Necromantic Myth

Chapter 697: New troops (31/90)

  Chapter 697 New troops (3190)

  Liu Zhi didn't know that the Worm Nest had already prepared, at this time he had already dealt with the Zerg like wild dogs.

  Of course, these guys actually have a relatively technical term on the Zerg side, Zergling.

  When Liu Zhi dealt with these zerglings, he naturally used the method he used to make rot-skin cannibal wolves. They all looked alike anyway.

Liu Zhi doesn’t have anything that can be used to make exoskeleton mechas, but Liu Zhi doesn’t care. He has more materials that can be used, such as ore all over the ground, and those torn from trees. The fibers, these are all materials that can be used.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi also took out his own ability to make poisons and plagues, and experimented on these zombie corpses.

Finally, after being dealt with by Yuji, a total of thirty Zerglings stood up again. They were affected by the undead breath of Yuji, and would obey Ryuji's orders, but they would never be like the wolf and fighting dog troops. , Will form a battle formation to charge.

  At the same time, after Liu Zhi made these zombie, there was no way to behave like the undead produced in the Hades, even if there was no formation, he would be obedient.

  They will run around on their own, and sometimes they will attack themselves.

  These Zerglings look like wild monsters that are relatively neutral with Ryuuji. Although they are the same undead made by Ryuuji, the real meaning is not very big.

   "Sure enough, there are a lot of restrictions. It's no wonder that in the undead city, in addition to the soul-removing tower, it also needs the soul-reducing tower. Without the soul-reducing tower, such self-made undead control can't be controlled."

   Feeling the control of these undead zebras, he discovered how troublesome the undead made temporarily by his own house are.

  But the current situation is that Liu Zhi must have the help of these Undead Zerglings. After thinking about it for a while, he released the 30 Undead Zerglings who had stood up again.

   Then ready to start calling new troops to supplement.

  Since the Wolf Warriors and Dog Fighting troops have suffered a certain amount of losses, they have all returned to be repaired, and it is impossible for Liu Zhi to call them back in just a few hours.

  So Ryuzhi simply replaced the most regular defense force and long-range force combination according to the original plan.

  This time it was the undead of the Golden Skull Shield Guard and the Falcon regiment.

   These two units are both of Ryuzhi’s earlier units. The Golden Skull Shield Guard has been handed over to Rust Bone to lead and deal with them. They have always guarded the Kodo Bone Burial Ground.

  However, Liu Zhi’s undead army can mobilize all the reorganized troops under Liu Zhi, no matter where the troops are, as long as they have magic power, they can be mobilized by magic.

  So Ryuzhi easily transferred this unit over.

When    appeared in front of Liu Zhi, Liu Zhi noticed that the Golden Skull Shield Guard had changed a bit.

In the original Golden Skull Shield Guards, they all looked like gold foils on their bodies. The current Golden Skull Shield Guards can be said to be several layers of gold. In addition to gold foil and gold paint, they also have an extra layer on their bodies. Bone armor.

  These bone armors are not exoskeleton mechas produced in the Yanagi factory, but a very traditional bone armor.

  It can be seen that these bone armors are all made of beast bones. If you look closely, you will find that there are some bird feathers and wolf hairs on the sides of the bone armor.

  These should be their harvest in the place where the Kodo Beast was buried. After all, the breath of the Kodo Beast’s death will attract many scavengers.

As a guardian of the cemetery, Rusty Bone cannot move the carcass of Kodo, but these scavengers are not within the scope of his prohibition. Rusty Bone uses these scavengers to train soldiers, and uses the corpses of these animals to make armor. The sky has already been effective.

  The most important thing after many adjustments, rust bones have a certain means for making golden lacquered bones. He also painted these animal bones with golden lacquer to strengthen their defense.

  It can be said that these Golden Skeleton Shield Guards have become the most defensive force under Ryuzhi.

  Perhaps neither the rush car nor the catapult can destroy these golden skeletons in one blow.

  After these golden skeletons stood out, they quickly lined up in a row.

  It can be seen that although their number is small, they are more powerful than the previous wolf and dog units.

  After the Golden Skull Shield Guards came out, it was Yanagi's Falcons.

  This unit has a ceremonial skeleton inaugurated as a young eagle warrior.

  Since there are not many eagles in Liuzhi's territory, the speed of transformation is relatively slow. Up to now, only 60 people are full.

  But these young eagle warriors are all woodland warfare masters, they will use various weapons such as blow arrows, long swords, and spears.

  It can be said that they are the king's troops in the forest.

  As soon as these young eagle warriors walked out, their gazes naturally fell on the flying dragons. After seeing that there were no feathers on the flying dragons, they shifted their gazes.

In their opinion, there can be many kinds of enemies, but there are only two kinds of animals flying in the sky. One is feathered and can be beaten down to serve as their own record, and the other is featherless. If you don't threaten yourself, don't waste this effort.

  After all the troops arrived, Liu Zhi went to the Worm Nest under the protection of Vidnina and the others.

  This time it’s different from the time when the Wolf Fighting Dog was there.

When the   Wolf Fighting Dog troop was there, those cannibal wolves and corpse dogs had no way to control them, they would only rush forward.

  But now it’s different. The Golden Skeleton Shield Guard guarded Yanagi in the middle, while the young eagle warriors of the Falcon regiment formed a team of four or five and quickly dispersed into the woods.

  This is their way of fighting. Don't watch them disperse directly, but as soon as they encounter an enemy, other teams will come to help them immediately.

  It can be said that in the woods, this fighting method has allowed the Eagle Warrior to survive for many years.

  It can be said that this is a tried and tested method, which is enough for some beasts that have lived in the forest since childhood, not to mention those Zerg who are only suitable for worm sea tactics.

  With the falcon group's pathfinder, Liu Zhi and the others quickly passed through the forest and approached the Zerg territory.

  When he saw the Worm Nest from a distance, Liu Zhi noticed that those Zerg tribes were also defending.

With the power of flying, Liu Zhi stood on the top of a big tree. When he looked down, he found that there were some extra thorns on the ground of the Worm’s Nest, and their defenses The point is all placed close to the forest.

  This discovery made Ryuzhi smile with sarcasm.

   "This is fooled, it's really boring."

  (End of this chapter)

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