Necromantic Myth

Chapter 601: The King of Witches (51/109)

  Chapter 601 The King of Witches (51109)

   Putting down the skull, Liu Zhi opened his eyes, and was about to see if there was anything else to buy. He didn't want him to find out that the party was over at this time.

   Liu Zhi couldn't help but stunned for a moment. He didn't remember that he spent too much time looking at a remnant soul. What's the matter, do you just drive people out?

  When Liu Zhi stood up, he found that the situation seemed a little wrong. The fallen leaves on the ground had buried his feet in half. If it were an ordinary person, he would suspect that he had been sitting here for a few years.

  But Liu Zhi would not have such a suspicion. The dream that he encountered in the semiplane last time, he could finally break it, and a little trick in front of him would cause his misunderstanding.

  He glanced around, glanced at the fire that looked like no one had used it for more than ten years, and snorted directly.

   "Is it fun to play like this?"

   "I just said don't play, I haven't lied to it, you guys are really useless."

  In the voice of Yuji, the witches and ghosts who had participated in the party ran out of the neighborhood in twos and threes, and the witch who had sold things to Yuji was still unhappy.

  Yagiji stared at the witch and said, "Can you give me an explanation."

  While speaking, Liu Zhi raised his right hand while his arm was full of lightning.

  This kind of lightning attack poses the greatest threat to these spirits. If the other party does not give him a reasonable explanation, Liu Zhi doesn't mind putting a wave of thunder and lightning here to wash the ground.

   Stared at by Liu Zhi, the witch snorted, "Don't play if you can't afford it."

  He seemed to want to retreat to the corner after speaking.

   Liu Zhi heard her words. Although the situation in front of him is unclear, Liu Zhi is not the kind of person who is provoked and dare not fight back.

  As the witch was about to retreat, Liu Zhi raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning fell on the witch.

   With one blow, the witch's hair all exploded, and the whole person flew out.

When Liu Zhi moved like this, the other spirits reacted. All the witches stood up, and there were various undeads who stood up with them, but those spirits stepped aside and you can see that they did not. Not in a group.

   "Interesting, can't afford to play, don't play if you can't."

  Ryuzhi said while mobilizing all his power. At this moment, he slowly flew up, holding the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard in his hand, and seemed to have the idea of ​​going to war if he didn't agree.

  At this moment, a voice said again: “Retreat to me, this gentleman, this time it’s Cabisan’s problem. Can you come down first? Let’s talk about it.”

  Yiu Zhi heard this sound a bit familiar, and it was the one who reminded himself before that he would encounter a headless horseman when walking outside with his skull.

  But Liu Zhi didn't intend to pay attention to him. You said let me go down and I will go down. I can't afford to lose this person.

  So Ryuzhi not only did not go down, but went up a little bit, and at the same time some uncontrolled currents began to appear around him.

  Under this current, the most uncomfortable are those undead, some of the undead with bodies are better, and the bodies of those ghosts are about to melt.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi raised his hand, and a ball of things like sunlight appeared in his hand.

  Liu Zhi’s performance is to directly tell the people present that whether it is thunder or sunlight, he is the nemesis of the dead.

  Looking at this situation, the witch behind the scenes also had to stand up. It was a witch who looked like a little girl and looked like a teenager.

  But the accumulation of years that Liu Zhi has seen from her.

After    stood up, the witch saluted Liu Zhi.

  "Sir, I’m sorry, they are just working hard for my practice, we didn’t mean it."

   "I can see that you are doing this falsely. Although your strength can be improved, your subsequent achievements are not high."

  As soon as the witch stood up, Liu Zhi had already guessed something. He fell directly to the ground, and looked up and down the witch who was deceiving.

  When Liu Zhi fell, the witch had already started to explain it herself.

  She is the witch king in this forest, and of course the weakest generation of witch king.

  The reason why this forest has become a gathering place for ghosts and monsters is entirely because each generation of the witch king controls the power of time.

  Witches of each generation can send people to the past or the future. Although they can only be in this small space, this is enough.

  It's just that the power of this time is considered to be broken in this generation. The king of witches of this generation has never realized the key to this power.

  In order to get back the inheritance, the witch king can only think of one way, pretending that he has done this, and using the beliefs of others to guide the way.

  But the ghosts and witches present are all insiders, and this kind of thing must be done without others knowing.

  So they had to organize a gathering of such extraordinary creatures to attract some passing outsiders to come here.

  They will find a bizarre world here, slowly falling asleep here.

  When they wake up, they will find that everything has been'changed' more than ten years or even decades later.

  Because the witches and their arrangement will be quite strict, so those people will believe their findings.

  They will be surprised and nervous.

  At this time, the King of Witches will appear, ‘help’ them back to their own time.

  The ordinary people who are sent out believe this, and their belief will become the driving force for the witch king to master the power of time.

  The Witch King has done this kind of thing many times. They never thought that they would fail in this regard.

  So when facing the problem of Ryuzhi, they didn't know what to do.

  It was the king of witches who looked like a little girl said: "This is my fault. Everything is directed at me. Don't embarrass them."

  Ryuzhi stared at the little girl for a moment, and finally snorted.

  "You will only harm yourself by doing this. If you choose the wrong method, you will get more and more wrong in the future."

   After finishing talking, Liu Zhi ignored the king of witches, and directly bypassed the people present, and quickly walked outside.

  Looking at Liu Zhi about to leave like this, the Witch King quickly stood up and said, "Please wait a minute."

  Yiu Zhi turned his head and said, "Don't worry, the things here have nothing to do with me, and I won't tell them."

  "No, this time things are not good for me. In fact, after those people go out, they will receive some compensation from us. Please take this away."

  Yagiji was trying to refuse, but when he saw what was in the hands of the Witch King, he couldn't help but ask.

   "Where did it come from?"

  (End of this chapter)

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