Necromantic Myth

Chapter 582: The emergence of competitors

  Chapter 582 Appearance of Competitors

  While Ryuzhi was working hard to learn shipbuilding skills, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky on the top of a mountain in the north of the Bald Eagle Principality and hit the top of the mountain.

  A huge thunderbird flew down in the lightning. At the place where he was about to land, several men in animal skins and Indian crests were forming a circle, waiting for the thunderbird to fall.

  But the Thunderbird did not fall, he just came with a message.

  Thunderbird kept screaming in the air. The men below all had the ability of animal language, and they all understood the meaning of Thunderbird’s words.

   "What are you talking about, Benjamin gave up a place for druid conversion this year? How can this be."

A man screamed, but the people around him said disdainfully, "What's wrong? Benjamin is holding Franklin's thunder and money scepter in his hand. Don't talk about us. Will agree with his request."

   "This is destroying our tradition."

"What traditions can we have, you are so anxious, just because your nephew has the opportunity to be a Thunderwing Druid this year, but your nephew is really capable and won't fail three times in a row, I think you should forget it. "

  Thunderbird didn't care about the following quarrel, anyway, he passed the news, and then there was nothing wrong with him.

  After Thunderbird flew away, the man before tidyed up his clothes, "I plan to go down the mountain and ask for leave for me."

  The other few ignored the man. Everyone has lived together for so long, and most of them know each other's details.

  The one in front of him has no descendants, and his only relative is his nephew. He has always wanted his nephew to embark on an extraordinary path, but after so many years, his nephew has nothing to see.

  I tried several druid transformations, but failed.

  This year is his nephew’s last chance. If this year is missed, his nephew will have no other chance.

  He has already calculated it, and even got a few things to improve the conversion success rate, just waiting for the conversion this year.

  I didn't expect Benjamin to let out a conversion quota, and this quota is a mobile quota, which is exactly the hope of his nephew.

  If there is no hatred in this person, that would be a strange thing.

  All the people present knew the situation, and they were not willing to take care of it, so they let the druid leave the mountain.

  At the same time, in the southern part of the Bald Eagle Principality, which is now the southern theater of the Bald Eagle Alliance, some druids are also collaborating in private.

  Unlike the druid companions in the north, the route they chose was not wind and electricity, but the elements that the Yankees said were needed for industry. In the south, they played the old style, turning into close combat and planting plants.

  After all, they are playing a plantation. The biggest feature of a plantation is naturally to grow things.

  The body used by Ryuzhi at the time had only one plantation in the south, but he had also joined the Federation of Plantation Farmers and knew about the druids.

  However, his status is still relatively low, and he has no right to hire a druid for his plantation.

  In an unknown plantation, a white slave was working, and a black man kept talking in his ear.

   "I said Howlett come with me. I know they didn't treat you as an adult. You are just an experiment here."

  Howlett looked up at the black man, and finally shook his head, "I can't go, you'd better leave by yourself."

   Talking about Howlett also raised his hand, it can be seen that his hand muscles have been picked off, and his hand muscles have begun to atrophy, and he can only do some simple tasks.

  The black man thought for a while and said to Howlett: "I said, it doesn’t matter, as long as you are willing to follow us, we have a way to help you deal with this."

  Howlett shook his head, "I don't want to participate in your battle. As long as I stay here for another ten years, I will be free. I don't need to fight for a future with my life."

  The black man had no choice but to step aside, and he was quickly surrounded by several of his clan.

   "How is it, does he still refuse to agree?"

   "No, he doesn't want to leave here, but speaking of it, if we are like him, we can become free people in ten years, and we won't want to leave."

   "But there is not much time for us. If we can't leave tonight, we won't have a chance in the future."

  "Then stun him and take him away. No matter what, the power of the holy thing has been transferred to him by the madman. Taking him away is equivalent to taking away the holy thing."

"it is good!"

That night, Howlet, who had finished his day's work, went to the manor’s house as usual. There was a laboratory in the basement. The manor who looked like a lunatic would be outside the laboratory every day. Put a glass of green potion.

  He needs to drink a glass of this kind of potion every day. He also has a physical examination every five days. Sometimes he will go through some experiments, such as electric shocks.

  This is the debt owed by Howlett to the manor. In the words of the manor, even if Howlett spends his entire life, he cannot pay it off.

If he cooperates with the experiment, then each experiment will be reduced by one month to three months. After so many years of experimentation, he will slowly reduce the debt from life to life, and reduce it to ten years later. Clear to the point.

   Seeing that you can get real freedom, Howlett will naturally not run away with those black slaves.

  After drinking the potion, Howlet hesitated for a while, and did not say what the **** wanted to escape. He stood in front of the manor’s house and waited for a while before returning to his hut.

  But when he entered his cabin, he suddenly smelled a strange smell.

  Howlett reacted immediately and wanted to resist, but he felt his body softened, his feet moved forward, and he fell to the ground like this.

   Then several blacks ran out of the neighborhood and wrapped Howlet tightly with cloth.

  The black man who had previously talked to Howlet kept pressing on Howlet’s hand bones, as if feeling something there.

   "How is it? Is there any?"

   "Yes, I felt the power of the holy thing gathering on his arm. It won't be long before he will become the carrier of the holy thing."

   "Okay, then take him away and leave this damned place."

   "But where are we going?"

   "I seem to have heard about what is being prepared in New York Harbor, and that blacks are also being recruited to join their army. If we pass, we may be able to join their army, so that we may still have a chance to get the holy artifacts back."

   "Okay, let's go!"

  (End of this chapter)

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