Necromantic Myth

Chapter 579: Benjamin (39/109)

  Chapter 579 Benjamin (39109)

  In a small port somewhere in the north of the Bald Eagle Principality, Ryuzhi was taken to a fat man.

  This fat man wears a British wig on his head. He looks chubby like a judge or a politician, but Liu Zhi can feel it. The one in front of him is not that simple.

  The wise gaze in his eyes and the faint breath on his body show that he is an extraordinary person, and he is also a professional extraordinary person.

  After seeing Liu Zhi, the fat man looked at Liu Zhi up and down, and then looked at the man who brought Liu Zhi.

The man immediately began to introduce, "This is Sandre Crusoe, a shipbuilder. He encountered a sea storm and built a boat on the desert island and escaped. I have seen that boat. , The level is very good."

  The man said, pointing in one direction, and the small boat of Ryuzhi was dragged over. After all, if you want to join the shipbuilding team, you must either be of a well-known kind or come up with your own work.

  Yagiji’s boat is the best work.

  But this fat guy didn't go to look at the ship. The ship has been towed to the port. You can go there any time. He just naturally introduced me.

   "My name is Benjamin Stark, the owner of this shipyard."

  At this time, the man brought by Liu Zhi added, “Benjamin’s great-grandfather is Mr. Franklin. He has inherited Mr. Franklin’s wisdom and is an expert in physics, electricity, mathematics, optics and thermodynamics.

  At the same time, he is also the biggest businessman here. There is a rumor that he inherited Mr. Franklin's thunder and money scepter. "


  I don’t know why Liu Zhi always feels that this surname is familiar. This is a point of his curiosity. As for Franklin’s surname, Liu Zhi doesn’t want to talk more about it. The reputation of Mr. Hundred Swords is well known all over the world.

  As for why the Franklins support the North, this is actually well understood. Franklin himself is a person who advocates the abolition of slavery. If he is still alive, he may be behind the abolition of slavery in the North.

  Thinking of this, Liu Zhi knew that the South had not lost injustice.

Among the three founding masters of the Bald Eagle Principality, Washington did not explicitly abolish slavery. The other two mentioned the idea of ​​abolishing slavery. In this extraordinary age, one or two hundred years is not the limit of the lives of those who are powerful.

  No one knows whether they, hiding behind the scenes, will take action at a critical moment of the war, just like in the Conferring God battle, several saints who said they could not take action used the big to bully the small, four against one.

  So from the beginning of the war, the South has been pushed to the destiny of losing.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi couldn’t help but think about it. Was his choice to join the Southern Army really good?

  At this time, Benjamin had already seen Liu Zhi almost, and at the same time, he had seen the ship that Liu Zhi built, and he almost understood how he built the ship.

  But the more this happened, the more surprised Benjamin was.

  Because he could see that the ship was due to poor materials and time, otherwise, at the level of Ryuuji, he should be able to build an extraordinary ship.

  How could this situation not surprise Benjamin.

You must know that for the purpose of building a ship this time, they recruited all the shipbuilders from the Bald Eagle Principality. There were only four of them who reached the level of an extraordinary shipbuilder. In addition, he was a shipbuilder close to the legendary level. The five are considered stars in the circle of shipbuilders in the Bald Eagle Principality.

   Suddenly there is an extraordinary shipbuilder now, and he has never heard of it. How can this not make him think about it.

  So Benjamin couldn't help turning his head to look at Liu Zhi.

   "Mr. Sandro, how come you such a powerful shipbuilder come here?"

"Me? I am an extraordinary shipbuilder, but you have also seen that all my craftsmanship are traditional craftsmanship. I can only build sailboats, but now it is the world of steamer ships. I have seen it. My sailing craftsmanship is already It's useless, I just want to find a place to live well."

  Listening to Liu Zhi's explanation, Benjamin believed it a lot. After all, their research on ships has gone beyond sailing. It can be said that in the future, it will be a world of ships. Even if the craftsmanship of sailing ships is strong on the ground, it is useless.

  But now is a good opportunity. The ship they want to build is not a steamer, but an ancient sailing ship.

  The design drawing used is the design drawing that set the Mayflower Convention of the Mayflower.

  This is Benjamin’s idea. He plans to use events that represent the influence of the law and the individual on the founding of the country to lock the anchor of the Bald Eagle Principality, so as to concentrate the bald eagle Principality’s luck and deal with the axe taken away by the South.

  The Mayflower is a British three-masted ship with a total length of 19.50 meters and a widest position of 7.95 meters. According to various data, it is not a big ship.

  Most shipbuilders can build independently, but if you want to build an extraordinary ship, you need a lot of people to cooperate, plus the command of an extraordinary shipbuilder.

  As for the legendary three-masted ship, it needs several extraordinary shipbuilders to work together, and everything must be refined to the level.

  Even the materials used to build ships require extraordinary materials.

  The number of shipbuilders of this level is quite rare, so if you participate in this plan, Ryuzhi will definitely get some benefits.

  But now the problem is time.

  Ryuzhi now has less than sixty days. He doesn't know how much fashion is needed to build this ship, and what does it have to do with him after the ship is built.

  Perhaps seeing the change in Liu Zhi's face, Benjamin was also a little puzzled.

But he still smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's not a secret that a ship is covered. We won't hold you back. As long as you can help us build the ship, there will definitely be various benefits for you at that time. "

  Liu Zhi did not directly mention what benefits he wanted, because if he did, he agreed.

  He just said, “I want to look at the cherry tree first, and I need to look at the current progress.”

  "Look at the cherry tree first?"

   "Yes, if the cherry tree is just cut down, then I am embarrassed. I can't hold back that kind of work that takes several years."

  Ryuzhi expressed his thoughts.

  Benjamin laughed as soon as he heard it, “You don’t have to worry about that. We have a dedicated person to handle the materials. What we need now is a shipbuilder who can put the materials together.”

   "Take me to see."

  (End of this chapter)

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