Necromantic Myth

Chapter 600: Encounter party (50/109)

  Chapter 600 Encounter Party (50109)

  It turned out that the coachman stopped the carriage because they felt that the surrounding environment had become very quiet, not only did there be no birds, but also no insects.

  They have also encountered such a situation before, and it is often the result of someone ambushing.

  But what Liu Zhi saw was not the case. At this time, he saw that there was a small gathering in this woods, but all the people who participated in the gathering were not people, but some spirits or undead.

  There may be some living people in it, but from their appearance, it can be seen that they are all witches or wilderness wizards.

  It's strange to say that they were not far away, but the two coachmen didn't see anything. On the contrary, because they felt that the surrounding environment had become quieter, they thought there was an ambush.

  Ryuzhi thought for a while, and said to the two coachmen: "I know what's going on. You guys wait for me here, and I will come out when the day breaks."

   "But sir, your safety."

  A coachman tightened his gun and said.

  "Don’t worry, it’s safe here. By the way, you can sleep well, maybe you will have a good dream."

  After Liu Zhi finished speaking, he headed for the small and medium-sized gathering place in the village forest.

  After becoming a druid, Ryuji became part of the forest. Normal trees would not stop Ryuuji, but would welcome him, even if Ryuuji was not a druid of the plant system.

  The two coachmen hadn't come to stop Liu Zhi in a hurry, Liu Zhi had disappeared in the woods.

  Seeing such a situation, the two coachmen did not dare to run around. They held muskets and sat on the carriage, staying like this all night.

  And after Liu Zhi left the carriage, he soon came to the meeting place.

  As if passing through something, Yanagi saw that the field in front of him quickly became larger.

   And he seems to have entered a space where the sun and the moon cannot be seen in this space. All the light comes from the fire in the middle of the space.

  And there are many weird existences here. Liu Zhi saw centaurs and some existences like snakes, as well as some zombies and ghosts.

  But the most are still some existences that look similar to witches.

  Yiji noticed that the witch here is not the same as the witch in the extraordinary story heard by this body.

  The witches in the story are long, old and ugly, with various bottles and jars on their bodies, or some weird creatures.

  But the witches here look like girls attending a prom. They are wearing tight dresses, propped up the upper body, and puffy whalebone skirts on the lower body, which seem to not match the style at all.

  Yagiji noticed that the witches here have all hair colors, including black hair, blond hair, silver girl, and even rare red hair.

   Seeing Liu Zhi coming in, one of the witches took out a fan to block her face.

   "Look at what I found, an outsider, this is a druid, I said little handsome boy, how did you find this place."

   "Just passing by, the forest is just like my home. The trees told me that there is something different here, so I came over to take a look."

   "We have different things here, but what can you change?"

  Liu Zhi smiled, and when he stretched out his hand, a bolt of lightning gathered in his hand. After a while, the bolt of lightning turned into a small electric ball, which seemed to be able to be picked up and played.

"Thunderbolt? This is a good thing. Since Benjamin said that all thunder and lightning are outside his control, there are very few such thunderbolts on the market. Say, what do you want, as long as I have it here, you can You can take it away."

  The witch saw the electric ball in Liu Zhi's hand at a glance, and she immediately pointed to a nearby stall and said.

  Yiu Zhizheng wanted to say that there was nothing he needed here, and his eyes were immediately attracted by something.

  Ryuzhi took a step forward and picked up a skull from the booth.

  The skull was obviously dug out from the grave for a long time. It was obvious that the patina had been taken out of it. I don’t know which expert actually took this skull to play with. It’s really a life.

  The reason why Ryuzhi picked up the skull was entirely because he felt the murderous and malicious invisible in the skull.

  After all, those present were all mountain spirits and wild monsters, and in the crowd coming and going, some undead ghosts didn't run away.

  If there is a strong malicious skull, they can tell it at a glance, and it will be left to Liu Zhi to pick it up.

  Only this kind of skull, which is obviously useless, will be thrown on the stall for people to choose.

  Ryuzhi picked up the skull casually and threw the thunder and lightning ball that had just condensed onto the booth.

   Seeing Liu Zhi put away the skull, the witch walked up.

  "This little handsome guy, this skull is my grandmother’s skull. Would you like to change something."

   "I am not a fool. I can see whether the skull is male or female."

  As soon as Ryuzhi said this, the witch laughed, "Then, do you see if I am a male or female."

  Ryuzhi was a little speechless when he heard it. He hated such people the most.

At this moment, an elderly witch said: "Well, Kabishan stop molesting this little brother, but I said young man, you bought the skull, so I have to say, in this film In the woods, don't walk with a skull at night, it will attract headless knights."

  Ryuzhi didn't say anything, he directly found a place to sit down, and at the same time raised the skull in front of him, with his eyes facing the eye socket of the skull.

  Ryuzhi's actions did not attract anyone's attention. There are too many weird people here. If you have to pay attention to the past, who can pay attention to it.

  This gave Liu Zhi a chance, and his mental strength was poured into the skull with his hand.

  In a short while, a few electric sparks flashed in the eye sockets of the skull.

The remnant soul inside was also stimulated by Liu Zhi with this electric spark. As a necromancer, Liu Zhi did not hesitate. At the moment when the remnant soul appeared, he directly crushed it with spiritual force, tearing it up. After opening the protection of the remnant soul, I saw something.

  After reading the situation here, Liu Zhi let out a long sigh of relief.

  He felt that he was lucky, and unexpectedly discovered the situation here, otherwise he would have missed this gathering. He really didn’t know where to go to find the clues to the key conspiracy tower.

   Although the information given by the remnant soul in front of him was a bit broken, at least clues came out.

  (End of this chapter)

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