else could communicate.

  Liu Zhi accepts his things, which is equivalent to accepting his kindness, as long as Liu Zhi does not help his enemies, then they are friends.

   "Well, I can tell your story."

Ryuzhi didn’t think much, so he told about the condition of the body, “Sandrew Crusoe, a businessman, spent a small fortune and wanted to go back to England to buy a manor for the rest of his life. When the shipwreck happened, I happened to be on this small island. Fortunately, I have some shipbuilding skills. I chopped down all the wood on this small island and built such a boat."

  "Is it British? Why? I think your swordsmanship style is sailor basic swordsmanship. That's right, but the piercing swordsmanship behind is full of Cisse's style. Are you not the nobleman of Cisse?"

   "No, this set of swordsmanship was learned from South America. It is a lost swordsmanship of the Cisse family."

   "Oh, no wonder, your swordsmanship is full of Xijia's style of evading and counterattacking. Although it is good, it is not very suitable for me, but your boat is good."

   Edmond's gaze quickly turned to the ship that had just been built.

   Speaking of ships, Ryuzhi began to set up a man for himself.

  "It’s not me. My shipbuilding skills are still very strong. There is no wood that has been dried in the shade. I can also build ships, but there is definitely no way for the extraordinary, at most I can only go to sea."

   Edmond was originally the chief officer of the Pharaoh. He knew the ship very well. He could see the characteristics of the ship at a glance. Other than that, it would definitely not be a problem to go to the United States with a favorable wind.

  At this time, Edmond also knew about Ryuji's "level", and he was even more interested in Ryuji. After all, in this era of great seafaring, the shipbuilder is a talent.

  So Edmond didn't hide anything, so he took Liu Zhi to find the treasure on this small island.

  Yagiji did not expect that the reason why this body has not found the treasure here for so long is entirely because of the use of extraordinary power to hide on this island.

  If Ryuji didn't want to leave this island with all his heart, he might find the entrance of the treasure by turning around the island twice with his strength.

  But at that time, Ryuzhi might not be willing to give the treasure to Edmond.

  Under Edmond’s control, a huge stone gate rose from the island.

  In Ryuzhi's surprised eyes, more than half of the stones on this small island flew up automatically, splicing together to form this stone gate.

  Looking at Liu Ji’s astonishment, Edmond smiled, “This is the power of God. If the priest hadn’t told me this way, I wouldn’t know this island is the entrance to the treasure.”

  After Shimen stabilized, Edmund took Liu Zhi into Shimen together.

  After entering, Liu Zhi saw a large amount of gold and jewels scattered all over the place. It could be seen that those people didn't care about these things.

  Instead, some thick-looking armors and weapons are well preserved, and some of them seem to radiate magical auras.

  "This is the part of the treasure taken away by the red bishop who supported the emperor after the emperor was defeated. It was also the thing that the emperor wanted to use for the final copy.

  But what is really important is not one. The equipment here can only organize a small army of less than 3,000 people at most. The really important thing is that, which is exactly what I am looking for. "

   Edmund nonchalantly pointed to the center of the treasure.

  Liu Zhi noticed that there was a platform there, something that looked like a scroll was placed on this platform.

   Edmond didn't point it out before, he didn't care much, but when Edmond pointed it, Liu Zhi couldn't help but cried out.

   "This is, a lot of souls."

   "Hey, you can see it?" Edmond turned his head to look at Liu Zhi with a bit of speechlessness.

"It can be seen that these souls signed a contract with some existence, and finally fell and died souls. There is a powerful force in this scroll. No wonder this thing will be placed here. If there is a Necromancer here, he will You can use these souls to make all the heavy armors here come into action and become the most powerful black warrior."

   "However, the emperor doesn't have this opportunity. Now this San Van Gonzal contract is mine."

  (End of this chapter)

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