Necromantic Myth

Chapter 597: Another Druid faction (49/109)

  Chapter 597 Another Druid faction (49109)

   "That guy just awakened and became a druid." The old black one-eyed man was quite knowledgeable, and he could see the situation of Liu Zhi at a glance, and even found the different grass growing in front of him.

"It should be of the plant system. It was his awakening that shocked Howlet's body and made him enter a semi-awakened state, which is very detrimental to us. If we influence Howlet in this way, Howlet will be in the future. Awakening will be affected by that guy.

  Our sacred object is just given to Howlet. You go back and pass the message and report the escape of Howlet. I want to kill this guy so that he can’t affect Howlet’s evolution. "

   "But my lord, you..."

   “Don’t worry, even if I’m old, I’m still a lone wolf. It’s okay to deal with a guy who eats grass.”

   Saying that the old man threw himself on the ground like the blacks before, crawling with his hands in front of him.

  Although the old man’s hair is white, his movements are quite flexible, looking like a lone wolf lurking.

  A few blacks hesitated, and finally chose to believe in the abilities of the old blacks. He is the one who can fight the most in their faction. If he can't, then there is really no one in the faction who can deal with Liu Zhi.

  Several black people thought about it and left quickly. They still had a lot of things to deal with, for example, they needed to find Howlet who had escaped.

And at this time, Liu Zhi also felt that something was wrong. After taking office and becoming a druid, although he has not learned some related skills and meditations, he has reached the level 3 natural breath meditation unexpectedly. Druid's style.

   Let Liu Zhi breathe a natural breath, and it is for this reason that nearby plants have some good feelings for Liu Zhi.

  Before he felt the spells of other druids, he first comprehended the ability to communicate with plants.

  The old black man who sneaked in was naturally under the attention of the plant, and told Liu Zhi.

  I heard in Ryuzhi that there was a black man who climbed up from the ground and looked like he was trying to attack him.

  He thought of the two blacks he had killed before.

  Ryuzhi was a little speechless, he just wanted to complete a task, how come such unexpected enemies came one after another.

  Fortunately, there are no murlocs in this world, otherwise Liu Zhi really has to think whether he is being targeted by the world consciousness.

   With an anger of being stared at, Liu Zhi slowed down.

  When he felt the black man crawling next to him and preparing to take a shot, Liu Zhi turned and pointed his finger forward.

  A flash of lightning popped from Yanagi's fingertips.

  The lightning flashed across Liu Zhi's fingertips like a pulsating electric current, and then jumped onto the black man.

  The old black man did not expect Liu Zhi to react so quickly, and it was not the kind of plant-based attack method he thought, and his whole body was numb by lightning.

  Before the old black counterattacked, Liu Zhi lifted his hand and a bone spear appeared in his hand.

  The bone spear at this time is a little different from the previous bone spear. The bone spear before Liu Zhi can only bless three kinds of effects according to the skill.

  But since Liu Zhi took office as a druid, his control over wind and thunder has greatly increased. After the bone spear came out, Liu Zhi first blessed the bone spear with three effects: penetration, explosion and flame.

   Then another wind blade was gathered on the bone spear of the bone spear, and an electric current was placed on the spear of the bone spear.

  The old black man reacted from the numbness. Seeing a bone spear appeared in Liu Zhi's hand, he could not help but cursed inwardly.

  What are the eyes of those people? Can't they see that this is a necromancer?

  Things with such bones can also be recognized as druids. What kind of eyes do they have? After returning, you must take them all to feed the wolves.

  Thinking about it, the old black man pushed forward, and the whole person pounced on Liu Zhi, trying to force Liu Zhi into close combat before Liu Zhi shot his bone spear.

  But when the old black man jumped forward, Liu Zhi moved his left foot slightly, and a lightning bolt passed from his left foot, and passed along the ground to the place where the old black man was going to step on the next step.

  This is what Yanagi learned when he fought with Thunderbirds. For Thunderbirds, their wings need to control the direction of flight, so all attacks are launched with claws.

  This made Liu Zhi clearly see something different. He knew that he had some wrong thoughts. Magic did not necessarily need to be released with his hands. He could use the spells as long as he wanted to.

  When the old black man rushed forward, he didn't notice the ground at all. He took the second step and felt his feet numb and his whole person was paralyzed again.

  Yagiji shook his hand when the old black stopped and threw the bone spear out.

  Bone spear easily pierced into the chest of the old black man, exploding, flame, wind blade, and lightning effects all erupted at the same time.

  The power of these effects is not weak, and the old black man was blown out in an instant.

  When the old black man landed on the ground, Liu Zhi saw the blood dripping from the old black man, and suddenly felt a feeling in his heart.

  This old black man, as well as those black people just now, and even Howlet are all druids, or Howlet and those black people just now are druid apprentices.

  They represent another Druid faction from Africa.

  Liu Zhi feels that they should be defensive, not to mention that the vitality of this old black man is quite long. Just now, Liu Zhi believed that he could not stand it.

  After the old black man was blown out, he was able to get up from the ground immediately. It can be seen that he didn't even have the idea of ​​running away, but instead had the plan to fight back.

  The wound that was blown out on his body started to heal unexpectedly.

  At the same time, the old black man stretched his hands forward, and three pairs of bone spurs popped out on the back of his hand.

   looked like wolf claws, and even flashed with cold light.

  At this time, Liu Zhi couldn't help but laughed. It seemed that Howlet was really targeted by this Druid faction, and this faction obviously has its own heritage.

  With this thought, Liu Zhi lifted his hand, and the monitor lizard's blood-stained fangs pierced out.

  This sword does not bring any wind blade, but the purest night sting sword attack effect.

  However, when the sword was pierced, it pierced through the bone spurs of the old black man and pierced the one-eyed one of the old black man.

  How dare the old black man face such an attack, he tilted his head and barely passed the blow.

  But when Liu Zhi lifted his hand, the monitor lizard’s blood-stained fangs cut off all the bone spurs of the old black man.

After   , he kicked it out, with the power of lightning, it hit the old black man's abdomen.

  (End of this chapter)

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