Necromantic Myth

Chapter 605: The ghosts in the manor (53/109)

  Chapter 605 Ghosts in the Manor (53109)

   "You, it's wrong for you to do this."

  Liu Zhi just turned a few books, and a voice came from his ear.

   Gouji turned his head and found a pale girl with bleeding eyes standing behind him.

  The girl looked like an entity, but who was Liu Zhi, she could tell at a glance, she was an undead, and also an old ghost.

   "I just want to read a book."

  Ryuzhi only glanced at the girl, agreed, and read the book again.

  "These books are all transcripts that those people exchanged in later, and the father, mother, and stepfather did not leave their manuscripts.

   "Oh, that has nothing to do with me."

  Yagiji responded while flipping the contents of his hand.

  He didn't believe the old ghost's words, but there was no meaning in it. For Liu Zhi, a book is a book, and the content in it will not change or be fake.

  Although these books are not manuscripts, as long as you read the information above, you can improve Liu Zhi's experience.

  It is as if he sees that this book is a manual for river construction and repair. Although I don’t know why it appeared here, Liuzhi’s urban planning skills experience has been continuously improved.

  This is a good thing for Ryuzhi. He plans to spend a few days to read the book here before talking about it.

  As for those ghosts and the like, Liu Zhi will treat them as if they don’t exist.

Seeing Liu Zhi's answer, the girl was also a little angry. She stamped her foot there and said: "Why are you like this? I am for your own good. You can read these books for your own benefit. You should go to me. The manuscripts left by father and mother."

  "Wait until I finish reading the book here."

  Ryuzhi didn't lift his head this time.

  After he finished speaking, he turned the page again. No matter how anxious the girl was, it was useless, but Liu Zhi continued at his own pace.

  He would pick out a book every time. Basically, as long as he turned a page, Liu Zhi could know from the system whether the book was useful for him, without having to read it from beginning to end.

  So his situation is quite weird in the eyes of the female ghost. Sometimes he just turns a page and puts the book aside, and sometimes he reads the book seriously.

  And after Liu Zhi finished reading the book, he would put the book back again and bring a new stack of them.

  For a long time like this, the female ghost can't stand the first one.

  She was there all kinds of persuasion, but Liu Zhi just ignored it.

  Until the housekeeper opened the door and walked in, the female ghost disappeared unwillingly.

  After the housekeeper came in, he also felt the yin in the library, but he seemed to be used to it, and said to Liu Zhi: "Mr. Sandro, supper is ready, please come and eat with me."

  Ryuzhi put the book down, got up and walked to the door.

  While passing by the butler, the butler whispered: “The books here are all later manuscripts. All the authentic and manuscripts have been taken away. There is nothing you were looking for here.”

  Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the housekeeper, and he understood in his heart that the housekeeper thought he had bought this manor just to find something.

  But Liu Zhi really didn't, he came here only to complete the task.

  Where would he be willing to participate in such a thing? If he didn't want to come here to determine the ownership of the manor, he might not even come here.

  Seeing that Liu Zhi didn't want to listen to him, the housekeeper was also a little angry. He has been a housekeeper for so long, and he almost regarded this place as a family.

  In his opinion, he is willing to accept Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi is the owner of the manor. If he is not willing, even if he has the title deed, Liu Zhi is only a guest of the manor.

  Now he is showing that Liu Zhi is showing his favor, but Liu Zhi is provoking him with such an attitude.

  However, what the butler said was also personal. Although he was dissatisfied in his heart, he did not show it. He still invited Liu Zhi to the restaurant very seriously.

  At this time, Liu Zhi noticed that there was already a lot of food on the restaurant table that could seat at least 20 people.

  The housekeeper and the male and female servants are standing on both sides, it can be seen that they have no plans to sit down and eat.

  Ryuzhi glanced at the dining table, and was about to sit down at the top seat.

  At this moment, the butler said.

  "Sir, here is the main position at the top, as well as the second, third, fourth, and seventh positions on the left, please don't sit down, please feel free to take the rest."


   "These positions are all owned by owners. If you don't want to get caught up in ghosts, don't sit in these positions."

  Liu Zhi smiled, jumped over a series of lightning, and directly sat on the main seat.

   "Oh, tell me what it's like to be in the shadows."

  Yagiji said while beckoning to the servants nearby, asking them to bring food for himself.

   "I'm the only one to come over to eat, is there more food here?"

"You are not the only one to eat this, there are also some guests." The butler said calmly, regardless of whether Liu Zhi is the current owner of the manor, or even looking at Liu Zhi sitting on the main seat, as if thinking about it. When will he leave.

  Looking at the butler’s eyes, Liu Zhi's expression was also a little unhappy. If this were in his place, such a person would have been ashamed long ago.

  So Yanagi lightly nodded on the tabletop, "I only need to cook my food in the future, and let the kitchen cook your food separately."

   Saying that, Liu Zhi ignored the housekeeper, picked up the food and ate it.

Regarding these foods, Ryuzhi doesn’t have much thoughts. Anyway, what to eat is not to eat. This food is not the kind of food that can add attributes, and it is not the food that can be golden. Without these special effects, these things are just for A full stomach.

  Looking at Liu Zhi's actions, the butler's face became more and more ugly.

  But the male servants and maids didn’t react at all. They all saw that Liu Zhi was not an ordinary person, and they didn’t need to have any conflict with Liu Zhi on this matter.

  While Ryuzhi was eating, several ghosts flew in from the wall.

  The ghosts were translucent and looked like people from more than a hundred years ago. One of the men looked at the place where Liu Zhi was sitting, and screamed with dissatisfaction, as if he wanted to go over and let Liu Zhi stand up.

  Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the ghost. He didn't speak at all, but the flash of light in front of him caused the ghost to numb.

Then Liu Zhi said to the ghosts who appeared here: "I am the owner of the manor now. I don't care if you are in the manor, but don't disturb me when I eat or sleep, and don't make a pair. You are the expressions of the owner of the manor, I tell you, I am the owner of the manor before I leave."

  (End of this chapter)

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