Necromantic Myth

Chapter 598: Mark of the Wild

  Chapter 598 Mark of the Wild

  This kick, Liu Zhi can be said to have used all his strength, he kicked the old black man out with one kick.

  At the same time, a large amount of electric current appeared on the old black man. The electric current flowed through the old black man as if he had his own consciousness, and finally locked his limbs.

  Liu Zhi took a step forward, and the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard pointed at the center of the old black man’s eyebrows.

   "Why are you attacking me."

  Faced with the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard carrying an electric current, the old black man had disdain in his eyes.

  "Here, the wolverine spirit will punish you."

   Liu Zhi frowned, the spirit of the wolverine? What kind of druid is this.

  Although he didn't quite understand, Liu Zhi knew at a glance that he was an enemy in front of him.

  He didn't think much at all, shaking his hand, the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard pierced the black eyebrows.

  No matter how strong the vitality is, there is no chance of survival if the brain is destroyed, not to mention that there are other actions waiting for Liu Zhi here.

  After the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard pierced the old black man’s eyebrows, Liu Zhi stretched his left hand forward, the soul extraction ability was activated, and the black soul was drawn out.

The soul of the black man seemed to have changed. His soul was not a normal blue color, but a weird red color. Inside his soul there seemed to be a group of red jellyfish, waving its tentacles outwards. .

  Liu Zhi could see that the red jellyfish in the soul of the old black man was the spirit of the wolverine.

   Touched the wolverine spirit with his finger, and Liu Zhi found that the wolverine spirit was very interesting.

  This is the old black man who divided his soul into a small part, adjusted it according to the spirit of the wolverine, and finally became like this.

   didn't know where they came from with such courage, they just made fun of their souls, if something went wrong, their souls would be ruined.

  And this kind of soul transformation requires a lot of vitality. Some people may not have completed the transformation, and they will die because of the exhaustion of vitality.

  Maybe this is why these people value Howlett so much.

  They must have had a sacred object that can maintain vitality before, but because of the black people, the sacred object was taken away, and in the end only Howlet inherited the power of the sacred object and gained super vitality.

  In the absence of holy relics, Howlet became the meaning of their faction's existence.

  For this, Liu Zhi didn't have much thoughts, he was more concerned about the situation with the spirit of the wolverine.

  That little thing puts a kind of power outside by absorbing the vitality. Under the influence of this power, the combat effectiveness of some nearby people will be improved, their eyes will turn crimson, and some even seem to be mad.

  For this situation, Liu Zhi feels a little bit interesting. He has never had a halo-type unit under him. Regardless of the role of this halo, the spirit of the wolverine in front of him is an idea.

  The druids of this faction may not have so many experimental products, but Liu Zhi is different. As a necromancer, he can find as many souls as he wants to experiment with.

  After thinking for a while, Liu Zhi took out a gem and stuffed the soul in.

   Then he touched the old black man.

  I don’t know if they didn’t have the habit of carrying things or for some reason. Liu Zhi searched for a long time, but he didn’t find any further clues.

  On the contrary, the blindfold of the old black man is a good thing. After Liu Zhi removed the blindfold, he found that a druid's spell was recorded in it.

  【Skill book detected-"Wild Mark·Attack", learning prerequisites, Druid occupation, physique 3.0, spirit 4.0... meet the learning requirements, may I ask if you are willing to spend 1,000 experience learning. 】

【Ding! Learn the mark of the wild and attack, and it is now level 1. 】

  【Wild Mark·Attack, one of the druid's basic abilities, can bless himself and other people with Wild Mark, and increase the attack power of mark users by 5%. 】

   [Explanation: The wild mark is the druid's own understanding of the wild, and it is the feedback of nature. Each druid can bless up to three different wild marks for himself or one kind of wild mark for others. 】

  After learning this skill, Liu Zhi thought about it, and when he lifted his hand, the mark of a paw exploded on the top of Liu Zhi's head.

   Then Yanagi felt his hands became stronger.

  It can be seen that this is the effect used to increase your attack power.

  Although this method of improvement surprised him, the effect is still good.

  Yiu Zhi pulled out the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard and waved it. He really felt that his attack speed had been significantly improved, and the strength of his sword was also strengthened.

  Although there may not be a 5% level, the strengthening is definitely strengthened.

  Yagiji looked at the blindfold in his hand earnestly. From the information in the blindfold, he could see that before level 4, he should want to give the people around him the mark of Ueno and only bless them one by one.

  But as long as the level is raised to level 4, he can directly command the mark of the wild on a group of people like using area magic.

  For this, Liu Zhi did not mind.

  The effect of the wild mark is good, so let him learn it. There is no need to learn the wild mark of the range by himself. You can't let Liu Zhi fight a battle. If the command is not to command, you must give your own men the wild mark.

  So Ryuzhi simply put away the blindfold and left here quickly.

  Half a day after Liu Zhi left, the black talent who had gone back to deliver the message rushed back.

  The reason why they rushed over was entirely because they did not wait for the old black people.

  This old black man is one of the few strong men in their faction. Although most of their factions are level 1 druids, their division of labor is quite clear.

  This druid faction called the Spirit of Wolverine has the leader of the faction, known as the wolf king, the master of level 1 can come out alone to complete the task of the lone wolf, and then there is the badger elder who is responsible for inheritance.

  Finally, these people formed the council of Wolverine Spirits, responsible for the actions of the entire faction.

  The old black man in front of him is a lone wolf in their faction that is relatively strong.

  His actions will directly attract the attention of the Wolf King.

  When he did not go back, the wolf king was a little anxious, and these blacks had to come back to check the situation of the old blacks.

  As a result, what they saw was an old black man who was killed directly, and even his blindfold was taken away.

  After hearing the news, the Wolf King immediately reacted.

  "It was made by the person you said. You find someone to paint the portrait. All the lone wolves will attack. You must bring back that guy's head."

  (End of this chapter)

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