Necromantic Myth

Chapter 581: Join

  Chapter 581 Joining

   pushed open the door of the drying room, and Liu Zhi was stunned by the scene in front of him.

  He thought he could keep up with the thinking of these people, after all, the magic-modified three-masted ship they designed did not exceed his own knowledge.

  But when he got here, Liu Zhi knew that everything was fake, and the brains of these people were not what Liu Zhi could imagine.

  This is the power of a country, making legendary things.

  Originally, Liu Zhi thought that what he saw here might be that some people kept putting flames on.

But the scene before him made Liu Zhi see something different. In the drying room, there were three red-robed mages who were moving around a deep well, the deep well surrounded by these three mages. There, magma is pumped out from time to time to balance the temperature in the drying room.

  And above this deep well, there is a tree stump that is ten meters long floating.

  Liuzhi can recognize from the lines of the stump at a glance, this is a cherry tree, and the tree is about two hundred years old.

  The bark of the stump has been cleaned away, but Liu Zhi noticed that there seemed to be some natural aura, which was constantly being added to the stump.

  Looking in the direction where the natural breath came from, Liu Zhi found that three white men with animal skins and Indian crests on their heads were holding the staff and injecting the natural breath into the stump.

   Seeing Liu Zhi's gaze shifted, Benjamin smiled, but he didn't say a word, just took Liu Zhi around here for a while, and then retreated.

After leaving the drying room, Benjamin said: "You understand now, we actually have considered the issue of activity. With the existence of those archdruids, this cherry wood, no matter how good it is, won’t Inactive."

"Those who are?" Liu Zhi hadn’t paid attention to the cherry tree at this time. He just glanced at it from a distance. What are the benefits of that thing, and what’s different, Liu Zhi has nothing to do with it. Perceive.

  On the contrary, the existence of the three druids attracted Liu Zhi's attention.

"Oh, after they came to the Americas, they merged local style druids, called thunderwing druids. They mastered a power called thunderbirds, mastering the ability of wind, thunder and lightning, and flying. They are combatants.

  Of course, as druids, they also have natural abilities. With their existence, we can always maintain the vitality of the cherry tree. "

  At this moment, Ryuji seemed to think of something, "Apart from them, are there no other druids?"

   "There are yes, but the mainstream is definitely gone. As you know, Stonehenge in the UK is not open to wild druids."

   Benjamin gave Liu Zhi a meaningful look.

  Liu Zhi was shocked, he suspected that Benjamin had seen his purpose.

   took Liu Zhi to a nearby coffee shop, and Benjamin asked Liu Zhi to sit down.

  As for the other two shipbuilders, they have left right now. They still have a lot to do, and they have no time to bother Liu Zhi.

   "I know what you want. You have a strong natural aura. If you want, I can recommend you to join the Thunderwing Council and become a Thunderwing Druid."


  Benjamin confidently said: "Yes, although I am a mage, scholar and wise man, I have the scepter of lightning and money. As a druid group that controls lightning, they will still give me a bit of face."

  Ryuzhi hesitated a bit at this time. In fact, he was heartbeat. At least the Thunderwing Druid in front of him was much better than the unreliable Panther Druid.

   Just as Liu Zhi was about to agree, Benjamin said again: "In addition to this, I have other benefits for you. As long as the ship can be built, I will issue a medal to each shipbuilder.

  Don’t underestimate this medal. It is made of cherry tree scraps. In addition, there are some other subsidies. Of course, if you are willing to change something, we can also agree to it. "

   Now Ryuzhi no longer hesitated, he directly asked: "About how long does it take to build a ship? What can I do?"

"We are still waiting for the manpower and materials. Shipbuilding will start in about a week. Shipbuilding will take another week. In fact, it will be very fast. If you are willing to join in, we will arrange tasks for you. You are an extraordinary shipbuilder. To get started with ship building."

  Two weeks? For fourteen days, this is okay. If the situation on the Thunderwing Druid's side satisfies him, this is not an impossible choice.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while and asked, "Then what should I do now."

  "Take a good rest. If you can, take a look at the design drawings. Of course, if you want, I can introduce a Thunderwing Druid to you first and let you know the characteristics of their Thunderwing Druids.

  As for studying directly in their Haori, it’s not possible, because their holy land is not nearby. It took more than a week for a round trip in the past, and the time here will not be able to keep up. "

  Liu Zhi has no opinion on Benjamin’s arrangement.

  Soon Liu Zhi settled down in this shipyard.

  They arranged the best room for Liu Zhi, after all, the main force of shipbuilding was an extraordinary shipbuilder like Liu Zhi.

  In the following time, Liu Zhi was not idle either.

  Every day, he goes to the older generation of extraordinary shipbuilders to learn some knowledge, check the newly designed drawings, and improve his shipbuilding level.

  Soon Liu Zhi learned nine different ship design drawings, but the most important thing was not this, but Liu Zhi learned something about orthodox shipbuilders.

  For example, there is a shipbuilder who is good at putting all his extraordinary abilities on the details and using various details to strengthen the ship.

  All the ships he builds will have a prefix-perfect.

  A ship with this prefix, although not necessarily the strongest, is definitely the most suitable.

There is also a shipbuilder. He builds ships from customers. The ships he builds are not extraordinary, but as long as they are in the hands of customers, they will often be upgraded to extraordinary in less than a month, and their attributes are self-loving. The attributes will fit quite well.

  Even Ryuzhi knew how the extraordinary shipbuilder took the legendary step.

  Transcendent level only gives ships the effect of transcendent level, and if you want to step into the legendary shipbuilder, you need magical changes and design new ships.

  Only when this point is reached, can it be considered a step towards the legendary level.

  After that, you need to build a legendary ship and let this ship complete a legendary expedition.

  At the end of the expedition, when the legend spread, it was when the shipbuilder stepped into the legendary level.

  And this should be the purpose of Benjamin's active promotion of this matter.

  (End of this chapter)

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