Necromantic Myth

Chapter 602: unexpected result

  Chapter 602 Unexpected Harvest

  "A passing unicorn left."

  Looking at Liu Zhi's gaze, the King of Witches knew that this time the incident was over. At this time, Liu Zhi was staring at the pure silver unicorn horn in her hand.

This silver unicorn horn looks weird. This is clearly the king of witches watching the unicorn pull off his head, but it’s not like other unicorn horns that can be used as medicine. Instead, it has A metallic effect.

  This thing has been in the hands of the Witch King for some time. The Witch King knew that this was a good thing, but he couldn't use it.

  So in this case, she simply exchanged this thing for Ryuji without blaming it.

  Unexpectedly, after taking it out, Liu Zhi would react like this.

  A few thoughts flashed through the witch king's heart, and he seemed to want to make some more comments.

  At this moment, Liu Zhi said: "Yes, give me this thing, we will not owe each other."

   Before the Witch King could speak, Liu Zhi picked up the unicorn beast and turned around and left.

  When the Witch King reacted, Liu Zhi had disappeared in this small space.

  In fact, Liu Zhi almost laughed out loud at this time. This time he really made a lot of money. When the Witch King took out the unicorn horn, he already felt it.

  The unicorn horn in front of him is not medicinal. This thing is the same as the two game guide props he got before. It is a game-oriented prop.

  And this unicorn is silver, you can see that the quality of this thing is silver level. According to the settings in the game, the start of the game opened with this game positioning prop is above level 5.

  This is a good thing.

  As a player, Liu Zhi never worried that he would have more games in his hands.

  On the contrary, for Liu Zhi, every game is a resource for his growth. He wants to grow up in a short period of time. The more new games, the better.

  After leaving the small space, Liu Zhi quickly returned to the carriage.

  At this time, the coachman was still there holding a musket and watching the surroundings.

  As soon as Liu Zhi came out, a smile appeared on the faces of the two coachmen.

  After all, they can only be regarded as hired coachmen. If the employer dies in the middle of the road, they will also be negligent. After all, no one will ask someone like them to pull a cart.

After   Ryuzhi came back, he said to the two coachmen: “Go ahead, it’s safe in the forest. Don’t worry, just drive directly.”

  After talking, Liu Zhi closed the door of the car and sat in the carriage by herself, studying some of the information he had just received.

  The previous information from the skull and crossbones tells Liu Zhi that there is actually a tower in this land.

  It's just different from the towers in Yanagi's imagination. Most of the towers are wild existence.

  In fact, many of these towers do not have the power of self-recruitment, but for some reasons, they unintentionally become a passage between the real world and the underworld.

  People can enter and exit the underworld through this place.

  For those undead living in the wilderness, these places are often called the way home or gate.

  Of course, in the information that Ryuzhi knew, there was only one such location for the soul tower.

  It was in a wild forest somewhere, under a huge tree, or that tree itself was a tower of souls.

  Yagiji is now confirming the location. He plans to wait for the time to be free, and then go over and take a look. At least he can't miss any information related to the tower.

  When Liu Zhi sorted out the information, the sky had already started to light up.

  The coachman is driving the carriage into a small town, they are going to rest here, and then change two horses to start the next trip.

  Ryuzhi also took this opportunity to come down and go around.

  After all, he has been in this world for a while, either on the sea or on the road, or staying in the shipyard. He hasn't seen the situation in this world city, nor has he strolled around.

  Although this is a game, he is still a human being. It is impossible to keep his nerves too tight. He also needs to relax.

  So after arranging a time with the coachman, Ryuzhi turned around here.

  Liu Zhi noticed that this small town does not seem to be the style of an American small town.

  In his thoughts, American towns should be the kind of Western movies, where they would shoot if they didn’t agree with each other on the street.

And the town in front of me is more like an undead town. It is obviously daytime, and the whole town is still shrouded in thick fog. At the same time, there are some people in the town who are patrolling there with lights, and the streets are also There is no such thing as a store.

  Ryuzhi walked around in this small town and found that the residents here seemed to be very used to this kind of life.

  They were a little curious about the sudden appearance of Liu Zhi, but they did not control Liu Zhi, but did their own things.

  This also allows Liu Zhi to see the situation in this small town. The residents of this small town seem to live around the nearby farmland. There are sheriffs, judges, postmen and other roles in the town.

  It can be seen that these people will have a higher status in the town than ordinary residents.

  But Liu Zhi always felt that the town in front of him seemed a bit weird, but he couldn't see where there was a problem.

  Just as Liu Zhi was about to observe the town more, the coachman also came to look for Liu Zhi.

   "We have already supplied the supplies and are ready to go on the road."

  Liu Zhi turned his head and glanced at the town, without saying anything, and followed the coachman to the town’s stable.

  At this time, the two new horses have been replaced, and the carriage has been cleaned up.

   Seeing Liu Zhi coming, a chubby groom also stepped forward and said, “It’s all ready. This is the best horse here. I believe that as long as there is one more day, you can get there.”

   "Oh, where have you been?"

   Seeing that they were still preparing what they needed on the road, Liu Zhi chatted with the groom.

  When the groom heard it, he smiled awkwardly, “I’ve been there. The situation there is a bit weird, but it’s really a good place. It’s hard to say the land, there are forests and rivers nearby, it’s a treasure.”

   "That's good, then do you know anything about the situation over there?"

  The groom thought for a while, and then whispered to Liu Zhi: "I'll tell you secretly. After you get there, you must be careful about the situation in their small town. I feel that there is a problem in that small town."

"what is the problem?"

  "I feel that the small town over there should be fake. There are no old people and children in it. All of them are adults. It looks fake."

  (End of this chapter)

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