Necromantic Myth

Chapter 696: The Big Three of Zerg (30/90)

  Chapter 696 The Big Three of Zerg (3090)

  As a necromancer, no matter what the source of the body is, they must find a way to use it.

  These wild dog-like zerg corpses in front of him, Liu Zhi would naturally not let go.

  Especially these corpses are all combat weapons. If Liu Zhi finds a way to transform into undead, he may not even need to make excessive adjustments, just inject the corpse into the soul and activate it directly.

  Liu Zhi asked the cannibal wolves and corpse dogs to pile up the relatively complete corpses after they left.

  The remaining corpses were handed over to the bone-eating monitor lizard. Among the many undead servants under Liu Zhi, only the bone-eating monitor lizard grew up by devouring the corpse.

  No matter what the corpse, as long as it is flesh and blood bones and the like, after being eaten by him, it can be added to his body and directly used to strengthen his combat power in battle.

  The corpses of these Zerg races are a huge treasure for the bone-eating monitor lizard.

  Those zergs that have been broken into pieces and fleshy by the starlight cannot be transformed into undead. The bone-eating monitor is just taking this opportunity to make good use of the losses in the previous battle.

  Liu Zhi puts spiritism on the corpses of the Zerg one by one, and first assign the ownership of these corpses.

  After that, he used other remaining corpses to repair the wounds on some relatively intact corpses.

  Finally, nearly fifty corpses that can be used to make undead were picked out.

  While Ryuzhi processed the corpses, all the wild dogs, like the Zerg, disappeared and spread to the Zerg’s base.

  In fact, the Zerg seems to be managed uniformly from top to bottom, but if you really look at it, you will find that the Zerg is actually a state of separation of three powers.

  This is true even for the small bases and nests. This is why, Zerg’s bases will have three foot joints that look like flagpoles.

  At this time, three different-looking leaders underground in the Zerg base were talking about this time in detail.

  The three chiefs of the Zerg are the queens who are responsible for reproducing eggs, are responsible for transforming into a base, and control the brood that runs the entire base, and there are also brainworms who are responsible for transforming arms and directing the Zerg to fight.

  When those stray dogs-like Zerg died in battle, Cerebral received the news as soon as possible.

  Chen Cerebral, who had been hiding in the underground base, immediately called the clones of the queen and the brood, and notified them of the news.

  Among the three leaders, the first born is the brood. After it is born, it will directly turn its body into that kind of purple bacteria, and every part of the body will be transformed into the various buildings of the base.

  In the end, it will only leave something like eyes to act as its own clone. Since the entire base is its body, its clone can appear in any corner of the base freely.

  The same is true this time, the brood clone appeared in front of the Cerebral worm for the first time.

   Cerebral worm is the last of the three leaders of the Zerg clan to appear in the back position. Generally, a cerebra worm will be produced only after the queen has produced enough engineering worker bees to ensure the needs of the brood base.

  Among the three leaders of the Zerg tribe, there are only the various architectural genes of the base in the memory of the brood.

In addition to being able to lay eggs,    only the gene fragments of brain worms and engineering worker bees are included.

  The remaining gene modulation and Zerg control abilities are all in the hands of Cerebral worms.

  So this brainworm looks like a huge brain, carried by some small groundworms.

When the clone of the mother nest appeared, the Cerebral worm said: "I heard a sound on the island before that someone has entered our island. I sent two hundred zerglings over to see what happened. It’s true, but just now, there was news that the Zergworms had been wiped out."

  Hearing this, the brood clone was also frightened. It does not only know the bases that operate, it also has some insights on defense.

  It can be heard from Cerebral’s words that someone hit the island and the enemy’s strength is very strong.

   At this moment, the avatar of the Queen of Insects also came over.

  The normal queen is a huge white worm, and the rate of laying eggs is calculated in minutes.

  But she has no more than three clones, and those clones look like large spiders that can enter and exit the battlefield.

  This kind of clone has the ability to lay eggs on site, parasitize humans or other creatures with eggs, and even control the base of others.

  Of course, such clones are not so easy to appear. Each clone represents one-third of the queen's life.

  Moreover, it takes the queen of insects and the brood technology to reach a certain level before the hands will appear.

  There is a clone in front of me, which is already quite remarkable.

   "Two-fifths of the troops lost? Do you need me to take someone over to see?"

   Cerebral worm glanced at the worm queen clone. He didn't quite understand what happened to the worm queen clone in front of him. He could grow up safely by staying in the base, but this worm queen clone had a heart to go to the battlefield.

  Forget it when dealing with the various creatures on the island, now it is clear that the situation is wrong, and she has to go to the battlefield. Is this looking down on her professionalism?

  Before, it was for this reason that the relationship between Cerebral Worm and Queen Worm became not so good.

  Sometimes the cerebra worm will find that the queen will transform some good quality eggs into worker bees in advance.

  It’s not enough to inflate the Cerebrates, because the quality of the eggs will affect the combat effectiveness of the trained Zerg.

  Generally speaking, the best eggs are used to train elite troops. These elite troops naturally include the Big Three.

  The second-order eggs are those with good quality, and these are often used to train into combat insects.

  After all, Zerg is a natural fighting race, fighting is their nature, and these good-quality eggs, when making fighting worms, often improve part of the attributes of fighting worms.

What is the use of    on worker bees, can it increase the transportation volume by 10%? Or can you speed up the work?

  In the mind of Cerebral, this is completely meaningless.

  But the queen has been doing this all the time, and she keeps rushing for the eggs of the cerebra worm, all for the purpose of blocking the cerebra worm.

  If it weren’t for the fact that the three of them couldn’t clashed at will, maybe they’re all fighting now.

  When he heard the worm's clone, the Cerebral said directly.

"No, I have always handled the battle. I called the two over because there was a strong enemy this time. I hope you can cooperate more. The defense of the base will be handed over to you. In addition, this time I want to use all of the eggs, I need to replenish my troops."

  (End of this chapter)

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