Necromantic Myth

Chapter 596: Encounter (48/109)

  Chapter 596 Encounter (48109)

  Looking at these long people, they are obviously human, but they have to learn how wolves are fighting there.

  Liu Zhi couldn't help but stepped back a few steps. In fact, his legs had already left the ground. As long as the opponent had a situation, he would immediately attack or leave on the spot.

  But he didn't expect that among the few people in the melee, one of them mastered good ground skills, one turned around, and one was thrown in front of Liu Zhi.

  Ryuzhi saw that the man who was thrown out turned out to be a black man. From the clothes on his body, he should be not a black black man from the north, but like a black slave who escaped from a plantation in the south.

  Yiu Zhi still didn't realize what was going on, the black man turned his head and rushed towards Liu Zhi.

  It can be seen from his movements that he has lost his reason and will attack anyone when he sees it.

  Yiu Zhi would not be used to such a person. When the guy threw on him, Liu Zhi shook his hand, and the thin stabbing sword pierced this guy's forehead.

  At this time, Liu Zhi seemed to have stabbed a hornet's nest, and all those who were fighting looked at Liu Zhi.

  Liu Zhi noticed that there were a few blacks and a white man, and the blacks were pressing the white man.

  They have weird movements, their eyes are red, and their mouths are dripping.

  Seeing them like this, Liu Zhi obviously felt a little abnormal. They seemed to be stimulated, and they seemed to be a little crazy.

  Just as Liu Zhi wanted to study them, the white man shook the black man on him outside, and several black men were thrown out.

   And the white man also took this opportunity to run to Liu Zhi's side.

   "Run, they are crazy."

  Liu Zhi had known that these guys were crazy, but he did not expect the white man to make such a choice.

  When the white man showed kindness, Liu Zhi thought for a while, holding the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard and stabbing forward, another black man died in his hands.

  The rest of the black people also reacted. They screamed and fled, and did not attack Liu Zhi again.

  After the black people fled, the white man was finally relieved. He sat only some distance away from Liu Zhi. It can be seen that he was also a little afraid of Liu Zhi who would kill him if he didn't agree with him.

   "What's the matter with you."

  Liu Zhi doesn't care what the opponent thinks of him, he is just a little curious, these people seem to fight in a similar way, how can they fight.

  The white man said: "My name is Howlet. I am a serf from the Southern Manor. It was the blacks who brought me to the north."

  "Then why did you fight with them, and although the north only accepts black slaves, you are white. As long as you are willing to join the northern army, you should not be rejected."

"They said that I had some of their holy artifacts. They kept me locked up and kept me away. They said they wanted to take me to see their great elder. When I passed by here, my body seemed to be affected in some way, and I was somewhat controlled. I couldn't help myself, I escaped toward this position."

  Speaking of this, Howlett glanced at Liu Ji, "Are you attracted to that kind of influence?"

  Yagiji glanced at this place, and then looked up and down Howlet with some surprise.

  Finally, he shook his head, "I am not, I have always been here, you stretch out your hand and learn how I do it."

  Riuzhi spoke, and stretched out his hand. Then he pointed to the ground, and a clump of grass came out of the ground.

  Looking at Liu Zhi’s behavior, Howlett was quite surprised. He shook his head and said, "No, I can't do it."

   "You can perceive the situation here, which shows that you have this talent. How could you not be able to do it."

   Persuaded by Liu Zhi, Howlett learned Liu Zhi and raised his hand and pointed to the ground.

  But nothing changed on the ground, instead a pair of bone spurs popped out of Howlett's hands.

  The bone spurs popped out of his fist face. There were three in total. The bone spurs looked sharp, but obviously they had no hardness.

  Howlet was frightened by this situation. He watched his hands there and screamed constantly, and didn't know if he was in pain or something.

  Yiu Zhi stepped forward and grabbed Howlet's arm, and the current from his fingertips spread to Howlet's body.

  The numbness of the electric current caused Howlett to stop, and then Liu Zhi retreated.

  "Interestingly, it seems that someone has moved your body, giving your body a super self-healing effect. As long as your head is not cut off, any injuries on your body will quickly recover.

  And the way I directed you just now is to keep your mind focused on your hands. If you have such a natural talent, you should let the grass grow.

  But you don’t have one, and you have this kind of body, so your bones grow, and then they pop out. "

  After listening to Ryuzhi’s explanation, Howlett lowered his head and glanced at his hands again, "Then what should I do now?"

   "Just pull out that bone. Anyway, your vitality and self-recovery ability are super strong, and the injury will heal soon."

  Ryuzhi said casually, “It seems that those black people are right. You should have absorbed some of their sacred objects. Normally, no one would have such abilities.”

When Liu Zhi said that, Howlett remembered his life in the plantation. The manor seemed to be experimenting with himself. It is possible that what he held in his hand was the so-called sacred object, and he treated himself His experiment is to integrate the holy objects into his body.

  But why is this?

  Howlett shook his head in confusion.

   Seeing Howlet was thinking about his own business there, Liu Zhi didn’t ask much, but just asked, “Where are you going now?”

   "Me? Find a place to hide first. Anyway, I have already escaped. Then find a safe place and wait for the war to end."

  "Then do you want to go with me, I plan to go to Virginia, if you want, you can go with me."

Howlett shook his head involuntarily when he heard it, "I'll forget it, it's too close to the battlefield. Maybe the war will be over there when the war comes. I plan to go north and go further north, where you can Be safer."

   "Well, then I wish you a smooth journey."

  Ryuzhi also did not stop Howlett's thoughts, so he let him leave.

  But he didn't notice. Not long after Howlet left, some black people who had been scared away by him sneaked back.

  Among these black people, there is an old black man with white hair. The old man has only one eye, and the other eye is blocked by a black eye mask.

  In the only eye, there was a wild light like a lone wolf.

   "You said that you felt the power of natural awakening nearby, and Howlet ran here and was saved by that guy?"

  (End of this chapter)

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