Necromantic Myth

Chapter 606: Who is the owner of the manor

  Chapter 606 Who is the owner of the manor

  Ryuzhi's aura temporarily suppressed these ghosts, and under the leadership of the ghost in the lead, they retreated to the side.

  But they didn't leave there, instead they surrounded Liu Zhi and watched him eat there.

  The average person will feel quite a lot of pressure under such a look.

  But how can Liu Zhi be afraid of this, he has seen far more undead than here.

  He just raised his head, tapped the table with his finger, and said in a very flat tone: "Go away."

  I stopped looking at the ghosts after I finished speaking, and started eating easily.

  All the maids and footmen were frightened by Ryuzhi's actions. The servants who worked here knew that there would be ghosts in the manor, and they would also encounter these ghosts.

  In their thoughts, as long as the ghost is asked to do what they want, the ghost will not trouble them.

  Over the years, these ghosts have not interacted or conflicted with them in this way.

  Unexpectedly, when Liu Zhi came here, he would be directly attacked by the most powerful group of ghosts in it.

  None of these servants knew whether to listen to Liu Zhi's orders in the future.

  At this moment, a male servant smiled and said, “It’s all gone. This person is cold. It won’t be long before he will sell the manor and leave here.”

  After finishing talking, the valet ignored that Liu Zhi was still eating, so he turned and left.

After   , the other servants and maids just dispersed like this, only the ghosts were still staring at Ryuuji to eat.

  The butler standing not far away with a sneer smile on his face, looking like the protagonist in a horror movie, he put out the candles one by one, and said in a calm voice.

"That manservant has been in this manor for five generations. Their family has stayed in this manor longer than us butlers. His family has seen too many people occupying themselves as transcendents, ignoring these guests and finally being These guests are scared to death.

  So now you are still having time to leave here after eating, otherwise you will not have the chance to leave when the twelve o’clock rings. "

  After extinguishing the last candle, the housekeeper actually walked to Liu Zhi's side.

   "How about, do you need me to call a carriage for you..."

  Before the housekeeper's words were finished, he watched in surprise as Liu Zhi stretched out his right hand, and a white light appeared on his right hand. The white light slowly illuminated the entire restaurant like sunlight.

  This is the power of the Sun Crystal.

  Yagiji was thinking about participating in the game, he took the sun crystal from Sandru’s death staff and placed it on his gloves.

  Although Liu Zhi has never used the sun crystal on this road, it does not mean that he has not mastered this power.

  It’s just that after taking office as a Druid, he is more accustomed to using the power of lightning and storms.

  In the current situation, the sunlight in the solar crystal is the key.

  Under the sunlight, even if the ghosts were fearless, they felt uncomfortable, and the horror atmosphere of preparing for the camp light was gone by blowing all the candles out.

  After all, in the sun, even if it is horrible, you have to make a half-fold.

  Yagiji casually put a ball of light into the air, and started eating again.

  He doesn't care about the ghosts, but those ghosts can't stand this situation.

  In the sun, their bodies are getting lighter and lighter. It can be seen that some of them can't support it anymore.

  But these guys want face again, they originally planned to give Liu Zhi a prestige this time, at least they want to let Liu Zhi know who they are.

  As a result, the situation turned out to be like this, they are embarrassed.

  For the sake of face, they must support it.

  But they didn't communicate with Liu Zhi, they just resisted so hard.

  This made Liu Zhi think that they were provoking him. While he was eating, Liu Zhi clicked the table again.

  This time a part of the sun’s divinity was injected into the sphere of light.

  In the next instant, the smell of barbecue came from those ghosts.

  At this moment, a voice rang at the door.

   "Please let them go."

  Yiu Zhi looked in the direction of the sound, and found that the female ghost he had seen before had come outside the restaurant, “They just don’t want to leave here, they don’t want to leave this kind of life.”

   "This is not a reason to provoke me, and it is not a reason to let those butlers and butlers stand up on me. Even if I deal with everyone here, I can justify it."

What Liu Zhi said is very reasonable. He is now the owner of the manor. There may be no way to kill and kill the butlers and servants who want to vacate him. But if they are driven out, no one will stop them. he.

Listening to Liu Zhi's words, the female ghost had no reason to stop. She stared at Liu Zhi for a long time, and finally said: "This manor is built on the node of the spirit of darkness. The living and the dead live together. You are A druid, there is no need to grab this little place with some of our ghosts who don't have a home.

  If you are willing to talk to us, we know that there is a woodland with strong natural atmosphere in the nearby forest, which can be your experimental field. "

  Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the female ghost, and found that the female ghost's eyes were full of determination.

  He moved in his heart, "You are the leader of these ghosts."

   "Daniel Parker Curtis' eldest daughter, Christine, died of a small cold when she was thirteen."

  Ryuzhi looked up at the surrounding environment again, snapped his right finger, and the light ball emitted by the sun crystal went out.

  After the ghosts recovered their integrity, they no longer dared to surround Liu Zhi. They quickly retreated, just as they appeared before, walking through the wall separately, not dare to stay here for a moment.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi also noticed that under the influence of no one's light, the corners of the manor were decorated in the style of undead.

  For example, on the table where he ate, the original rice bowls, plates, knives and forks and other utensils were all made of silver, with grape lines engraved on them. This is the most common decorative style for most manor owners.

  But in the darkness, Liu Zhi noticed that there was a skull pattern hidden under the vine.

  This kind of change is really invisible to most people, but Liu Zhi has been playing with Necromancer for a long time, and he doesn't know the influence of You Qi.

  Then he looked at the structure of the manor, and he found that the manor seemed to have undergone some changes, and that many places were affected by the atmosphere of the underworld, and there were some changes in nature, which was very interesting.

  Finally he stood up, walked to the ghost named Christine, and stared at her bleeding eyes.

  "Why should I let the manor I earned by my skills to you?"

  (End of this chapter)

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