Necromantic Myth

Chapter 576: Druid’s Route (38/109)

  Chapter 576 Druid’s Route (38109)

  The moment Edmond held the Saint Van Gonzal contract, Ryuzhi only felt that the souls inside seemed to want to rush out, but Edmond could do anything for revenge, and there would be no fear of these dead guys.

  He held the Saint Van Gonzal contract tightly, and ignored the screams of these souls.

  Although there is no profession anymore, Sandru’s Necromancer ability, Liu Zhi, is still on his body and can be easily used.

  He could tell at a glance that when Edmond got the San Van Gonzal contract, the soul inside wanted to escape to Edmond.

  If it was at night, Edmond would not be afraid of this at all. The flames of **** would directly burn all the souls.

  But it was daytime, Edmond’s body was still an ordinary person’s body, and these souls were consuming his life. Almost instantly, Yanagi saw Edmond’s hair quickly turn gray.

  Although Liu Zhi didn't want to make a move, he finally pushed forward, and a spirit gathering thaumaturgy fell on Edmond, adding some vitality to him.

  Edmond also felt the kindness of Liu Zhi, but he didn't even have the strength to look back now. If it hadn't been for his hatred that had been stimulating his heart, maybe he had given up now.

  This situation has been dragging on for nearly an hour, and Liu Zhi has added spirit-gathering thaumaturgy for Edmond three times before he slowly releases his hand.

The moment Edmond released his hand, Ryuzhi felt a strange power spread from Edmond’s body. That power was strongly corrosive, such as those nearby weapons, armors, gold and silver jewelry, etc. , It was all corrupted.

  Only a small part of the better quality items are left.

   Edmond stood on the liquid corroded by weapons, armor, and gold and silver jewelry. Seeing no movement, the liquid quickly formed a dark golden heavy armor on him.

  This heavy armor is a Gothic plate armor with a relief of a skull painted on it. In the eyes of the skull, there seems to be a stream of fire.

   Stretched out his hand to move his body, Edmond nodded, "Yes, with this armor, I can use one-third of my power during the day."

  As he spoke, an iron chain flowed out of the liquid and hovered around Edmond, like a snake was walking.

   "You look so ugly like this."

  Liu Zhi finally said, "Can't you put these away? Go out like this, you will be targeted the first time."

Edmond smiled, the armor was automatically incorporated into his body, and then he looked at the scarce wealth in front of him with a pity, "I originally wanted to share some of you, but I didn't expect it to be like this. The things here are not enough. My revenge plan is really embarrassing."

   "Nothing, do you still need this precious metal?"

  Ryuzhi asked as he picked up the gold coin.

   "Yes, it doesn't need much, but doing business requires some capital."

   "In this way, my ship sank in the nearby waters. There are some precious metals in my ship. That is my accumulation for many years. You can take it."

   Edmond looked at Liu Ji, "Then what do you want?"

  "Superior profession, you can also see that I have a part of supernatural power, but I am not a professional. I just use my instinct to act. I don't think it is enough. I want to become a professional."

Edmond was a little surprised, but think about it, he also agreed with Liu Zhi's ideas. Liu Zhi's swordsmanship is good, and he has mastered an extraordinary level of swordsmanship, and will use some methods to help people blood. From this point on Judging from it, he is infinitely close to an extraordinary career.

  It’s just that he has never found a career path, so he got stuck here.

  He wants a career path now, which is also normal performance.

   Edmund thought for a while and asked: "What kind of profession do you want, an apprentice from the wizard line? A swordsman from the warrior line? Priest or something else?"

  "The Druid of the Nature Department." Liu Zhi said his goal.

   Hearing this, Edmond blinked. I am a ghost rider of the demon family. You told me the druid of the nature system. I am looking for an enemy for myself or a group of enemies.

   Before he said this, he thought of one thing.

"I have a friend who is a black man named Caleb. He told me that in their Africa, there is a place called the Purple Dreamland called Wakanda, where there is a purple herb. I ate it. After that, people will enter the wilderness in their sleep and see a huge panther-shaped guardian spirit.

  They can get the power of a leopard from this leopard guardian spirit, and have the ability to transform into a black panther.

  This is a kind of druid profession called Cat De, if you are willing to choose this, I can arrange for you to go to Caleb and let him take you there. "

  "How is your relationship with this Caleb?" Liu Zhi did not answer, but asked instead.

   Edmond shook his head, "He is another ghost rider, I just know that he exists, and the relationship with him is not very good."

  "Forget it, the United States is at war between the North and the South. I stand in the South. Black people will only be full of hostility towards me.

After failing in this direction, Edmond thought for a while, and said, "I still have a friend, but he is not a ghost rider, but a headless rider. He said he was watching from the side of the valley of the deadhead. When there is a big tree, there seems to be a different power in it. If you go there, you may find some clues.

  But I want to explain in advance that the situation on the Duantou Valley may not be as complete as Wakanda’s inheritance. "

Then he glanced at Liu Zhi, "Of course, if you can’t do it anymore, you can really think about the north. I heard that the protector of the country, Lincoln, has many inheritances. If you can get his approval, you can definitely find what you want. need."

  This information is enough for Ryuzhi.

  At least he knows some targets, and there may be some information about potential enemies in it.

After all, there are six competitors in Liu Zhi’s inauguration mission. His target is Druids, so the competitors must have also emerged from the Druids. It can be seen that there are several forces mentioned by Edmond. Inside, such an enemy is most likely to appear.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi did not make a choice, Edmond did not ask. Anyway, Liu Zhi has his contact information. After he thinks about it, he can contact him again.

  After leaving the secret, Liu Zhi guided Edmond on the location of his shipwreck, and then sailed away from here.

  Of course, when he left, he still took away one of the props, which was an unexpected gain.

  (End of this chapter)

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