Necromantic Myth

Chapter 589: Druid Touching the Corpse (45/109)

  Chapter 589 Druid Touching the Corpse (45109)

  After sucking the spores, the druid's face also changed. He quickly pressed his nose with his left hand, trying to spray out the spores.

  But where did Liu Zhi give him such a chance, his backhand was a sword, and the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard pierced the enemy.

  When the sword was pierced, Liu Zhi knew why this guy dared to stand there just now as a fixed fort.

  Ryuzhi thought that his power was already very strong, but he didn't even pierce the sword with this sword. He just flicked the opponent's skin and was slid to the side.

  Riuzhi felt that if it wasn't for this person who had difficulty breathing now, maybe he would have to use a big move like the Sword of the Eternal Night to pierce the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard into the opponent's body.

  Now is a good opportunity. Although the Eternal Night Sword Curtain takes a certain amount of time, it is all well prepared. As long as the other party has not reacted, it is an opportunity.

  Yagiji quickly prepared.

  And the druid was also turning on the ground. When he was about to attack Yuji, he seemed to be stimulated, and it seemed that all his power was taken away.

  Yagiji also felt. He looked at the side where he came out before. At this time, most of the white mist had dispersed, and the cherry wood that had been hovering in front of the big tree fell to the ground.

  Someone happened to pass there, saw the cherry wood chips, and curiously wanted to pick it up.

  As a result, with the big tree as the center, a thundercloud formed at that location.

  The person who wanted to pick up the cherry wood did not expect to encounter such a thing at all.

  He immediately dropped the cherry wood and wanted to leave, but it was too late. At least eight lightning bolts struck him, and in the next instant, he turned into black coke.

  Seeing this situation, Liu Zhi also understood what the trap was like.

  If it wasn't for his own discovery, when he wanted to get back the cherry wood chips, it was when he fell into a trap.

  Although he has certain abilities, he is 80% likely to be seriously injured in the face of such powerful lightning.

  After that, the badly injured Liu Zhi confronted the Druid who had been prepared, and everyone could see what the outcome would be in the end.

   Thinking of this, a trace of killing intent flashed in Liu Zhi's eyes.

  The other party wants to kill himself, so he doesn’t need to keep his hand.

   Thinking of this, Liu Zhi flipped his hand, and a bone spear appeared in his left hand.

  This time, Liu Zhi did not bless in a low voice, but said loudly: "Penetrate, penetrate, explode."

After    finished speaking, he pierced his left hand down to the druid's chest.

  At this time, the druid had not yet reacted from the chaos, and Ryuuji's **** happened to plunge into his chest.

   Then Liu Zhi pressed the bone spear tightly, and heard a bang all the time, watching the druid's body exploded into two pieces, and then he stopped.

  After the druid's death, the white mist has not dissipated so quickly.

  Yagiji raised his head and glanced at the thick white mist, after thinking about it, he searched for the druid.

  He wanted to know what the situation was with this druid and why he came to attack him.

   Soon Liu Zhi found some strange materials on the druid. These materials were mostly bird claws, feathers and bones, as well as some minerals and the like.

  However, what Liu Zhi paid the most attention to was not this. He found three distinct features in this druid.

One of them is a statue that looks like a thunderbird. This statue is made of wood. The material should be oak. It is full of natural flavor. When Liu Zhi holds this in his hand, he can feel a kind of flying thunder and lightning. The feeling of wind and rain.

This kind of feeling is only a momentary thing. When Liu Zhi takes it seriously again, he can no longer feel that kind of breath. He can only feel that the wooden statue is moist in his hand, and there will be some electrical stimulation from time to time. In the palm of your hand.

  This situation surprised Liu Zhi. He was even more sure that this was a good thing. Although the system did not give the corresponding data, Liu Zhi still put it away.

  The next two things are slightly inferior.

  One of them is a stone with electric current, just put it in the palm of your hand, you can also see how strong the effect of the electric current that keeps flashing on the stone is.

  The other is a piece of sheepskin-like object. It is only the size of a palm, but it can be seen that it has a strong attraction to rain.

  When Liu Zhi took this thing, it was obviously dry. In a blink of an eye, this thing has already become a little wet.

  Liu Zhi spread the sheepskin and shook it against the ground. A lot of rain fell from the sheepskin. It can be seen that the sheepskin is like clouds, which has the effect of collecting moisture and rain.

  These three things made Liu Zhi suspicious. If a druid who can find such a thing, why must he stare at himself and attack? Is it possible for someone to pay him to deal with Liu Zhi?

  Is there any problem in this?

  Ryuzhi kept flashing thoughts like this.

  At this time, Benjamin’s voice came from a distance, “Everyone uses strong wind to blow away the fog.”

  Some sailors who had mastered the strong wind acted immediately. In the strong wind, the mist was quickly blown away.

  And Liu Zhi quietly put away a few things, and then stood beside the druid's corpse and sent a signal to the bottom.

  Yagizhi signaled that he felt the wave of wind around him, and a huge boat sprang out of the nearby space.

  It was Wayne standing at the bow of the ship. After he appeared here with the Cyclops Washington, he nodded with satisfaction, and then saw Yanagi.

   "I recognize you, you are the shipbuilder of this ship, right, why are you here, what's the situation?"

   "I was about to take my reward, but my reward flew out of the room by itself. Can you believe this?"

  Ryuzhi needless to say, just click this point.

  Wayne glanced at Liu Zhi, and then at the druid on the ground, there was already a guess in his heart.

  But he is not Benjamin, he is just the captain of a boat, even if he has a judgment in his heart, he can't draw any conclusions.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi and Wayne also heard Benjamin’s voice below.

   "What is going on, what happened."

  It turned out that Benjamin had already seen the human figure beaten into charcoal by the chain lightning. It can be seen that he was in a very bad mood at this time.

  Ryuzhi was about to send another signal to Benjamin, but Wayne stopped him.

  "If you send a signal like this, it is tantamount to provoking him. Let him find the problem by himself."

  (End of this chapter)

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