Necromantic Myth

Chapter 590: Benjamin's judgment

   Chapter 590 Benjamin's Judgment

  Benjamin is a clever man, and soon he found some clues, such as the magic circle that had been laid out under the big tree, and the cherry wood that had not been cleaned up yet.

  Such obvious evidence, he only needs to interrogate to know what is going on.

   Benjamin was angry about someone calculating his own hero in his place.

  He must come forward to deal with this matter, otherwise no one will come to help him in the future.

Benjamin did not look for Liu Zhi, and the white mist began to dissipate. It means that the matter is over. Liu Zhi is dead and alive, but it is not important anymore. If Liu Zhi is dead, it is useless for him to worry. If Liu Zhi is alive, he It's not in a hurry to rush over now, so it's better to handle this matter.

  Benjamin soon came to the office where Liu Zhi interviewed.

  As soon as he entered the door, Benjamin glanced at the staff member, and then opened the box containing the cherry wood.

   glanced at the remaining cherry wood in the box, Benjamin knew what was going on.

  The piece of cherry wood I picked up under the big tree before is not the largest piece of all cherry trees, but it is definitely the most vital among all cherry trees.

  This kind of thing knows how to choose at a glance.

  And the cherry wood was touched by someone. As long as someone chooses this piece, the thing will automatically fly towards the big tree.

  As for the staff, there is nothing to do, he just pretends not to see that the door is not closed.

  Benjamin stared at the staff member for a long time, and finally patted the table hard, "Let’s talk, whose idea is it."

   was approached by Benjamin, and the staff were also frightened. He agreed at the beginning, completely because the person said that the follow-up matter would be handled properly and would not find clues.

   But judging from the current situation, the person who said that has not been done, Benjamin came to him the first time.

  A person as smart as Benjamin only glanced at the box to know the general situation. The staff did not dare to hide anything, and said quickly.

  "Master Biat came over. He said it was the private matter of their Thunderwing Druids. He just wanted to see Mr. Sandreu in advance. It was an interview before Mr. Sandreu joined the Thunderwing Druids."

"When did Thunderwing Druids take care of the thing by the fellow Biatt? He just wanted to make an excuse to kill Sandru and give way to his ineffective nephew. Okay, you don’t need to. Stay here again, go home."

  When the staff heard this, they couldn't help standing up, his face was full of unwillingness, but he couldn't say anything.

He has been in this shipyard for so long, and of course he knows the energy of Jay Benmin, which hit him directly, and even if Benjamin doesn’t say anything, whether it’s a Thunderwing Druid or an extraordinary shipbuilder, It's not something he can offend. It's pretty good to be able to go back alive.

  Benjamin didn’t care about the staff at all. He glanced at the staff angrily, lifted the box of cherry wood, and walked out.

  Only when he walked out, an assistant came up and said to Benjamin, "The director, Mr. Sandrew has been found. He is on a nearby mountain. Mr. Wayne and the boat are waiting there."

"How is it going?"

   "Mr. Sandreu killed a druid who allegedly attacked him. Judging from the information returned, it should be Master Biat."

   "Huh?" Benjamin stopped as soon as he heard his footsteps.

  He wanted to recommend Liu Zhi to join the Thunderwing Druid. He didn't expect that he would kill one of the Thunderwing Council before he joined.

   But he thought about it and didn't say anything. He knew about the Thunder Wing Council. He said it was a council, but in fact, there were only three people who could really speak.

  One of them is a local characteristic boss, a thunderbird full of wisdom, as if he is the king of thunderbirds, and the thunderwing druid is his inheritance route.

  The other is the druid boss, called Nature's Fury. He is the only level 6 existence in the Druid of the Bald Eagle Duchy, and he is also the founder of the Thunderwing Council.

The last one is a lightning dragon. Although he is only level 3, the dragon is inherently higher than the others, and there are people in the thunderwing druid who are studying the form of the lightning dragon and want to change it. Druid of the Dragon.

  Two of these three do not have a lot of affection for human druids.

  As long as they hit directly in front of them, they will not have any bad influence on the internal fighting of Thunderwing Druids.

  So Benjamin just froze for a moment, and then walked forward.

  Under the guidance of the assistant, he quickly saw Liu Zhi.

  At this time, Liu Zhi had already left the corpse and talked with Wayne.

  Ryuzhi's ability is not bad, Wayne also knows that the ship can be built, and Liuzhi also has a lot of credit, and he is willing to talk to him.

  They quickly moved from shipbuilding to sailing.

  In this regard, Liu Zhi is definitely not better than Wayne.

  But Ryuzhi knows that Wayne started as a sailor and has been a captain. His family has some money and has several merchant ships in hand, running the route between the Bald Eagle Principality and Europe.

  Of course, Wayne’s goal is not this. He intends to become the first captain of this ship and borrow the power of this ship to win the war between the North and the South.

  After the battle is over, he can go home and buy half of the land in New York and become his landlord.

  Ryuzhi agreed with this idea. He also asked about the situation of the manor near New York and what needs to be done to build a farm near New York.

  Wayne knew this very well. After all, he was a big landlord near New York from his original home, so when Liu Zhi asked, he said seriously.

   "By the way, I heard that you asked for a manor as your reward. Where is that manor? If it's near, I can go and take a look at it when I have time."

   "That manor." Liu Zhi thought for a while. He found that he had come out chasing the cherry wood and didn't seem to have a close look at the rewards for his manor.

  I don’t know if the staff is messing around, and just give himself a manor.

  Just as Liu Zhi was in a hurry, he suddenly thought that he would not stay here long. He wanted a manor only to satisfy the body's original obsession and complete the task. In fact, the size of the manor did not affect it.

   So Liu Zhi shook his head, not taking it to heart.

  At this moment, Benjamin also rushed here with a suitcase.

  When he saw Liu Zhi, Benjamin said, “Mr. Sandro, I’m a little embarrassed. There is something wrong with my staff. We can talk about it.”

  (End of this chapter)

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