Necromantic Myth

Chapter 580: Demon-change three-masted ship (40/109)

  Chapter 580 The Magical Change of the Three-masted Vessel (40109)

  Led by Benjamin, Liu Zhi came to a shipyard in the middle of the mountain.

  At this time, Liu Zhi noticed that there are many professionals here who are dealing with various materials.

  Some of these professionals are controlling the lightning and stimulating the iron nails with electric currents, seeming to want to leave some marks on the iron nails.

  And several old shipbuilders and a dozen ordinary shipbuilders are studying there.

   Seeing Benjamin bringing someone over, the old shipbuilders didn't lift their heads. Instead, the dozen or so ordinary shipbuilders looked at Liu Zhi with hostile eyes.

  Yagiji did not go there, but picked up a design drawing from a nearby desktop and looked at it.

   His actions like this attracted the attention of some people, and one of the ordinary shipbuilders yelled at him there.

   "What are you doing, do you understand?"

  Liu Zhi smiled, "I really understand, you don't want to return the three-masted ship, right? There are many things in it that you have changed, so that you want the ship to fly?"

Hearing what Liu Zhi said, several old shipbuilders couldn’t help but raised their heads. They all noticed this, but they didn’t tell anyone. Like ordinary shipbuilders, they thought it was just a copy of the Mayflower. , I don't know this at all.

  The one who was attacked by Liu Zhi was still a little unconvinced. He pointed to Liu Zhi and said, "Will you watch it? Do you think this is a hot air balloon."

"Don’t you have eyes? Didn’t you notice that the specific gravity of this ship has been adjusted? The bow has been reinforced more than three times, and the middle of the keel has been thickened. What is it for? This is to use the ship to break into space. This ship is I intend to use it in the void."

  As mentioned by Liu Zhi, several old shipbuilders also understood that Liu Zhi was of the same level as them. They were all extraordinary shipbuilders, not like the ordinary shipbuilders around them, who came to learn skills.

  The ordinary shipbuilders also understood this, and their gazes at Yanagi changed.

  This is a thigh, I don’t know if it lacks pendants.

   Glancing at the system information in front of him, Liu Zhi put down the drawing.

【Ding! Learn how to make a three-masted ship]

[Magic modified three-masted ship: The three-masted ship is transformed from the magical three-masted ship. The whole ship is 19.50 meters and its widest position is 7.95 meters. It needs shipbuilding skills and can be manufactured above level 4. It has short-distance space jumps, defensive covers, and autonomous floating. Air flight and other extraordinary abilities, such as legendary shipbuilding or the cooperation of more than five extraordinary shipbuilders, can build a legendary three-masted ship, with legendary abilities such as energy absorption and radiance. For example, shipbuilding can reach the mythical level. Level, it will be possible to build mythical ships. 】

   [Note: The biggest thing about the magic-modified three-masted ship is that it can be equipped with different devices to bring different changes to the ship. 】

  In fact, looking at this information, Yanagi knew why the ordinary shipbuilders looked at him with such eyes.

  This ship is not something they can build, only the extraordinary class can do it, and the legendary class requires the cooperation of several extraordinary shipbuilders.

  The number of Transcendent shipbuilders in front of them is obviously not enough. This is an opportunity for them to forcibly upgrade to Transcendent level.

  Although this kind of transcendent level is only piled up with some resources, no matter how scum, the transcendent level is also a transcendent level.

  Now the appearance of Ryuzhi has caused some problems in their plan.

  Now that there are enough transcendent shipbuilders, they have no hope of wasting resources to reach the transcendent level.

  This made some people look at Liu Zhi with murderous intent.

  Of course, there are some people who don’t think so. They can’t participate in the construction of the ship. Can they still not make the device on the ship?

  Those who don’t need an extraordinary level can be used by their sailors as well.

  Like sails, they are all targets they can choose.

   And Liu Zhi, who put down the design drawings, looked in another direction. At this time, he noticed that for this ship, the Bald Eagle Principality could be said to have used all its power.

  Just like the situation we have seen before, even the nails have been dealt with by extraordinary people who master the power of thunder.

  It can be seen that what they do is to turn all the details into extraordinary, so as to increase the chance of the ship becoming legendary.

  After all, they don’t have much time, and there is only one cherry tree. They have no chance of trial and error.

   Seeing Liu Zhi’s gaze, Benjamin introduced him to Liu Zhi, and then took him to the deepest place in the shipyard with several old shipbuilders.

  As he walked there, Liu Zhi felt a wave of heat rushing over his face.

  "Do you use the drying technique instead of the shade drying technique to process cherry wood?"

  Before going over, Liu Zhi found out that something was wrong.

   "Yes, this is a newly developed technique. The processed wood is exactly the same as the wood dried in the shade."

"It's not the same. This is the difference between life and death." Liu Zhi shook his head. "You see the boat I went to sea. I didn't use the shading technique. I just used the wood that was just cut to build the boat. It can go out to sea. .

  This is my extraordinary ability. The boats I build have a natural atmosphere. I know that even if the wood is sliced, it is divided into life and death.

In my hands, the dried wood can slowly blend into one body. If some methods are used without nails, it is not impossible for the whole ship to blend into one body. On the contrary, this kind of dried wood will be lost. With this effect, although the situation may be the same, there are some things that are totally different. "

  Several shipbuilders also have their own abilities. After hearing what Liu Zhi said, they also believed a little bit.

  But before they came, they had arranged their respective tasks, such as putting together the keel, and that was not what Liu Zhi needed to consider.

  So no matter how Liu Zhi complained, they would not consider changing to another way.

  After all, the drying speed is fast. If you really wait for the wood to dry in the shade, seven or eight years have passed, and the Civil War has long been over.

  For this reason, even if these people know that there is a problem, they will make this choice.

  In order to make up for the loss caused by drying, they will definitely use other methods, which depends on the ability of each shipbuilder.

  Thinking this way, Liu Zhi walked to the drying room.

At this time, Benjamin said: "This drying room is controlled by three masters in turn to ensure that the temperature is constant at the same level, so we can't bring some influence to them. When you go in, don't talk nonsense. If there are problems, wait for us. Come out and talk about it."

  After speaking, Benjamin and the two shipbuilders took out a key and opened the door of the drying room.

  (End of this chapter)

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